blob: 9a6cefad6d0c87ad11f9628a579870918f42ec0f [file] [log] [blame]
* Check to see if a cast from one class to another is allowed.
# check-cast vAA, class /* BBBB */
FETCH(a0, 1) # a0 <- BBBB
GET_OPA(a1) # a1 <- AA
EAS2(a1, rFP, a1) # a1 <- &object
lw a2, OFF_FP_METHOD(rFP) # a2 <- method
move a3, rSELF # a3 <- self
JAL(MterpCheckCast) # v0 <- CheckCast(index, &obj, method, self)
bnez v0, MterpPossibleException
GET_INST_OPCODE(t0) # extract opcode from rINST
GOTO_OPCODE(t0) # jump to next instruction