Additional work on packaging the go/lem tarball

Delete existing symlinks if they're going to be copied
over (necessary for dex2oat).

Update flags to cp to preserve relative symlink. This is necessary for
dalvikvm since ART script determines whether to use a library path for
32-bit or a 64-bit based on the target name of the dalvikvm symlink.

Add dexdump to programs copied to system/bin to trigger test run on
go/lem which does not otherwise detect this CL as changing the build.

Bug: 129332183
Test: Manual inspection of tarball for 32-bit and 64-bit.
Test: Extract tarballs check symlinks valid with symlinks(8).
Test: Check ability to run a sample of golem benchmarks on a local
      32-bit test device.
Test: Trial of CL on go/lem.

Change-Id: I24819a36bc7f0370c3778236b5e7f7308f3b48d8
1 file changed