Add rules for generating docs.

These rules are moved from build/kleaf, with slight modifications
to make them generic:

- is generated to infer the subpath named with
  the name of the "docs" rule, in case there are multiple
  "docs" rule in a package
- flatten the contents; all markdown files are shown at once.
- Integrate "Directory" into "Table of contents". This removes
  directory.frag.html (but still needs default_file.frag.html,
  see below)
- index.html figures out the default file to show by checking
  the <a> tag with id "default_file", which is calculated from
  the "default" attribute of the docs rule

Test: pass
Bug: 199788453
Change-Id: I9bb4c3543f253f8ff88a19cea8238170cb113b3f
7 files changed
tree: d613dc4082516eadcf9f9930cc763ea64e4e38cc
  1. dist/
  2. docs/

Bazel Common Rules

This directory contains common Bazel rules and tools shared between the Platform and Kernel builds.

For platform-specific rules, place them in the platform checkout's //build/bazel/rules directory.

For kernel-specific rules, place them in kernel checkout's //build/kleaf directory.