blob: 3a3bf34e0888d914679ece344c11b5c407a35211 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Regenerate some ART test related files.
# This script handles only a subset of ART run-tests at the moment; additional
# cases will be added later.
import argparse
import copy
import collections
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import textwrap
import xml.dom.minidom
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
ME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
# Common advisory placed at the top of all generated files.
ADVISORY = f"Generated by `{ME}`. Do not edit manually."
# Default indentation unit.
INDENT = " "
# Indentation unit for XML files.
def reindent(str, indent = ""):
"""Reindent literal string while removing common leading spaces."""
return textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent(str), indent)
def copyright_header_text(year):
"""Return the copyright header text used in XML files."""
return reindent(f"""\
Copyright (C) {year} The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
""", " ")
def split_list(l, n):
"""Return a list of `n` sublists of (contiguous) elements of list `l`."""
assert n > 0
(d, m) = divmod(len(l), n)
# If the length of `l` is divisible by `n`, use that that divisor (`d`) as size of each sublist;
# otherwise, the next integer value (`d + 1`).
s = d if m == 0 else d + 1
result = [l[i:i + s] for i in range(0, len(l), s)]
assert len(result) == n
return result
# The prefix used in the Soong module name of all ART run-tests.
# Number of shards used to declare ART run-tests in the sharded ART MTS test plan.
# Name of the ART MTS test list containing "eng-only" test modules,
# which require a device-under-test running a `userdebug` or `eng`
# build.
ENG_ONLY_TEST_LIST_NAME = "mts-art-tests-list-eng-only"
# Name of Lint baseline filename used in certain ART run-tests,
# e.g. for the `NewApi` check (see e.g. b/268261262).
LINT_BASELINE_FILENAME = "lint-baseline.xml"
# Curated list of tests that have a custom `run` script, but that are
# known to work fine with the default test execution strategy (i.e.
# when ignoring their `run` script), even if not exactly as they would
# with the original ART run-test harness.
runnable_test_exceptions = frozenset([
# Known slow tests, for which the timeout value is raised.
known_slow_tests = frozenset([
# Known failing ART run-tests.
# TODO(rpl): Investigate and address the causes of failures.
known_failing_tests = frozenset([
# 449-checker-bce: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# 596-monitor-inflation: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# 623-checker-loop-regressions: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# 680-checker-deopt-dex-pc-0: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# 716-jli-jit-samples: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# 730-cha-deopt: Fails with:
# Test command execution failed with status FAILED: CommandResult: exit code=1, out=, err=Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=0
# at Main.main(
# 813-fp-args: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# 821-many-args: Fails with:
# Test command execution failed with status FAILED: CommandResult: exit code=1, out=, err=Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=0
# at Main.main(
# 823-cha-inlining: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# 826-infinite-loop: The test expects an argument passed to `Main.main` (the test library,
# usually `arttestd` or `arttest)`, but the ART run-test TradeFed test runner
# (``) does not implement this yet.
# 832-cha-recursive: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# 837-deopt: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# 844-exception: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# 844-exception2: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# 966-default-conflict: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# These tests need native code.
# 1002-notify-startup: Dependency on `libarttest` + custom `check` script.
# 2040-huge-native-alloc: Fails with:
# Test command execution failed with status FAILED: CommandResult: exit code=1, out=, err=Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=0
# at Main.main(
# 2275-pthread-name: Dependency on `libarttest`.
# These ART run-tests are new and have not had enough post-submit runs
# to meet pre-submit SLOs. Monitor their post-submit runs before
# removing them from this set (in order to promote them to
# presubmits).
postsubmit_only_tests = frozenset([
known_failing_on_hwasan_tests = frozenset([
"CtsJdwpTestCases", # times out
# apexd fails to unmount on ASan builds.
# ART gtests that do not need root access to the device.
art_gtest_user_module_names = [
# ART gtests that need root access to the device.
art_gtest_eng_only_module_names = [
# All supported ART gtests.
art_gtest_module_names = sorted(art_gtest_user_module_names + art_gtest_eng_only_module_names)
# These ART gtests are new and have not had enough post-submit runs
# to meet pre-submit SLOs. Monitor their post-submit runs before
# removing them from this set (in order to promote them to
# presubmits).
art_gtest_postsubmit_only_module_names = [
# ART gtests not supported in MTS.
art_gtest_modules_excluded_from_mts = [
# TODO(b/347717488): Consider adding this test to ART MTS.
# ART gtests supported in MTS that do not need root access to the device.
art_gtest_mts_user_module_names = [t for t in art_gtest_user_module_names
if t not in art_gtest_modules_excluded_from_mts]
# ART gtests supported in presubmits.
art_gtest_presubmit_module_names = [t for t in art_gtest_module_names
if t not in art_gtest_postsubmit_only_module_names]
# ART gtests supported in Mainline presubmits.
art_gtest_mainline_presubmit_module_names = copy.copy(art_gtest_presubmit_module_names)
# ART gtests supported in postsubmits.
unknown_art_gtest_postsubmit_only_module_names = [t for t in art_gtest_postsubmit_only_module_names
if t not in art_gtest_module_names]
if unknown_art_gtest_postsubmit_only_module_names:
The following `art_gtest_postsubmit_only_module_names` elements are not part of
`art_gtest_module_names`: """) + str(unknown_art_gtest_postsubmit_only_module_names))
art_gtest_postsubmit_module_names = copy.copy(art_gtest_postsubmit_only_module_names)
# Tests exhibiting a flaky behavior, currently exluded from MTS for
# the stake of stability / confidence (b/209958457).
flaky_tests_excluded_from_mts = {
"CtsLibcoreFileIOTestCases": [
("android.cts.FileChannelInterProcessLockTest#" + m) for m in [
"CtsLibcoreTestCases": [
("" + m + c)
for (m, c) in itertools.product(
"[0: TLSv1.2 client, TLSv1.2 server]",
"[1: TLSv1.2 client, TLSv1.3 server]",
"[2: TLSv1.3 client, TLSv1.2 server]",
"[3: TLSv1.3 client, TLSv1.3 server]",
] + [
("libcore.dalvik.system.DelegateLastClassLoaderTest#" + m) for m in [
# Tests excluded from all test mapping test groups.
# Example of admissible values in this dictionary:
# "art_standalone_cmdline_tests": ["CmdlineParserTest#TestCompilerOption"],
# "art_standalone_dexopt_chroot_setup_tests": ["DexoptChrootSetupTest#HelloWorld"],
failing_tests_excluded_from_test_mapping = {
# Empty.
# Tests failing because of linking issues, currently exluded from MTS
# and Mainline Presubmits to minimize noise in continuous runs while
# we investigate.
# Example of admissible values in this dictionary: same as for
# `failing_tests_excluded_from_test_mapping` (see above).
# TODO(b/247108425): Address the linking issues and re-enable these
# tests.
failing_tests_excluded_from_mts_and_mainline_presubmits = {
"art_standalone_compiler_tests": ["JniCompilerTest*"],
"art_standalone_libartpalette_tests": ["PaletteClientJniTest*"],
failing_tests_excluded_from_mainline_presubmits = (
failing_tests_excluded_from_test_mapping |
# Is `run_test` a Checker test (i.e. a test containing Checker
# assertions)?
def is_checker_test(run_test):
return re.match("^[0-9]+-checker-", run_test)
def gen_mts_test_list_file(tests, test_list_file, copyright_year, configuration_description,
tests_description, comments = []):
"""Generate an ART MTS test list file."""
root = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
advisory_header = root.createComment(f" {ADVISORY} ")
copyright_header = root.createComment(copyright_header_text(copyright_year))
configuration = root.createElement("configuration")
configuration.setAttribute("description", configuration_description)
def append_option(name, value):
option = root.createElement("option")
option.setAttribute("name", name)
option.setAttribute("value", value)
def append_comment(comment):
xml_comment = root.createComment(f" {comment} ")
# Test declarations.
# ------------------
test_declarations_comments = [tests_description + "."]
for c in test_declarations_comments:
for t in tests:
append_option("compatibility:include-filter", t)
# `MainlineTestModuleController` configurations.
# ----------------------------------------------
module_controller_configuration_comments = [
f"Enable MainlineTestModuleController for {tests_description}."]
for c in module_controller_configuration_comments:
for t in tests:
append_option("compatibility:module-arg", f"{t}:enable:true")
for t in tests:
if t in ["CtsLibcoreTestCases", "CtsLibcoreOjTestCases"]:
append_comment("core-test-mode=mts tells ExpectationBasedFilter to exclude @NonMts Tests")
append_option("compatibility:module-arg", f"{t}:instrumentation-arg:core-test-mode:=mts")
xml_str = root.toprettyxml(indent = XML_INDENT, encoding = "utf-8")
with open(test_list_file, "wb") as f:
logging.debug(f"Writing `{test_list_file}`.")
class Generator:
def __init__(self, top_dir):
"""Generator of ART test files for an Android source tree anchored at `top_dir`."""
# Path to the Android top source tree.
self.top_dir = top_dir
# Path to the ART directory
self.art_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, "art")
# Path to the ART tests top-level directory.
self.art_test_dir = os.path.join(self.art_dir, "test")
# Path to the MTS configuration directory.
self.mts_config_dir = os.path.join(
top_dir, "test", "mts", "tools", "mts-tradefed", "res", "config")
# Path to the ART JVM TI CTS tests top-level directory.
self.jvmti_cts_test_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, "cts/hostsidetests/jvmti/run-tests")
# Return the list of ART run-tests (in short form, i.e. `001-HelloWorld`,
# not `art-run-test-001-HelloWorld`).
def enumerate_run_tests(self):
return sorted([run_test
for run_test in os.listdir(self.art_test_dir)
if re.match("^[0-9]{3,}-", run_test)])
# Return the list of ART JVM TI CTS tests.
def enumerate_jvmti_cts_tests(self):
return sorted([re.sub(r"test-(\d+)", r"CtsJvmtiRunTest\1HostTestCases", cts_jvmti_test_dir)
for cts_jvmti_test_dir in os.listdir(self.jvmti_cts_test_dir)
if re.match(r"^test-\d+$", cts_jvmti_test_dir)])
# Return the metadata of a test, if any.
def get_test_metadata(self, run_test):
run_test_path = os.path.join(self.art_test_dir, run_test)
metadata_file = os.path.join(run_test_path, "test-metadata.json")
metadata = {}
if os.path.exists(metadata_file):
with open(metadata_file, "r") as f:
metadata = json.load(f)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
logging.error(f"Unable to parse test metadata file `{metadata_file}`")
return metadata
# Can the build script of `run_test` be safely ignored?
def can_ignore_build_script(self, run_test):
# Check whether there are test metadata with build parameters
# enabling us to safely ignore the build script.
metadata = self.get_test_metadata(run_test)
build_param = metadata.get("build-param", {})
# Ignore build scripts that are just about preventing building for
# the JVM and/or using VarHandles (Soong builds JARs with
# VarHandle support by default (i.e. by using an API level greater
# or equal to 28), so we can ignore build scripts that just
# request support for this feature.)
experimental_var_handles = {"experimental": "var-handles"}
jvm_supported_false = {"jvm-supported": "false"}
if (build_param == experimental_var_handles or
build_param == jvm_supported_false or
build_param == experimental_var_handles | jvm_supported_false):
return True
return False
# Can `run_test` be built with Soong?
# TODO(b/147814778): Add build support for more tests.
def is_soong_buildable(self, run_test):
run_test_path = os.path.join(self.art_test_dir, run_test)
# Skip tests with non-default build rules, unless these build
# rules can be safely ignored.
if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_test_path, "generate-sources")) or
os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_test_path, ""))):
return False
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_test_path, "")):
if not self.can_ignore_build_script(run_test):
return False
# Skip tests with sources outside the `src` directory.
for subdir in ["jasmin",
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(run_test_path, subdir)):
return False
# Skip tests that have both an `src` directory and an `src-art` directory.
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(run_test_path, "src")) and \
os.path.isdir(os.path.join(run_test_path, "src-art")):
return False
# Skip tests that have neither an `src` directory nor an `src-art` directory.
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(run_test_path, "src")) and \
not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(run_test_path, "src-art")):
return False
# Skip test with a copy of `sun.misc.Unsafe`.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_test_path, "src", "sun", "misc", "")):
return False
# Skip tests with Hidden API specs.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_test_path, "hiddenapi-flags.csv")):
return False
# All other tests are considered buildable.
return True
# Can the run script of `run_test` be safely ignored?
def can_ignore_run_script(self, run_test):
# Unconditionally consider some identified tests that have a
# (not-yet-handled) custom `run` script as runnable.
# TODO(rpl): Get rid of this exception mechanism by supporting
# these tests' `run` scripts properly.
if run_test in runnable_test_exceptions:
return True
# Check whether there are test metadata with run parameters
# enabling us to safely ignore the run script.
metadata = self.get_test_metadata(run_test)
run_param = metadata.get("run-param", {})
if run_param.get("default-run", ""):
return True
return False
# Generate a Blueprint property group as a string, i.e. something looking like
# this:
# ```
# <group_name>: {
# <key0>: "<value0>",
# ...
# <keyN>: "<valueN>",
# }
# ```
# where `(key0, value0), ..., (keyN, valueN)` are key-value pairs in `props`.
def gen_prop_group(self, group_name, props):
props_joined = """,
""".join([f"{k}: \"{v}\"" for (k, v) in props.items()])
return f"""
{group_name}: {{
def gen_libs_list_impl(self, library_type, libraries):
if len(libraries) == 0:
return ""
libraries_joined = """,
return f"""
{library_type}: [
def gen_libs_list(self, libraries):
return self.gen_libs_list_impl("libs", libraries);
def gen_static_libs_list(self, libraries):
return self.gen_libs_list_impl("static_libs", libraries);
def gen_java_library_rule(self, name, src_dir, libraries, extra_props):
return f"""\
// Library with {src_dir}/ sources for the test.
java_library {{
name: "{name}",
defaults: ["art-run-test-defaults"],{self.gen_libs_list(libraries)}
srcs: ["{src_dir}/**/*.java"],{extra_props}
# Can `run_test` be succesfully run with TradeFed?
# TODO(b/147812905): Add run-time support for more tests.
def is_tradefed_runnable(self, run_test):
run_test_path = os.path.join(self.art_test_dir, run_test)
# Skip tests with non-default run rules, unless these run rules
# can be safely ignored.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_test_path, "")):
if not self.can_ignore_run_script(run_test):
return False
# Skip tests known to fail.
if run_test in known_failing_tests:
return False
# All other tests are considered runnable.
return True
def is_slow(self, run_test):
return run_test in known_slow_tests
def regen_bp_files(self, run_tests, buildable_tests):
for run_test in run_tests:
# Remove any previously generated file.
bp_file = os.path.join(self.art_test_dir, run_test, "Android.bp")
if os.path.exists(bp_file):
logging.debug(f"Removing `{bp_file}`.")
for run_test in buildable_tests:
def regen_bp_file(self, run_test):
"""Regenerate Blueprint file for an ART run-test."""
run_test_path = os.path.join(self.art_test_dir, run_test)
bp_file = os.path.join(run_test_path, "Android.bp")
# Optional test metadata (JSON file).
metadata = self.get_test_metadata(run_test)
test_suites = metadata.get("test_suites", [])
is_cts_test = "cts" in test_suites
is_mcts_test = "mcts-art" in test_suites
# For now we make it mandatory for an ART CTS test to be an ART
# MCTS test and vice versa.
if is_cts_test != is_mcts_test:
(present, absent) = ("mts", "mcts-art") if is_cts_test else ("mcts-art", "mts")
logging.error(f"Inconsistent test suites state in metadata for ART run-test `{run_test}`: " +
f"`test_suites` contains `{present}` but not `{absent}`")
# Do not package non-runnable ART run-tests in ART MTS (see b/363075236).
if self.is_tradefed_runnable(run_test):
run_test_module_name = ART_RUN_TEST_MODULE_NAME_PREFIX + run_test
# Set the test configuration template.
if self.is_tradefed_runnable(run_test):
if is_cts_test:
test_config_template = "art-run-test-target-cts-template"
elif self.is_slow(run_test):
test_config_template = "art-run-test-target-slow-template"
test_config_template = "art-run-test-target-template"
test_config_template = "art-run-test-target-no-test-suite-tag-template"
# Define the `test_suites` property, if test suites are present in
# the test's metadata.
test_suites_prop = ""
if test_suites:
test_suites_joined = """,
""".join([f"\"{s}\"" for s in test_suites])
test_suites_prop = f"""\
test_suites: [
include_srcs_prop = ""
if is_checker_test(run_test):
include_srcs_prop = """\
// Include the Java source files in the test's artifacts, to make Checker assertions
// available to the TradeFed test runner.
include_srcs: true,"""
# Set the version of the SDK to compile the Java test module
# against, if needed.
sdk_version_prop = ""
if is_cts_test:
# Have CTS and MCTS test modules use the test API
# (`test_current`) so that they do not depend on the framework
# private platform API (`private`), which is the default.
sdk_version_prop = """
sdk_version: "test_current","""
# The default source directory is `src`, except if `src-art` exists.
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(run_test_path, "src-art")):
source_dir = "src-art"
source_dir = "src"
src_library_rules = []
test_libraries = []
extra_props = ""
# Honor the Lint baseline file, if present.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_test_path, LINT_BASELINE_FILENAME)):
extra_props += self.gen_prop_group("lint", {"baseline_filename": LINT_BASELINE_FILENAME})
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(run_test_path, "src2")):
test_library = f"{run_test_module_name}-{source_dir}"
self.gen_java_library_rule(test_library, source_dir, test_libraries, extra_props))
source_dir = "src2"
with open(bp_file, "w") as f:
logging.debug(f"Writing `{bp_file}`.")
// Build rules for ART run-test `{run_test}`.
package {{
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
// A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import
// all of the 'license_kinds' from "art_license"
// to get the below license kinds:
// SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0
default_applicable_licenses: ["art_license"],
// Test's Dex code.
java_test {{
name: "{run_test_module_name}",
defaults: ["art-run-test-defaults"],
test_config_template: ":{test_config_template}",
srcs: ["{source_dir}/**/*.java"],{self.gen_static_libs_list(test_libraries)}
data: [
def add_expected_output_genrule(type_str):
type_str_long = "standard output" if type_str == "stdout" else "standard error"
in_file = os.path.join(run_test_path, f"expected-{type_str}.txt")
if os.path.islink(in_file):
# Genrules are sandboxed, so if we just added the symlink to the srcs list, it would
# be a dangling symlink in the sandbox. Instead, if we see a symlink, depend on the
# genrule from the test that the symlink is pointing to instead of the symlink itself.
link_target = os.readlink(in_file)
basename = os.path.basename(in_file)
match = re.fullmatch('\.\./([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/' + re.escape(basename), link_target)
if not match:
sys.exit(f"Error: expected symlink to be '../something/{basename}', got {link_target}")
// Test's expected {type_str_long}.
genrule {{
name: "{run_test_module_name}-expected-{type_str}",
out: ["{run_test_module_name}-expected-{type_str}.txt"],
srcs: [":{ART_RUN_TEST_MODULE_NAME_PREFIX}{}-expected-{type_str}"],
cmd: "cp -f $(in) $(out)",
// Test's expected {type_str_long}.
genrule {{
name: "{run_test_module_name}-expected-{type_str}",
out: ["{run_test_module_name}-expected-{type_str}.txt"],
srcs: ["expected-{type_str}.txt"],
cmd: "cp -f $(in) $(out)",
def regen_test_mapping_file(self, art_run_tests):
"""Regenerate ART's `TEST_MAPPING`."""
# See go/test-mapping#attributes and
# for more information about Test Mapping test groups.
# ART run-tests used in `*presubmit` test groups, used both in pre- and post-submit runs.
presubmit_run_test_module_names = [ART_RUN_TEST_MODULE_NAME_PREFIX + t
for t in art_run_tests
if t not in postsubmit_only_tests]
# ART run-tests used in the `postsubmit` test group, used in post-submit runs only.
postsubmit_run_test_module_names = [ART_RUN_TEST_MODULE_NAME_PREFIX + t
for t in art_run_tests
if t in postsubmit_only_tests]
def gen_tests_dict(tests, excluded_test_cases = {}, excluded_test_modules = [], suffix = ""):
return [
({"name": t + suffix,
"options": [
{"exclude-filter": e}
for e in excluded_test_cases[t]
if t in excluded_test_cases
else {"name": t + suffix})
for t in tests
if t not in excluded_test_modules
# Mainline presubmits.
mainline_presubmit_apex_suffix = "[]"
mainline_other_presubmit_tests = []
mainline_presubmit_tests = (mainline_other_presubmit_tests + presubmit_run_test_module_names +
mainline_presubmit_tests_dict = \
# ART mainline presubmits tests without APEX suffix
art_mainline_presubmit_tests_dict = \
# Android Virtualization Framework presubmits
avf_presubmit_tests = ["ComposHostTestCases"]
avf_presubmit_tests_dict = gen_tests_dict(avf_presubmit_tests,
# Presubmits.
other_presubmit_tests = [
presubmit_tests = (other_presubmit_tests + presubmit_run_test_module_names +
presubmit_tests_dict = gen_tests_dict(presubmit_tests,
hwasan_presubmit_tests_dict = gen_tests_dict(presubmit_tests,
# Postsubmits.
postsubmit_tests = postsubmit_run_test_module_names + art_gtest_postsubmit_module_names
postsubmit_tests_dict = [{"name": t} for t in postsubmit_tests]
postsubmit_tests_dict = gen_tests_dict(postsubmit_tests,
# Use an `OrderedDict` container to preserve the order in which items are inserted.
# Do not produce an entry for a test group if it is empty.
test_mapping_dict = collections.OrderedDict([
(test_group_name, test_group_dict)
for (test_group_name, test_group_dict)
in [
("art-mainline-presubmit", art_mainline_presubmit_tests_dict),
("mainline-presubmit", mainline_presubmit_tests_dict),
("presubmit", presubmit_tests_dict),
("hwasan-presubmit", hwasan_presubmit_tests_dict),
("avf-presubmit", avf_presubmit_tests_dict),
("postsubmit", postsubmit_tests_dict),
if test_group_dict
test_mapping_contents = json.dumps(test_mapping_dict, indent = INDENT)
test_mapping_file = os.path.join(self.art_dir, "TEST_MAPPING")
with open(test_mapping_file, "w") as f:
logging.debug(f"Writing `{test_mapping_file}`.")
f.write(f"// {ADVISORY}\n")
def create_mts_test_shard(self, tests_description, tests, shard_num, copyright_year,
comments = []):
"""Factory method instantiating an `MtsTestShard`."""
return self.MtsTestShard(self.mts_config_dir, tests_description, tests, shard_num,
copyright_year, comments)
class MtsTestShard:
"""Class encapsulating data and generation logic for an ART MTS test shard."""
def __init__(self, mts_config_dir, tests_description, tests, shard_num, copyright_year,
self.mts_config_dir = mts_config_dir
self.tests_description = tests_description
self.tests = tests
self.shard_num = shard_num
self.copyright_year = copyright_year
self.comments = comments
def shard_id(self):
return f"{self.shard_num:02}"
def test_plan_name(self):
return "mts-art-shard-" + self.shard_id()
def test_list_name(self):
return "mts-art-tests-list-user-shard-" + self.shard_id()
def regen_test_plan_file(self):
"""Regenerate ART MTS test plan file shard (`mts-art-shard-<shard_num>.xml`)."""
root = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
advisory_header = root.createComment(f" {ADVISORY} ")
copyright_header = root.createComment(copyright_header_text(self.copyright_year))
configuration = root.createElement("configuration")
f"Run {self.test_plan_name()} from a preexisting MTS installation.")
# Included XML files.
included_xml_files = ["mts", self.test_list_name()]
# Special case for the test plan of shard 03 (ART gtests), where we also
# include ART MTS eng-only tests.
# TODO(rpl): Restucture the MTS generation logic to avoid special-casing
# at that level of the generator.
if self.shard_num == 3:
for xml_file in included_xml_files:
include = root.createElement("include")
include.setAttribute("name", xml_file)
# Test plan name.
option = root.createElement("option")
option.setAttribute("name", "plan")
option.setAttribute("value", self.test_plan_name())
xml_str = root.toprettyxml(indent = XML_INDENT, encoding = "utf-8")
test_plan_file = os.path.join(self.mts_config_dir, self.test_plan_name() + ".xml")
with open(test_plan_file, "wb") as f:
logging.debug(f"Writing `{test_plan_file}`.")
def regen_test_list_file(self):
"""Regenerate ART MTS test list file (`mts-art-tests-list-user-shard-<shard_num>.xml`)."""
configuration_description = \
f"List of ART MTS tests that do not need root access (shard {self.shard_id()})"
test_list_file = os.path.join(self.mts_config_dir, self.test_list_name() + ".xml")
gen_mts_test_list_file(self.tests, test_list_file, self.copyright_year,
configuration_description, self.tests_description, self.comments)
def regen_mts_art_tests_list_user_file(self, num_mts_art_run_test_shards):
"""Regenerate ART MTS test list file (`mts-art-tests-list-user.xml`)."""
root = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
advisory_header = root.createComment(f" {ADVISORY} ")
copyright_header = root.createComment(copyright_header_text(2020))
configuration = root.createElement("configuration")
configuration.setAttribute("description", "List of ART MTS tests that do not need root access.")
# Included XML files.
for s in range(num_mts_art_run_test_shards):
include = root.createElement("include")
include.setAttribute("name", f"mts-art-tests-list-user-shard-{s:02}")
def append_test_exclusion(test):
option = root.createElement("option")
option.setAttribute("name", "compatibility:exclude-filter")
option.setAttribute("value", test)
# Excluded flaky tests.
xml_comment = root.createComment(" Excluded flaky tests (b/209958457). ")
for module in flaky_tests_excluded_from_mts:
for testcase in flaky_tests_excluded_from_mts[module]:
append_test_exclusion(f"{module} {testcase}")
# Excluded failing tests.
xml_comment = root.createComment(" Excluded failing tests (b/247108425). ")
for module in failing_tests_excluded_from_mts_and_mainline_presubmits:
for testcase in failing_tests_excluded_from_mts_and_mainline_presubmits[module]:
append_test_exclusion(f"{module} {testcase}")
xml_str = root.toprettyxml(indent = XML_INDENT, encoding = "utf-8")
mts_art_tests_list_user_file = os.path.join(self.mts_config_dir, "mts-art-tests-list-user.xml")
with open(mts_art_tests_list_user_file, "wb") as f:
logging.debug(f"Writing `{mts_art_tests_list_user_file}`.")
def regen_art_mts_files(self, art_run_tests, art_jvmti_cts_tests):
"""Regenerate ART MTS definition files."""
# Remove any previously MTS ART test plan shard (`mts-art-shard-[0-9]+.xml`)
# and any test list shard (`mts-art-tests-list-user-shard-[0-9]+.xml`).
old_test_plan_shards = sorted([
for test_plan_shard in os.listdir(self.mts_config_dir)
if re.match("^mts-art-(tests-list-user-)?shard-[0-9]+.xml$", test_plan_shard)])
for shard in old_test_plan_shards:
shard_path = os.path.join(self.mts_config_dir, shard)
if os.path.exists(shard_path):
logging.debug(f"Removing `{shard_path}`.")
mts_test_shards = []
# ART run-tests shard(s).
art_run_test_module_names = [ART_RUN_TEST_MODULE_NAME_PREFIX + t for t in art_run_tests]
art_run_test_shards = split_list(art_run_test_module_names, NUM_MTS_ART_RUN_TEST_SHARDS)
for i in range(len(art_run_test_shards)):
art_tests_shard_i_tests = art_run_test_shards[i]
art_tests_shard_i = self.create_mts_test_shard(
"ART run-tests", art_tests_shard_i_tests, i, 2020,
["TODO(rpl): Find a way to express this list in a more concise fashion."])
# CTS Libcore non-OJ tests (`CtsLibcoreTestCases`) shard.
cts_libcore_tests_shard_num = len(mts_test_shards)
cts_libcore_tests_shard = self.create_mts_test_shard(
"CTS Libcore non-OJ tests", ["CtsLibcoreTestCases"], cts_libcore_tests_shard_num, 2020)
# Other CTS tests shard.
other_cts_tests_shard_num = len(mts_test_shards)
other_cts_libcore_tests_shard_tests = [
other_cts_tests_shard_tests = art_jvmti_cts_tests + other_cts_libcore_tests_shard_tests
other_cts_tests_shard = self.create_mts_test_shard(
"Other CTS tests", other_cts_tests_shard_tests, other_cts_tests_shard_num, 2021)
# ART gtests shard.
art_gtests_shard_num = len(mts_test_shards)
art_gtests_shard_tests = art_gtest_mts_user_module_names
art_gtests_shard = self.create_mts_test_shard(
"ART gtests", art_gtests_shard_tests, art_gtests_shard_num, 2022)
for s in mts_test_shards:
# Generate the MTS test list file of "eng-only" tests (tests that
# need root access to the device-under-test and are not part of
# "user" test plans).
# TODO(rpl): Refactor the MTS file generation logic to better
# handle the special case of "eng-only" tests, which do not play
# well with `MtsTestShard` at the moment).
eng_only_test_list_file = os.path.join(self.mts_config_dir, ENG_ONLY_TEST_LIST_NAME + ".xml")
art_gtest_eng_only_module_names, eng_only_test_list_file,
copyright_year = 2020,
configuration_description = "List of ART MTS tests that need root access.",
tests_description = "ART gtests")
def regen_test_files(self, regen_art_mts):
"""Regenerate ART test files.
regen_art_mts: If true, also regenerate the ART MTS definition.
run_tests = self.enumerate_run_tests()
# Create a list of the tests that can currently be built, and for
# which a Blueprint file is to be generated.
buildable_tests = list(filter(self.is_soong_buildable, run_tests))
# Create a list of the tests that can be built and run
# (successfully). These tests are to be added to ART's
# `TEST_MAPPING` file and also tagged as part of TradeFed's
# `art-target-run-test` test suite via the `test-suite-tag` option
# in their configuration file.
expected_succeeding_tests = list(filter(self.is_tradefed_runnable,
# Regenerate Blueprint files.
# ---------------------------
self.regen_bp_files(run_tests, buildable_tests)
buildable_tests_percentage = int(len(buildable_tests) * 100 / len(run_tests))
print(f"Generated Blueprint files for {len(buildable_tests)} ART run-tests out of"
f" {len(run_tests)} ({buildable_tests_percentage}%).")
# Regenerate `TEST_MAPPING` file.
# -------------------------------
# Note: We only include ART run-tests expected to succeed for now.
num_expected_succeeding_tests = len(expected_succeeding_tests)
presubmit_run_tests = set(expected_succeeding_tests).difference(postsubmit_only_tests)
num_presubmit_run_tests = len(presubmit_run_tests)
presubmit_run_tests_percentage = int(
num_presubmit_run_tests * 100 / num_expected_succeeding_tests)
num_mainline_presubmit_run_tests = num_presubmit_run_tests
mainline_presubmit_run_tests_percentage = presubmit_run_tests_percentage
postsubmit_run_tests = set(expected_succeeding_tests).intersection(postsubmit_only_tests)
num_postsubmit_run_tests = len(postsubmit_run_tests)
postsubmit_run_tests_percentage = int(
num_postsubmit_run_tests * 100 / num_expected_succeeding_tests)
expected_succeeding_tests_percentage = int(
num_expected_succeeding_tests * 100 / len(run_tests))
num_gtests = len(art_gtest_module_names)
num_presubmit_gtests = len(art_gtest_presubmit_module_names)
presubmit_gtests_percentage = int(num_presubmit_gtests * 100 / num_gtests)
num_mainline_presubmit_gtests = len(art_gtest_mainline_presubmit_module_names)
mainline_presubmit_gtests_percentage = int(num_mainline_presubmit_gtests * 100 / num_gtests)
num_postsubmit_gtests = len(art_gtest_postsubmit_module_names)
postsubmit_gtests_percentage = int(num_postsubmit_gtests * 100 / num_gtests)
print(f"Generated TEST_MAPPING entries for {num_expected_succeeding_tests} ART run-tests out"
f" of {len(run_tests)} ({expected_succeeding_tests_percentage}%):")
for (num_tests, test_kind, tests_percentage, test_group_name) in [
(num_mainline_presubmit_run_tests, "ART run-tests", mainline_presubmit_run_tests_percentage,
(num_mainline_presubmit_run_tests, "ART run-tests", mainline_presubmit_run_tests_percentage,
(num_presubmit_run_tests, "ART run-tests", presubmit_run_tests_percentage, "presubmit"),
(num_postsubmit_run_tests, "ART run-tests", postsubmit_run_tests_percentage, "postsubmit"),
(num_mainline_presubmit_gtests, "ART gtests", mainline_presubmit_gtests_percentage,
(num_presubmit_gtests, "ART gtests", presubmit_gtests_percentage, "presubmit"),
(num_postsubmit_gtests, "ART gtests", postsubmit_gtests_percentage, "postsubmit"),
f" {num_tests:3d} {test_kind} ({tests_percentage}%) in `{test_group_name}` test group.")
print(""" Note: Tests in `*presubmit` test groups are executed in pre- and
post-submit test runs. Tests in the `postsubmit` test group
are only executed in post-submit test runs.""")
# Regenerate ART MTS definition (optional).
# -----------------------------------------
if regen_art_mts:
self.regen_art_mts_files(expected_succeeding_tests, self.enumerate_jvmti_cts_tests())
print(f"Generated ART MTS entries for {num_expected_succeeding_tests} ART run-tests out"
f" of {len(run_tests)} ({expected_succeeding_tests_percentage}%).")
def main():
if "ANDROID_BUILD_TOP" not in os.environ:
logging.error("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP environment variable is empty; did you forget to run `lunch`?")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=textwrap.dedent("Regenerate some ART test related files."),
Regenerate ART run-tests Blueprint files, ART's `TEST_MAPPING` file, and
optionally the ART MTS (Mainline Test Suite) definition.
parser.add_argument("-m", "--regen-art-mts", help="regenerate the ART MTS definition as well",
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="enable verbose output", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
generator = Generator(os.path.join(os.environ["ANDROID_BUILD_TOP"]))
if __name__ == "__main__":