Revert "ART: Fix gtests after try/catch change"

Need to revert the whole try/catch CL until issues are fixed.

This reverts commit a65930de077a4d7c1110e66ccd950061a85353d0.

Change-Id: Idd69215c87230a8616923665a55fe81891c78bec
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 0a0b4a6..742429c 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -467,11 +467,11 @@
     code_ptr += instruction.SizeInCodeUnits();
-  // Add Exit to the exit block.
-  exit_block_->AddInstruction(new (arena_) HExit());
   // Add the suspend check to the entry block.
   entry_block_->AddInstruction(new (arena_) HSuspendCheck(0));
   entry_block_->AddInstruction(new (arena_) HGoto());
+  // Add Exit to the exit block.
+  exit_block_->AddInstruction(new (arena_) HExit());
   // Iterate over blocks covered by TryItems and insert TryBoundaries at entry
   // and exit points. This requires all control-flow instructions and