Remove support for device libstdc++ as stl

Prevent platform modules from linking against libstdc++ as their STL
implementation.  NDK modules may still use libstdc++.

Change-Id: I317c9bb90ca7d2e0c1f5770bbdff8075dfe3cc83
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
index 0777645..b4ba7a2 100644
--- a/core/
+++ b/core/
@@ -105,11 +105,8 @@
 else ifeq ($(my_cxx_stl),ndk)
     # Using an NDK STL. Handled in
 else ifeq ($(my_cxx_stl),libstdc++)
-    # Using bionic's basic libstdc++. Not actually an STL. Only around until the
-    # tree is in good enough shape to not need it.
-        my_c_includes += bionic/libstdc++/include
-        my_system_shared_libraries += libstdc++
+        $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): $(LOCAL_MODULE): libstdc++ is not supported for device modules)
         # Host builds will use the system C++. libc++ on Darwin, GNU libstdc++ everywhere else
         my_cppflags += $($(my_prefix)SYSTEMCPP_CPPFLAGS)