Support parsing int64 in Blueprint file.

Support int64 number instead of int to be more fixed to bit size so
that the underlying arch won't affect overflow cases. Besides,
refection: func (v Value) Int() int64 always cast to int64 no matter the
input is int, int16, int32. Currently we always treat "-" as negative
sign to bind to next value, and "+" as plus operator to add operands
So we allow:
a = 5 + -4 + 5 or a = -4 + 5
But we don't allow:
a = +5 + 4 + -4 since we don't treat "+" as a positive sign, otherwise,
a = 5 + +5 would exist which looks pretty weird. In the future, we may
want fully support number calculator logic eg, "+"/"-" can be
positive/negative sign or operator, and "(" and ")" will be considered
to group expressions with a higher precedence.

int & uint properties within struct keeps unchanged, which is only
allowed when tagged with 'blueprint:mutated'. We only allow *int64
property instead of int64 property within struct since it does't make
sense to do prepending or appending to int64.

Change-Id: I565e046dbd268af3538aee148cd7300037e56523
11 files changed
tree: f287ad39f59d3180cc58dc742b4d71320c009d30
  1. bootstrap/
  2. bpfmt/
  3. bpmodify/
  4. deptools/
  5. gotestmain/
  6. gotestrunner/
  7. loadplugins/
  8. microfactory/
  9. parser/
  10. pathtools/
  11. proptools/
  12. tests/
  13. .gitignore
  17. .travis.yml
  18. blueprint.bash
  19. blueprint_impl.bash
  20. Blueprints
  21. bootstrap.bash
  22. context.go
  23. context_test.go
  25. doc.go
  26. glob.go
  28. live_tracker.go
  29. mangle.go
  30. module_ctx.go
  31. ninja_defs.go
  32. ninja_strings.go
  33. ninja_strings_test.go
  34. ninja_writer.go
  35. ninja_writer_test.go
  36. package_ctx.go
  38. scope.go
  39. singleton_ctx.go
  40. splice_modules_test.go
  41. unpack.go
  42. unpack_test.go
  43. visit_test.go

Blueprint Build System

Build Status

Blueprint is a meta-build system that reads in Blueprints files that describe modules that need to be built, and produces a Ninja manifest describing the commands that need to be run and their dependencies. Where most build systems use built-in rules or a domain-specific language to describe the logic for converting module descriptions to build rules, Blueprint delegates this to per-project build logic written in Go. For large, heterogenous projects this allows the inherent complexity of the build logic to be maintained in a high-level language, while still allowing simple changes to individual modules by modifying easy to understand Blueprints files.