Track ObjC object mapping

Objective-C .m/.mm files were not being tracked, so they were showing
up as unused source files (on Darwin). They were also triggering an
internal build system warning because the new object list did not
match the current list.

Change-Id: I01fff8c5587fe168106c60782080d60744311f6f
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
index d8b6816..f33f676 100644
--- a/core/
+++ b/core/
@@ -1013,6 +1013,7 @@
 objc_sources := $(filter %.m,$(my_src_files))
 objc_objects := $(addprefix $(intermediates)/,$(objc_sources:.m=.o))
+$(call track-src-file-obj,$(objc_sources),$(objc_objects))
 ifneq ($(strip $(objc_objects)),)
 $(objc_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/%.m $(yacc_cpps) $(proto_generated_headers) \
@@ -1027,6 +1028,7 @@
 objcpp_sources := $(filter,$(my_src_files))
 objcpp_objects := $(addprefix $(intermediates)/,$(
+$(call track-src-file-obj,$(objcpp_sources),$(objcpp_objects))
 ifneq ($(strip $(objcpp_objects)),)
 $(objcpp_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/ $(yacc_cpps) $(proto_generated_headers) \