fs_config: Fix cases without vendor/oem partition

If the device has neither an OEM nor a vendor partiton,
$PRIVATE_PARTITION_LIST will be empty, causing the fsconfig tool to fail
because the "--all-partitions" argument will be empty.

Quote the comma-substituted "$(PRIVATE_PARTITION_LIST)" - which may be
empty - to appease argparse, which will then populate "_all_partitions"
with an empty "str" object.

Checking _all_partitions against None is superfluous since either
argparse will catch the empty argument and fail early, or the argument
will be a string, in which case it will not be None.

Bug: 140578676
Test: build only a system partition
Signed-off-by: Felix <google@ix5.org>
Change-Id: I236e30445b303b4945467b5dc4387d54b5d984f9
(cherry picked from commit 8453f02c652e1ec0467648064393b61c9b424d68)
2 files changed
tree: a2d82b8be4cd2059a8a4154214535e58d0b84dc5
  1. common/
  2. core/
  3. packaging/
  4. target/
  5. tests/
  6. tools/
  7. .gitignore
  8. buildspec.mk.default
  9. Changes.md
  10. CleanSpec.mk
  11. envsetup.sh
  12. help.sh
  13. navbar.md
  14. OWNERS
  15. README.md
  16. tapasHelp.sh
  17. Usage.txt

Android Make Build System

This is the Makefile-based portion of the Android Build System.

For documentation on how to run a build, see Usage.txt

For a list of behavioral changes useful for Android.mk writers see Changes.md

For an outdated reference on Android.mk files, see build-system.html. Our Android.mk files look similar, but are entirely different from the Android.mk files used by the NDK build system. When searching for documentation elsewhere, ensure that it is for the platform build system -- most are not.

This Makefile-based system is in the process of being replaced with Soong, a new build system written in Go. During the transition, all of these makefiles are read by Kati, and generate a ninja file instead of being executed directly. That's combined with a ninja file read by Soong so that the build graph of the two systems can be combined and run as one.