ART: Add (Fpu)RegHigh stack map location kinds

When running Optimized code on 64-bit, high value of vreg pair may be
stored in the high 32 bits of a CPU register. This is not reflected in
stack maps which would encode both the low and high vreg as
kInRegister with the same register number, making it indistinguishable
from two non-wide vregs with the same value in the lower 32 bits.

Deoptimization deals with this by running the verifier and thus
obtaining vreg pair information, but this would be too slow for try/
catch. This patch therefore adds two new stack map location kinds:
kInRegisterHigh and kInFpuRegisterHigh to differentiate between the
two cases.

Note that this also applies to floating-point registers on x86.

Change-Id: I15092323e56a661673e77bee1f0fca4261374732
5 files changed