Bump GNU Make compatibility version

Update the GNU Make compatibility version (MAKE_VERSION) to 4.2.1. The
previously used version 3.81 had been released 2006 the latest 3.x
version is 3.82, released in 2010. With today's toolchains it is quite a
bit of work to still get a 3.81 compiled and odds are that Kati users
are on newer systems anyway (Kati is compiled with C++17).

Lastly, as of today we validate ckati against the GNU Make provided in
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, which is currently 4.2.1. So, the best we can say
about compatibility is declaring MAKE_VERSION=4.2.1

In order to safeguard this, add explicit steps to use a 4.2.1 GNU Make
for testing in the github actions and add some documentation to achieve
the same result when testing locally.

Signed-off-by: Matthias Maennich <maennich@google.com>
4 files changed
tree: 125bbadf1d5929573c8757856c32648b3ea4e2bb
  1. .github/
  2. golang/
  3. src/
  4. testcase/
  5. .clang-format
  6. .dockerignore
  7. .gitignore
  9. clang-format-check
  13. Dockerfile
  14. go.mod
  15. go.sum
  16. INTERNALS.md
  18. Makefile
  19. Makefile.ckati
  20. Makefile.kati
  21. README.md
  22. run_test.go


Build and Test

kati is an experimental GNU make clone. The main goal of this tool is to speed-up incremental build of Android.

Currently, kati does not offer a faster build by itself. It instead converts your Makefile to a ninja file.



$ make ckati

The above command produces a ckati binary in the project root.

Testing (best ran in a Ubuntu 20.04 environment):

$ make test
$ go test --ckati
$ go test --ckati --ninja
$ go test --ckati --ninja --all

The above commands run all cKati and Ninja tests in the testcases/ directory.

Alternatively, you can also run the tests in a Docker container in a prepared test enviroment:

$ docker build -t kati-test . && docker run kati-test

If you are working on a machine that does not provide make in the same version as kati is currently compatible with, you might want to download a prebuilt version instead. For example to use the prebuilt version of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:

  $ mkdir tmp/ && cd tmp/
  $ wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/m/make-dfsg/make_4.2.1-1.2_amd64.deb
  $ ar xv make_4.2.1-1.2_amd64.deb
  $ tar xf data.tar.xz
  $ cd ..
  $ PATH=$(pwd)/tmp/usr/bin/:$PATH make test

How to use for Android

For Android-N+, ckati and ninja is used automatically. There is a prebuilt checked in under prebuilts/build-tools that is used.

All Android's build commands (m, mmm, mmma, etc.) should just work.