Add support for apex prebuilts attribute.

This CL enables the tzdata APEX to be built by adding support for:

1) Populating the APEX input dir with mkdir/cp commands
2) Generating the canned_fs_config from files and subdirs in the input dir
3) Linking it up into apexer

Test: b build //system/timezone/ --//build/bazel/rules:enable_apex=True --action_env=APEXER_TOOL_PATH=$HOME/aosp/master/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin:$HOME/aosp/master/prebuilts/sdk/tools/linux/bin
Test: Verify with deapexer that the Bazel built APEX contains the same payload as the Soong built APEX
Bug: 194644492
Change-Id: I683618ffd99496145a15a32655c7d45e602e3fb4
2 files changed
tree: 51d5492d1446e9c4ccf467d5d464640e6fe3490e
  1. bazel_skylib/
  2. ci/
  3. docs/
  4. examples/
  5. json_module_graph/
  6. platforms/
  7. product_variables/
  8. rules/
  9. rules_cc/
  10. scripts/
  11. tests/
  12. bazel.BUILD
  14. bazel.WORKSPACE
  15. common.bazelrc
  16. darwin.bazelrc
  17. linux.bazelrc
  18. OWNERS


The code in this directory is experimental. Bazel support for Android Platform is undergoing active development and workflow stability is currently not guaranteed.