tree: cd6f94e850c057f7b45b90e20084be0e75056875 [path history] [tgz]
  1. class-verifier-corpus/
  2. dex-verifier-corpus/
  3. Android.bp
  5. dex.dict

Building the ART Fuzzer

There are two ways to run one of the existing fuzzers: on host or on device. The building and running takes place in the full Android platform tree (aosp-main-with-phones). For host there's the possibility of using a smaller AOSP Android manifest (master-art). The latter is faster to build, because it only has the sources and dependencies required for the module.

In the following tutorial we use the class verification fuzzer. We set a shell variable with the fuzzer's name for convenience. Their names can be found in the Android.bp file, under the cc_fuzz build rules.


Common steps for host and device

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the android repository.

  2. From the console, set up the development environment.

    source build/
  3. Build the fuzzer for host/device

    The command is composed of:

    lunch <product>-trunk_staging-<variant>
    SANITIZE_HOST=address make ${FUZZER_NAME}

    For host you can use any valid lunch target, for example:

    lunch silvermont-trunk_staging-eng

    For device, you have to select your target according to the device you are using it to run the fuzzer.

    lunch aosp_husky-trunk_staging-userdebug


  1. Run the fuzzer

    In this example we assume an x86_64 host architecture:

    out/host/linux-x86/fuzz/x86_64/${FUZZER_NAME}/${FUZZER_NAME} \

    The first part of the command is the path to the fuzzer's binary, followed by the corpus. See for more valid flags. For example, you can add the flag -print_pcs=1 which makes it more verbose.


  1. Add the fuzzer's files on the device

    adb root
    adb sync data
  2. Run the fuzzer

    Any supported architecture can be used. For example, for arm64:

    adb shell /data/fuzz/arm64/${FUZZER_NAME}/${FUZZER_NAME} \

    The first part of the command is the path to the fuzzer's binary and the next one is the corpus.


The fuzzer uses a corpus as a starting point in order to generate new inputs representing DEX files. Our current corpus contains a mix of hand-created DEX files, regression tests, and DEX files from our test suite. Also, when the fuzzer generates a new input and it proves that it offers more code coverage, it is added to the existing corpus as a DEX file.

If you want to run with the initial corpus, it needs to be removed and built again.

For host, assuming an x86_64 host architecture:

rm -rf out/host/linux-x86/fuzz/x86_64/${FUZZER_NAME}/corpus

For device, you also need to sync the data. For example, for arm64:

adb shell rm -rf /data/fuzz/arm64/${FUZZER_NAME}/corpus
adb sync data