Export TARGET_GCC_VERSION as an env variable.

Have it referenced by the adbs tool to pick the specified toolchain.

Change-Id: I23df88946254a55d0749d6753e54559faf33e121
diff --git a/envsetup.sh b/envsetup.sh
index 1b70d10..a88d8ce 100644
--- a/envsetup.sh
+++ b/envsetup.sh
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
     # defined in core/config.mk
     targetgccversion=$(get_build_var TARGET_GCC_VERSION)
+    export TARGET_GCC_VERSION=$targetgccversion
     # The gcc toolchain does not exists for windows/cygwin. In this case, do not reference it.
diff --git a/tools/adbs b/tools/adbs
index 598af85..37c520c 100755
--- a/tools/adbs
+++ b/tools/adbs
@@ -140,13 +140,15 @@
     uname = "darwin-x86"
   elif uname == "Linux":
     uname = "linux-x86"
-  prefix = "./prebuilts/gcc/" + uname + "/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/bin/"
+  gcc_version = os.environ["TARGET_GCC_VERSION"]
+  prefix = "./prebuilts/gcc/" + uname + "/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-" + \
+           gcc_version + "/bin/"
   addr2line_cmd = prefix + "arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line"
   if (not os.path.exists(addr2line_cmd)):
       prefix = os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP'] + "/prebuilts/gcc/" + \
-               uname + "/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/bin/"
+               uname + "/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-" + gcc_version + "/bin/"
       prefix = "";