Kill chroot processes at the end of the ART Buildbot tear-down script.

If we catch processes from binaries located under the chroot
directory still running at the end of the tear-down step, kill

Also refactor the tear-down script a bit.

Test: Rely on the ART Buildbot
Bug: 34729697
Change-Id: I49d11f4eb4e7251d1b95cc2d1fbe6fa46af21ac8
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index d25dd2b..be68b9f 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -34,17 +34,36 @@
     echo -e "${green}List open files under chroot dir $ART_TEST_CHROOT${nc}"
     adb shell lsof | grep "$ART_TEST_CHROOT"
-    echo -e "${green}List processes running from binaries under chroot dir $ART_TEST_CHROOT${nc}"
-    for link in $(adb shell ls -d "/proc/*/root"); do
-      root=$(adb shell readlink "$link")
-      if [[ "x$root" = "x$ART_TEST_CHROOT" ]]; then
-        dir=$(dirname "$link")
-        pid=$(basename "$dir")
-        cmdline=$(adb shell cat "$dir"/cmdline | tr -d '\000')
-        echo "$cmdline (PID: $pid)"
-      fi
-    done
+    # for_all_chroot_process ACTION
+    # -----------------------------
+    # Execute ACTION on all processes running from binaries located
+    # under the chroot directory. ACTION is passed two arguments: the
+    # PID of the process, and a string containing the command line
+    # that started this process.
+    for_all_chroot_process() {
+      local action=$1
+      for link in $(adb shell ls -d "/proc/*/root"); do
+        local root=$(adb shell readlink "$link")
+        if [[ "x$root" = "x$ART_TEST_CHROOT" ]]; then
+          local dir=$(dirname "$link")
+          local pid=$(basename "$dir")
+          local cmdline=$(adb shell cat "$dir"/cmdline | tr '\000' ' ')
+          $action "$pid" "$cmdline"
+        fi
+      done
+    }
+    # display_process PID CMDLINE
+    # ---------------------------
+    # Display information about process with given PID, that was started with CMDLINE.
+    display_process() {
+      local pid=$1
+      local cmdline=$2
+      echo "$cmdline (PID: $pid)"
+    }
+    echo -e "${green}List processes running from binaries under chroot dir $ART_TEST_CHROOT${nc}"
+    for_all_chroot_process display_process
     # Tear down the chroot dir.
@@ -102,5 +121,22 @@
     for f in $property_context_files; do
       adb shell rm -f "$ART_TEST_CHROOT$f"
+    # Kill processes still running in the chroot.
+    # kill_process PID CMDLINE
+    # ------------------------
+    # Kill process with given PID, that was started with CMDLINE.
+    kill_process() {
+      local pid=$1
+      local cmdline=$2
+      echo "Killing $cmdline (PID: $pid)"
+      adb shell kill -9 "$pid"
+    }
+    echo -e "${green}Kill processes still running from binaries under" \
+      "chroot dir $ART_TEST_CHROOT (if any)${nc} "
+    for_all_chroot_process kill_process