Remove obsolete CHANGES.TXT and ISSUES.TXT.

These haven't been updated in a long time, and "git log" is the source of truth.

Change-Id: I99036f6111e53425f32df510b7b717deb77513a5
diff --git a/libc/docs/CHANGES.TXT b/libc/docs/CHANGES.TXT
deleted file mode 100644
index 98b7fcf..0000000
--- a/libc/docs/CHANGES.TXT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-Bionic ChangeLog:
-Differences between current and Android 2.3:
-- <android/api-level.h>: Added new header to define __ANDROID_API__ to
-  a constant integer corresponding to the native API level. This header
-  also exists in the NDK's platform headers.
-- <sys/cdefs.h>: Include <android/api-level.h>
-- <time.h>: Add timegm(), timelocal(), time2posix() and posix2time()
-- <sched.h>: Add sched_getcpu(), sched_getaffinity(), sched_setaffinity(),
-  cpu_set_t and related macros (e.g. CPU_SETSIZE, CPU_ZERO, CPU_SET, ...)
-- <unistd.h>: Add ftruncate64().
-- <signal.h>: Changed the definition of SIGRTMAX to 64. However, note that
-  sigset_t is only 32-bit and cannot deal with real-time signals.
-Differences between Android 2.3 and Android 2.2:
-- <pthread.h>: Add reader/writer locks implementation. Add sanity
-  checking to pthread_mutex_destroy() (e.g. a locked mutex will return
-  EBUSY).
-- <semaphore.h>: Use private futexes for semaphore implementation,
-  unless your set 'pshared' to non-0 when calling sem_init().
-  Also fixed a bug in sem_post() to make it wake up all waiting
-  threads, instead of one. As a consequence, the maximum semaphore
-  value is now reduced to 0x3fffffff.
-- <math.h>: Added sincos(), sincosf() and sincosl() (GLibc compatibility).
-- <sys/sysinfo.h>: Added missing sysinfo() system call implementation
-  (the function was already declared in the header though).
-- sysconf() didn't work for some arguments due to a small bug in the
-  /proc line parser.
-- <termio.h>: added missing header (just includes <termios.h>)
-- <unistd.h>: add missing declaration for truncate(). The implementation
-  was already here since Android 1.5.
-  modify implementation of alarm() to return 0 in case of error (i.e.
-  if a value larger than 0x7fffffff seconds is passed to it). This
-  makes the implementation compliant with the GLibc behaviour.
-- <wchar.h>: small fixes to really support wchar_t in Bionic (not there yet).
-     the size of wchar_t is still 32-bit (decided by the compiler)
-     WCHAR_MIN: changed from 0 to INT_MIN
-     WCHAR_MAX: changed from 255 to INT_MAX
-     wcpcpy(), wcpncpy(), wcscat(), wcschr(), wcscmp(),
-     wcscpy(), wcscspn(), wcsdup(), wcslcat(), wcslcpy(),
-     wcslen(), wcsncat(), wcsncmp(), wcsncpy(), wcsnlen(),
-     wcspbrk(), wcsrchr(), wcsrchr(), wcsspn(), wcsstr(),
-     wcstok(), wcswidth(), wmemchr(), wmemcmp(), wmemcpy(),
-     wmemmove(), wmemset(): Added proper implementations.
-     wcscasecmp(), wcsncasecmp(): Added implementation limited
-     to ASCII codes for lower/upper.
-     wcscoll(): added dummy implementation that calls wcscmp()
-     wcsxfrm(): added dummy implementation that calls wcsncpy()
-  NOTE: Technically, this breaks the ABI, but we never claimed to support
-        wchar_t anyway. The wchar_t support is still *NOT* official at this
-        point. We need better multi-byte support code, and wprintf/wscanf
-        stuff too.
-- <inttypes.h>: add missing declarations for strntoimax abd strntoumax.
-- <stdlib.h>: add missing declarations for drand48() and erand48().
-- clearerr(): fix broken implementation.
-- Feature test macros like _POSIX_C_SOURCE / _XOPEN_SOURCE / _C99_SOURCE
-  are now handled correctly by our C library headers (see <sys/cdefs.h>)
-- <sys/select.h>: add missing declaration for pselect()
-- <sys/vfs.h>: fixed implementation of fstatfs() (also fixes fpathconf()
-  which uses it).
-- Added an implementation of pthread_atfork()
-- <dlfcn.h>: fixed dlopen() implementation to support dlopen(NULL, ...).
-  This allows one to look at the dynamic symbols exported by an executable.
-- <private/bionic_tls.h>: use kernel helper functions for static versions
-  of the C library. This is necessary because we don't know where the corresponding
-  machine code is going to run, and the optimization for __get_tls() might
-  not match the features of the target device where we run a static executable
-  linked to the C library. This fixes one of the bug that explains why gdbserver
-  didn't work well with threads.
-Differences between Android 2.2. and Android 2.1:
-- Support FP register save/load in setjmp()/longjmp() on ARMv7 builds.
-- Add support for SH-4 CPU architecture !
-- __atomic_swap(): use LDREX/STREX CPU instructions on ARMv6 and higher.
-- <arpa/telnet.h>: New header (declarations only, no implementation).
-- <err.h>: New header + implementation. GLibc compatibility.
-- <warn.h>: New header + implementation. GLibc compatibility.
-- <fts.h>: New header + implementation.
-- <mntent.h>: Add missing <stdio.h> include.
-- <regex.h>: New header + implementation.
-- <signal.h>: Added killpg()
-- <stdint.h>: Allow 64-bit type declarations on C99 builds.
-- <stdio.h>: Add fdprintf() and vfdprintf(). Note that GLibc provides
-  the confusing 'dprintf' and 'vdprintf()' functions instead.
-- <stdlib.h>: Fix ptsname_r(): the return type is int instead of char*.
-  The mistake comes from a GLibc man page bug (the man page listed a return
-  type of char*, while the implementation used int. Fixed in late 2009 only).
-  The Bionic implementation was incorrect. Technically, this is an ABI
-  breakage, but code that used this function probably never worked or
-  compiled properly anyway.
-- <strings.h>: Add missing <sys/types.h> include.
-- <sys/queue.h>: Added new header (no implementation - macro templates).
-- <sys/resource.h>: Add rlim_t proper definition.
-- <time64.h>: Add missing C++ header inclusion guards.
-- <unistd.h>: Add getusershell(), setusershell() and endusershell(), though
-  implementation are bogus. GLibc compatibility.
-- <wchar.h>: Add mbstowcs() and wcstombs()
-- add clone() implementation for ARM (x86 and SH-4 not working yet).
-- <sys/epoll.h>: <sys/system_properties.h>: Add missing C++ inclusion guards
-- fix getpwnam() and getpwgrp() to accept "app_0" as a valid user name.
-- fix sem_trywait() to return -1 and set errno to EAGAIN, instead of
-  returning EAGAIN directly.
-- fix sem_post() to wake up multiple threads when called rapidly in
-  succession.
-- DNS: partial implementation of RFC3484 (rule 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10 and
-  modified rule 9), for better address selection/sorting.
-  In the process, removed code that was previously used for "sortlist"
-  in /etc/resolv.conf. (resolv.conf is already ignored, so the latter
-  is a no-op for actual functionality.)
-- fix pthread_sigmask() to properly return an error code without touching
-  errno. Previous implementation returned -1 on error, setting errno, which
-  is not Posix compliant.
-- add sigaltstack() implementation for ARM.
-- <time.h>: Properly implement the 'timezone' and 'daylight' global variables
-  (they were not defined previously, though declared in the header).
-- <time.h>: Fix timezone management implementation to properly update
-  'tm_gmtoff' field in 'struct tm' structure.
-- DNS: get rid of spurious random DNS queries when trying to resolve
-  an unknown domain name. Due to an initialization bug, a random DNS search
-  list was generated for each thread if is not defined.
-- <pthread.h>: Add pthread_condattr_init/destroy/setpshared/getpshared functions
-  to enable proper shared conditional variable initialization.
-  Modify the pthread_mutex_t and pthread_cond_t implementation to use private
-  futexes for performance reasons. Mutexes and Condvars are no longer shareable
-  between processes by default anymore, unless you use PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED
-  with pthread_mutexattr_setpshared() and/or pthread_condattr_setpshared().
-Differences between Android 2.1 and 2.0.1:
-- zoneinfo: updated data tables to version 2009s
-Differences between Android 2.0.1 and 2.0:
-- abort(): ARM-specific hack to preserve the 'lr' register when abort()
-  is called (GCC does not preserve it by default since it thinks that
-  abort() never returns). This improves stack traces considerably.
-Differences between Android 2.0 and 1.6:
-- memcmp(), memcpy(): ARMv7 optimized versions.
-- pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(): implementation will not return ENOTSUP
-  if PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED is used, because our Mutex implementation can
-  work across multiple processes.
-  *HOWEVER* it does not use "robust futexes" which means that held mutexes
-  *are not* automatically released by the kernel when the owner process
-  crashes or exits. This is only done to simplify communication between
-  two always-live system processes, DO NOT USE THIS IN APPLICATIONS !
-- pthread_mutex_lock_timeout_np(): New Android-specific function to
-  perform a timed lock (). In case of timeout, it returns EBUSY.
-- pthread_cond_timedwait_monotonic_np(): Same as pthread_cond_timedwait()
-  but uses the monotonic clock(). Android-specific.
-- pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np(): Same as pthread_cond_timedwait()
-  but uses a relative timeout instead. Android-specific.
-- <netinet/in.h>: Now includes <netinet/in6.h>.
-  and ipv6mr_interface definitions.
-- <time.h>:
-    * Add missing tzset() declaration.
-    * Add Android-specific strftime_tz().
-- getaddrinfo():
-    Only perform IPv6 lookup for AF_UNSPEC if we have IPv6 connectivity.
-    This saves one DNS query per lookup on non-IPv6 systems.
-- mktime(): Fix an infinite loop problen that appeared when switching to
-  GCC 4.4.0.
-- strftime(): fix incorrect handling of dates > 2038 due to 64-bit issue
-  in original code.
-Differences between Android 1.6 and 1.5:
-- C runtime: Fix runtime initialization to be called before any static C++
-  constructors. This allows these to use pthread functions properly.
-- __aeabi_atexit(): Fix implementation to properly call C++ static destructors
-  when the program exits (or when a shared library is unloaded).
-- <sys/stat.h>: added GLibc compatibility macros definitions:
-        #define  st_atimensec  st_atime_nsec
-        #define  st_mtimensec  st_mtime_nsec
-        #define  st_ctimensec  st_ctime_nsec
-- getaddrinfo(): implementation will now allow numeric ports if ai_socktype is
-  set to ANY. This is to match the GLibc behaviour.
-- getservent(): and getservent_r() incorrectly returned the port in host-endian
-  order in the s_port field. It now returns it in big-endian order.
-- DNS: Allow underscore in the middle of DNS labels. While not really
-  standard, this extension is needed for some VPN configurations and is
-  supported by other operating systems.
-- DNS: Support for DNS domain search lists through the new
-  system property. The corresponding value must be a space-separated list of
-  domain suffixes.
diff --git a/libc/docs/ISSUES.TXT b/libc/docs/ISSUES.TXT
deleted file mode 100644
index b53eb16..0000000
--- a/libc/docs/ISSUES.TXT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Bionic C Library Issues:
-This document lists important known issues of various releases
-of the Bionic C library. Note that these differ from specific
-implementation choices that are documented in the OVERVIEW.TXT
-Currently known issues:
-- The C library initialization will improperly run static C++
-  constructors located in shared libraries twice.
-Android-1.5 issues:
-- getservbyname() returned the port number in the s_port field of
-  the 'struct servent' structure in host-byte-order, instead of
-  network-byte-order.