blob: 6ac5803b494016b78ede3617ba7d6b07020447a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "image_writer.h"
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <vector>
#include "file.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "heap.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "space.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace art {
bool ImageWriter::Write(Space* space, const char* filename, byte* image_base) {
image_base_ = image_base;
if (!Init(space)) {
return false;
scoped_ptr<File> file(OS::OpenBinaryFile(filename, true));
if (file == NULL) {
return false;
return file->WriteFully(mem_map_->GetAddress(), top_);
bool ImageWriter::Init(Space* space) {
size_t size = space->Size();
int prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
size_t length = RoundUp(size, kPageSize);
mem_map_.reset(MemMap::Map(length, prot, flags));
if (mem_map_ == NULL) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "mmap failed";
return false;
return true;
void ImageWriter::CalculateNewObjectOffsets() {
HeapBitmap* heap_bitmap = Heap::GetLiveBits();
DCHECK(heap_bitmap != NULL);
DCHECK_EQ(0U, top_);
top_ += sizeof(uint64_t); // leave a header, ensures objects have non-zero offset for DCHECKs
heap_bitmap->Walk(CalculateNewObjectOffsetsCallback, this);
DCHECK_LT(top_, mem_map_->GetLength());
// Note that top_ is left at end of used space
void ImageWriter::CalculateNewObjectOffsetsCallback(Object *obj, void *arg) {
DCHECK(obj != NULL);
DCHECK(arg != NULL);
ImageWriter* image_writer = reinterpret_cast<ImageWriter*>(arg);
image_writer->SetImageOffset(obj, image_writer->top_);
image_writer->top_ += RoundUp(obj->Size(), 8); // 64-bit alignment
DCHECK_LT(image_writer->top_, image_writer->mem_map_->GetLength());
void ImageWriter::CopyAndFixupObjects() {
HeapBitmap* heap_bitmap = Heap::GetLiveBits();
DCHECK(heap_bitmap != NULL);
heap_bitmap->Walk(CopyAndFixupObjectsCallback, this);
void ImageWriter::CopyAndFixupObjectsCallback(Object *obj, void *arg) {
DCHECK(obj != NULL);
DCHECK(arg != NULL);
ImageWriter* image_writer = reinterpret_cast<ImageWriter*>(arg);
size_t offset = image_writer->GetImageOffset(obj);
byte* dst = image_writer->mem_map_->GetAddress() + offset;
byte* src = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(obj);
size_t n = obj->Size();
DCHECK_LT(offset + n, image_writer->mem_map_->GetLength());
memcpy(dst, src, n);
Object* copy = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(dst);
image_writer->FixupObject(obj, copy);
void ImageWriter::FixupObject(Object* orig, Object* copy) {
DCHECK(orig != NULL);
DCHECK(copy != NULL);
copy->klass_ = down_cast<Class*>(GetImageAddress(orig->klass_));
// TODO specical case init of pointers to malloc data (or removal of these pointers)
if (orig->IsObjectArray()) {
FixupObjectArray(orig->AsObjectArray<Object>(), down_cast<ObjectArray<Object>*>(copy));
} else {
FixupInstanceFields(orig, copy);
void ImageWriter::FixupObjectArray(ObjectArray<Object>* orig, ObjectArray<Object>* copy) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < orig->GetLength(); ++i) {
const Object* element = orig->Get(i);
copy->Set(i, GetImageAddress(element));
void ImageWriter::FixupInstanceFields(Object* orig, Object* copy) {
uint32_t ref_offsets = orig->GetClass()->GetReferenceOffsets();
if (ref_offsets != CLASS_WALK_SUPER) {
// Found a reference offset bitmap. Fixup the specified offsets.
while (ref_offsets != 0) {
size_t right_shift = CLZ(ref_offsets);
size_t byte_offset = CLASS_OFFSET_FROM_CLZ(right_shift);
const Object* ref = orig->GetFieldObject(byte_offset);
copy->SetFieldObject(byte_offset, GetImageAddress(ref));
ref_offsets &= ~(CLASS_HIGH_BIT >> right_shift);
} else {
// There is no reference offset bitmap for this class. Walk up
// the class inheritance hierarchy and find reference offsets the
// hard way.
for (Class *klass = orig->GetClass();
klass != NULL;
klass = klass->GetSuperClass()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumReferenceInstanceFields(); ++i) {
size_t field_offset = klass->GetInstanceField(i)->GetOffset();
const Object* ref = orig->GetFieldObject(field_offset);
copy->SetFieldObject(field_offset, GetImageAddress(ref));
} // namespace art