Fix name-based detection of JIT-zygote boot image extension.

ART detects JIT-zygote boot image by the image name. This has been
broken since boot image extension has been enabled for JIT-zygote
config in CL I5493e575ebf90bad1d5ad2850004d54590bbc079.

This CL replaces 'kApexBootImage' with 'kApexBootImageExtension',
since the JIT-zygote image is always used with extension.

Test: compare and,
  they were identical before this CL, and differ after this CL.

Test: JIT-zygote config boots, steps 1-2:

  1. Temporarily enable Jit zygote in the product device config (in
    this case device/google/muskie/

    +# System server should not contain compiled code.
    +# Use the apex image for preopting.
    +# Have the runtime pick up the apex image.
    +    dalvik.vm.boot-image=/apex/

  2. Build and flash:
    $ lunch aosp_walleye-userdebug && m \
    && adb reboot bootloader && fastboot flashall -w

Change-Id: Ifd3d3c13107c2e4514eed7c4e2b1bbc5a5a12245
3 files changed