blob: 095d0aff3d8fc7e320596f00227cb17229d6ffeb [file] [log] [blame]
// If you're looking for ART global stuff, please see build/Android.bp.
package {
default_visibility: ["//art:__subpackages__"],
default_applicable_licenses: ["art_license"],
license {
name: "art_license",
visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
license_kinds: [
license_text: [
// The art-tools package depends on helpers and tools that are useful for
// developers. Similar dependencies exist for the APEX builds for these tools
// (see build/apex/Android.bp).
phony {
name: "art-tools",
// If the dependencies have changed, please sync them to
// build/core/target/product/ as well.
required: [
// A subset of the tools are disabled when HOST_PREFER_32_BIT is
// defined as make reports that they are not supported on host
// (b/129323791). This is likely due to art_apex disabling host APEX
// builds when HOST_PREFER_32_BIT is set (b/120617876).
] + select(soong_config_variable("art_module", "host_prefer_32_bit"), {
true: [],
default: [
// Fake packages to ensure generation of libopenjdkd when one builds with mm/mmm/mmma.
// The library is required for starting a runtime in debug mode, but libartd does not depend on it
// (dependency cycle otherwise).
// Note: * As the package is phony to create a dependency the package name is irrelevant.
// * We make MULTILIB explicit to "both," just to state here that we want both libraries on
// 64-bit systems, even if it is the default.
phony_rule {
name: "art-libartd-libopenjdkd-host-dependency",
phony_deps: [
compile_multilib: "both",
enabled: select(soong_config_variable("art_module", "art_build_host_debug"), {
false: false,
default: true,