Refactor product config files

This cl renames product_config/utils.bzl to android_product.bzl for
clarity, and moves platforms/product_variables/product_platform.bzl
to product_config/product_variables_providing_rule.bzl for consistency
because it's only ever used from android_product.bzl.

Also move a number of functions from
product_variables_providing_rule.bzl to android_product.bzl because
they're only used from android_product.bzl. In theory there's no need
for product_variables_providing_rule.bzl because that rule is also
only used from android_product.bzl, but I plan on adding more to this
rule to make it complicated enough to warrent its own file.

Bug: 269577299
Test: b build --config=android `bmod`
Change-Id: I08a1eb672641f2e27ad8b9c20c2e3cab0146dfe1
3 files changed
tree: 16d7e424ad10a2077920082ff8cab43518253238
  1. api_surfaces/
  2. bin/
  3. ci/
  4. compliance/
  5. docs/
  6. examples/
  7. flags/
  8. json_module_graph/
  9. mk2rbc/
  10. mkcompare/
  11. platforms/
  12. product_config/
  13. product_variables/
  14. rules/
  15. scripts/
  16. tests/
  17. vendor/
  18. .gitignore
  19. bazel.BUILD
  20. bazel.WORKSPACE
  22. common.bazelrc
  23. darwin.bazelrc
  24. linux.bazelrc
  25. OWNERS
  26. PREUPLOAD.cfg


The code in this directory is experimental. Bazel support for Android Platform is undergoing active development and workflow stability is currently not guaranteed.