Enable system partition compression

* Prerequisites: external/f2fs-tools: sload compression support
* Must work with corresponding changes in system/extras repository
* If Board config does not change, it falls back to old behavior,
  i.e. no compression for the system partition
* Kernel f2fs compression support is a prerequisite if the Board config
  enables the compression (see below)
* Necessary board config change
 (e.g. device/<vendor>/<product>/BoardConfig-common.mk)

BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_F2FS_SLOAD_COMPRESS_FLAGS := <sload compress sub-options>

Setting BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM_COMPRESS to true enables both the
compression support when the initial empty file system be made (mkfs.f2fs)
and the compression flag (-c) when the system image files be side-loaded
by sload.

Sload compress sub-options (i.e. options other than -c) will be provided
is empty, the default sub-options will be used

Please refer to the sload.f2fs manual page.

Setting BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE to f2fs is trivially necessary.

* File system table (fstab), notably the file 'fstab.hardware', should
  also changed:
  - The file type must be changed to f2fs
  - Perhaps also other f2fs-specific options

Bug: 170918499
Test: Pixel4a userdebug build (from build id 6918751)
Signed-off-by: Robin Hsu <robinhsu@google.com>
Change-Id: Id9d67b5cb35dc806e06ff1320e89114abc996a28
2 files changed
tree: 191800de1a60edc70ed0677d584d29ef32fa96b0
  1. common/
  2. core/
  3. packaging/
  4. target/
  5. tests/
  6. tools/
  7. .gitignore
  8. buildspec.mk.default
  9. Changes.md
  10. CleanSpec.mk
  11. Deprecation.md
  12. envsetup.sh
  13. help.sh
  14. navbar.md
  15. OWNERS
  16. rbesetup.sh
  17. README.md
  18. tapasHelp.sh
  19. Usage.txt

Android Make Build System

This is the Makefile-based portion of the Android Build System.

For documentation on how to run a build, see Usage.txt

For a list of behavioral changes useful for Android.mk writers see Changes.md

For an outdated reference on Android.mk files, see build-system.html. Our Android.mk files look similar, but are entirely different from the Android.mk files used by the NDK build system. When searching for documentation elsewhere, ensure that it is for the platform build system -- most are not.

This Makefile-based system is in the process of being replaced with Soong, a new build system written in Go. During the transition, all of these makefiles are read by Kati, and generate a ninja file instead of being executed directly. That's combined with a ninja file read by Soong so that the build graph of the two systems can be combined and run as one.