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// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
namespace art {
// STLDeleteContainerPointers()
// For a range within a container of pointers, calls delete
// (non-array version) on these pointers.
// NOTE: for these three functions, we could just implement a DeleteObject
// functor and then call for_each() on the range and functor, but this
// requires us to pull in all of algorithm.h, which seems expensive.
// For hash_[multi]set, it is important that this deletes behind the iterator
// because the hash_set may call the hash function on the iterator when it is
// advanced, which could result in the hash function trying to deference a
// stale pointer.
template <class ForwardIterator>
void STLDeleteContainerPointers(ForwardIterator begin,
ForwardIterator end) {
while (begin != end) {
ForwardIterator temp = begin;
delete *temp;
// STLDeleteElements() deletes all the elements in an STL container and clears
// the container. This function is suitable for use with a vector, set,
// hash_set, or any other STL container which defines sensible begin(), end(),
// and clear() methods.
// If container is NULL, this function is a no-op.
// As an alternative to calling STLDeleteElements() directly, consider
// ElementDeleter (defined below), which ensures that your container's elements
// are deleted when the ElementDeleter goes out of scope.
template <class T>
void STLDeleteElements(T *container) {
if (!container) return;
STLDeleteContainerPointers(container->begin(), container->end());
} // namespace art
#endif // ART_SRC_STL_UTIL_H_