Use deploy.jar in java_test tradefed_test_suite

The benefits are:
1. We can have the full transitive dependencies.
2. We can use test_target.files_to_run.executable as
   test_executable for Java too.

Bug: 292248629

Test: b test //platform_testing/tests/example/jarhosttest:HelloWorldHostTest
Test: atest-dev --roboleaf-mode=dev HelloWorldHostTest \
--bazel-arg=--config=bes_metrics --bazel-arg=--nocache_test_results
Test: result invocation ID: 54f1f3d0-1419-4692-96a7-482d88c5e264

Change-Id: I7e950d4a9b427365293a92b5df4fb8b8b4d256b5
2 files changed
tree: e407e534f24fbc5a87bd3a5f2703cd897827f6ed
  1. api_surfaces/
  2. bin/
  3. ci/
  4. compliance/
  5. docs/
  6. examples/
  7. flags/
  8. json_module_graph/
  9. mk2rbc/
  10. mkcompare/
  11. platforms/
  12. product_config/
  13. product_variables/
  14. rules/
  15. scripts/
  16. tests/
  17. utils/
  18. vendor/
  19. .gitignore
  20. bazel.BUILD
  21. bazel.WORKSPACE
  23. common.bazelrc
  24. constants_exported_to_soong.bzl
  25. darwin.bazelrc
  26. linux.bazelrc
  27. OWNERS
  28. PREUPLOAD.cfg


The code in this directory is experimental. Bazel support for Android Platform is undergoing active development and workflow stability is currently not guaranteed.