How to Use

The most basic invocation, e.g. --cujs "modify Android.bp$" -- libc, is logically equivalent to

  1. running m --skip-soong-tests libc and then
  2. parsing $OUTDIR/soong_metrics, $OUTDIR/bp2build_metrics.pb etc
  3. Adding timing-related metrics from step 2 into out/timing_logs/metrics.csv
  4. Now it's “warmed-up”, for each cuj:
    1. apply changes associate with the cuj
    2. repeat steps 1 through 3

CUJs are defined in Each row in metrics.csv has the timings of various “phases” of a build.

Try --help and --help for help on usage.

CUJ groups

Since most CUJs involve making changes to the source code, we group a number of cujs together such that when any of them is specified, all CUJs