blob: 4b685bd84a648888a493f449e959a7fd0e7776d7 [file] [log] [blame]
# A repository rule to run soong_ui --make-mode to provide the Bazel standalone
# build with prebuilts from Make/Soong that Bazel can't build yet.
def _impl(rctx):
modules = rctx.attr.modules
build_dir = rctx.path(Label("//:WORKSPACE")).dirname
soong_ui_bash = str(build_dir) + "/build/soong/soong_ui.bash"
args = [
args += modules
rctx.report_progress("Building modules with Soong: %s" % str(modules))
out_dir = str(build_dir.dirname) + "/make_injection"
exec_result = rctx.execute(
environment = {
"OUT_DIR": out_dir,
# TODO(b/196224107): Make these customizable based on product config inputs.
"TARGET_PRODUCT": "aosp_arm",
"TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT": "userdebug",
quiet = False, # stream stdout so it shows progress
if exec_result.return_code != 0:
rctx.symlink(out_dir + "/host/linux-x86", "host/linux-x86")
rctx.symlink(out_dir + "/target", "target")
rctx.file("BUILD", """exports_files(glob(["host/linux-x86/**/*", "target/**/*"]))""")
make_injection_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _impl,
attrs = {
"modules": attr.string_list(mandatory = True, default = []),