Add a simple profiling agent.

This agent will simply hold onto how many times each method is called
and dump the information in a JSON file wherever one wishes.

Test: manual, attach to google-maps
Test: ./art/test/run-test --host --dev --64 --with-agent $ANDROID_HOST_OUT/lib64/,dump_on_shutdown 001-HelloWorld
Test: ```
% adb root
% adb shell setenforce 0
% adb push $OUT/system/lib64/ /data/local/tmp/
% adb shell
blueline:/ # cd /data/data/
blueline:/data/data/ # cp /data/local/tmp/ .
blueline:/data/data/ # ps -A | grep maps
u0_a178        9143    927 15691440 190132 SyS_epoll_wait     0 S
blueline:/data/data/ # cmd activity attach-agent $PWD/$PWD/maps.json
blueline:/data/data/ # # Do things on the app.
blueline:/data/data/ # kill -3 9143
blueline:/data/data/ # wc -l maps.json
17901 maps.json
blueline:/data/data/ # ^D
% adb pull /data/data/
% jq 'sort_by(.count) | reverse' maps.json | head -13
    "class_name": "Ljava/lang/String;",
    "method_name": "charAt",
    "method_descriptor": "(I)C",
    "count": 586996
    "class_name": "Ljava/lang/Object;",
    "method_name": "<init>",
    "method_descriptor": "()V",
    "count": 482491

Change-Id: I87056f641648c496c63c9de715951b65707844ef
4 files changed