blob: eaeb313dd58424e7bc8a50b3c74691f076b3635f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
#include "base/scoped_arena_containers.h"
#include "induction_var_range.h"
#include "loop_analysis.h"
#include "nodes.h"
#include "optimization.h"
#include "superblock_cloner.h"
namespace art HIDDEN {
class CompilerOptions;
class ArchNoOptsLoopHelper;
// Determines whether predicated loop vectorization should be tried for ALL loops.
static constexpr bool kForceTryPredicatedSIMD = true;
static constexpr bool kForceTryPredicatedSIMD = false;
* Loop optimizations. Builds a loop hierarchy and applies optimizations to
* the detected nested loops, such as removal of dead induction and empty loops
* and inner loop vectorization.
class HLoopOptimization : public HOptimization {
HLoopOptimization(HGraph* graph,
const CodeGenerator& codegen, // Needs info about the target.
HInductionVarAnalysis* induction_analysis,
OptimizingCompilerStats* stats,
const char* name = kLoopOptimizationPassName);
bool Run() override;
static constexpr const char* kLoopOptimizationPassName = "loop_optimization";
// The maximum number of total instructions (trip_count * instruction_count),
// where the optimization of removing SuspendChecks from the loop header could
// be performed.
static constexpr int64_t kMaxTotalInstRemoveSuspendCheck = 128;
* A single loop inside the loop hierarchy representation.
struct LoopNode : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocLoopOptimization> {
explicit LoopNode(HLoopInformation* lp_info)
: loop_info(lp_info),
try_catch_kind(TryCatchKind::kUnknown) {}
enum class TryCatchKind {
// Either if we have a try catch in the loop, or if the loop is inside of an outer try catch,
// we set `kHasTryCatch`.
HLoopInformation* loop_info;
LoopNode* outer;
LoopNode* inner;
LoopNode* previous;
LoopNode* next;
TryCatchKind try_catch_kind;
* Vectorization restrictions (bit mask).
enum VectorRestrictions {
kNone = 0, // no restrictions
kNoMul = 1 << 0, // no multiplication
kNoDiv = 1 << 1, // no division
kNoShift = 1 << 2, // no shift
kNoShr = 1 << 3, // no arithmetic shift right
kNoHiBits = 1 << 4, // "wider" operations cannot bring in higher order bits
kNoSignedHAdd = 1 << 5, // no signed halving add
kNoUnsignedHAdd = 1 << 6, // no unsigned halving add
kNoUnroundedHAdd = 1 << 7, // no unrounded halving add
kNoAbs = 1 << 8, // no absolute value
kNoStringCharAt = 1 << 9, // no StringCharAt
kNoReduction = 1 << 10, // no reduction
kNoSAD = 1 << 11, // no sum of absolute differences (SAD)
kNoWideSAD = 1 << 12, // no sum of absolute differences (SAD) with operand widening
kNoDotProd = 1 << 13, // no dot product
kNoIfCond = 1 << 14, // no if condition conversion
* Loop synthesis mode during vectorization
* (sequential peeling/cleanup loop or vector loop).
enum class LoopSynthesisMode {
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const LoopSynthesisMode& fd_logger);
* Representation of a unit-stride array reference.
struct ArrayReference {
ArrayReference(HInstruction* b, HInstruction* o, DataType::Type t, bool l, bool c = false)
: base(b), offset(o), type(t), lhs(l), is_string_char_at(c) { }
bool operator<(const ArrayReference& other) const {
(base < other.base) ||
(base == other.base &&
(offset < other.offset || (offset == other.offset &&
(type < other.type ||
(type == other.type &&
(lhs < other.lhs ||
(lhs == other.lhs &&
is_string_char_at < other.is_string_char_at)))))));
HInstruction* base; // base address
HInstruction* offset; // offset + i
DataType::Type type; // component type
bool lhs; // def/use
bool is_string_char_at; // compressed string read
// This structure describes the control flow (CF) -> data flow (DF) conversion of the loop
// with control flow (see below) for the purpose of predicated autovectorization.
// Lets define "loops without control-flow" (or non-CF loops) as loops with two consecutive
// blocks and without the branching structure except for the loop exit. And
// "loop with control-flow" (or CF-loops) - all other loops.
// In the execution of the original CF-loop on each iteration some basic block Y will be
// either executed or not executed, depending on the control flow of the loop. More
// specifically, a block will be executed if all the conditional branches of the nodes in
// the control dependency graph for that block Y are taken according to the path from the loop
// header to that basic block.
// This is the key idea of CF->DF conversion: a boolean value
// 'ctrl_pred == cond1 && cond2 && ...' will determine whether the basic block Y will be
// executed, where cond_K is whether the branch of the node K in the control dependency
// graph upward traversal was taken in the 'right' direction.
// Def.: BB Y is control dependent on BB X iff
// (1) there exists a directed path P from X to Y with any basic block Z in P (excluding X
// and Y) post-dominated by Y and
// (2) X is not post-dominated by Y.
// ...
// X
// false / \ true
// / \
// ...
// |
// Y
// ...
// When doing predicated autovectorization of a CF loop, we use the CF->DF conversion approach:
// 1) do the data analysis and vector operation creation as if it was a non-CF loop.
// 2) for each HIf block create two vector predicate setting instructions - for True and False
// edges/paths.
// 3) assign a governing vector predicate (see comments near HVecPredSetOperation)
// to each vector operation Alpha in the loop (including to those vector predicate setting
// instructions created in #2); do this by:
// - finding the immediate control dependent block of the instruction Alpha's block.
// - choosing the True or False predicate setting instruction (created in #2) depending
// on the path to the instruction.
// For more information check the papers:
// - Allen, John R and Kennedy, Ken and Porterfield, Carrie and Warren, Joe,
// “Conversion of Control Dependence to Data Dependence,” in Proceedings of the 10th ACM
// SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 1983, pp. 177–189.
// "The Program Dependence Graph and Its Use in Optimization"
class BlockPredicateInfo : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocLoopOptimization> {
BlockPredicateInfo() :
false_predicate_(nullptr) {}
void SetControlFlowInfo(HVecPredSetOperation* true_predicate,
HVecPredSetOperation* false_predicate) {
true_predicate_ = true_predicate;
false_predicate_ = false_predicate;
bool HasControlFlowOps() const {
// Note: a block must have both T/F predicates set or none of them.
DCHECK_EQ(true_predicate_ == nullptr, false_predicate_ == nullptr);
return true_predicate_ != nullptr;
HVecPredSetOperation* GetControlPredicate() const { return control_predicate_; }
void SetControlPredicate(HVecPredSetOperation* control_predicate) {
control_predicate_ = control_predicate;
HVecPredSetOperation* GetTruePredicate() const { return true_predicate_; }
HVecPredSetOperation* GetFalsePredicate() const { return false_predicate_; }
// Vector control predicate operation, associated with the block which will determine
// the active lanes for all vector operations, originated from this block.
HVecPredSetOperation* control_predicate_;
// Vector predicate instruction, associated with the true sucessor of the block.
HVecPredSetOperation* true_predicate_;
// Vector predicate instruction, associated with the false sucessor of the block.
HVecPredSetOperation* false_predicate_;
// Loop setup and traversal.
bool LocalRun();
void AddLoop(HLoopInformation* loop_info);
void RemoveLoop(LoopNode* node);
// Traverses all loops inner to outer to perform simplifications and optimizations.
// Returns true if loops nested inside current loop (node) have changed.
bool TraverseLoopsInnerToOuter(LoopNode* node);
// Calculates `node`'s `try_catch_kind` and sets it to:
// 1) kHasTryCatch if it has try catches (or if it's inside of an outer try catch)
// 2) kNoTryCatch otherwise.
void CalculateAndSetTryCatchKind(LoopNode* node);
// Optimization.
void SimplifyInduction(LoopNode* node);
void SimplifyBlocks(LoopNode* node);
// Performs optimizations specific to inner loop with finite header logic (empty loop removal,
// unrolling, vectorization). Returns true if anything changed.
bool TryOptimizeInnerLoopFinite(LoopNode* node);
// Performs optimizations specific to inner loop. Returns true if anything changed.
bool OptimizeInnerLoop(LoopNode* node);
// Tries to apply loop unrolling for branch penalty reduction and better instruction scheduling
// opportunities. Returns whether transformation happened. 'generate_code' determines whether the
// optimization should be actually applied.
bool TryUnrollingForBranchPenaltyReduction(LoopAnalysisInfo* analysis_info,
bool generate_code = true);
// Tries to apply loop peeling for loop invariant exits elimination. Returns whether
// transformation happened. 'generate_code' determines whether the optimization should be
// actually applied.
bool TryPeelingForLoopInvariantExitsElimination(LoopAnalysisInfo* analysis_info,
bool generate_code = true);
// Tries to perform whole loop unrolling for a small loop with a small trip count to eliminate
// the loop check overhead and to have more opportunities for inter-iteration optimizations.
// Returns whether transformation happened. 'generate_code' determines whether the optimization
// should be actually applied.
bool TryFullUnrolling(LoopAnalysisInfo* analysis_info, bool generate_code = true);
// Tries to remove SuspendCheck for plain loops with a low trip count. The
// SuspendCheck in the codegen makes sure that the thread can be interrupted
// during execution for GC. Not being able to do so might decrease the
// responsiveness of GC when a very long loop or a long recursion is being
// executed. However, for plain loops with a small trip count, the removal of
// SuspendCheck should not affect the GC's responsiveness by a large margin.
// Consequently, since the thread won't be interrupted for plain loops, it is
// assumed that the performance might increase by removing SuspendCheck.
bool TryToRemoveSuspendCheckFromLoopHeader(LoopAnalysisInfo* analysis_info,
bool generate_code = true);
// Tries to apply scalar loop optimizations.
bool TryLoopScalarOpts(LoopNode* node);
// Vectorization analysis and synthesis.
// Returns whether the data flow requirements are met for vectorization.
// - checks whether instructions are vectorizable for the target.
// - conducts data dependence analysis for array references.
// - additionally, collects info on peeling and aligment strategy.
bool CanVectorizeDataFlow(LoopNode* node, HBasicBlock* header, bool collect_alignment_info);
// Does the checks (common for predicated and traditional mode) for the loop.
bool ShouldVectorizeCommon(LoopNode* node, HPhi* main_phi, int64_t trip_count);
// Try to vectorize the loop, returns whether it was successful.
// There are two versions/algorithms:
// - Predicated: all the vector operations have governing predicates which control
// which individual vector lanes will be active (see HVecPredSetOperation for more details).
// Example: vectorization using AArch64 SVE.
// - Traditional: a regular mode in which all vector operations lanes are unconditionally
// active.
// Example: vectoriation using AArch64 NEON.
bool TryVectorizePredicated(LoopNode* node,
HBasicBlock* body,
HBasicBlock* exit,
HPhi* main_phi,
int64_t trip_count);
bool TryVectorizedTraditional(LoopNode* node,
HBasicBlock* body,
HBasicBlock* exit,
HPhi* main_phi,
int64_t trip_count);
// Vectorizes the loop for which all checks have been already done.
void VectorizePredicated(LoopNode* node,
HBasicBlock* block,
HBasicBlock* exit);
void VectorizeTraditional(LoopNode* node,
HBasicBlock* block,
HBasicBlock* exit,
int64_t trip_count);
// Performs final steps for whole vectorization process: links reduction, removes the original
// scalar loop, updates loop info.
void FinalizeVectorization(LoopNode* node);
// Helpers that do the vector instruction synthesis for the previously created loop; create
// and fill the loop body with instructions.
// A version to generate a vector loop in predicated mode.
void GenerateNewLoopPredicated(LoopNode* node,
HBasicBlock* new_preheader,
HInstruction* lo,
HInstruction* hi,
HInstruction* step);
// A version to generate a vector loop in traditional mode or to generate
// a scalar loop for both modes.
void GenerateNewLoopScalarOrTraditional(LoopNode* node,
HBasicBlock* new_preheader,
HInstruction* lo,
HInstruction* hi,
HInstruction* step,
uint32_t unroll);
// Helpers for GenerateNewLoop*.
// Updates vectorization bookkeeping date for the new loop, creates and returns
// its main induction Phi.
HPhi* InitializeForNewLoop(HBasicBlock* new_preheader, HInstruction* lo);
// Finalizes reduction and induction phis' inputs for the newly created loop.
void FinalizePhisForNewLoop(HPhi* phi, HInstruction* lo);
// Creates empty predicate info object for each basic block and puts it into the map.
void PreparePredicateInfoMap(LoopNode* node);
// Set up block true/false predicates using info, collected through data flow and control
// dependency analysis.
void InitPredicateInfoMap(LoopNode* node, HVecPredSetOperation* loop_main_pred);
// Performs instruction synthesis for the loop body.
void GenerateNewLoopBodyOnce(LoopNode* node,
DataType::Type induc_type,
HInstruction* step);
// Returns whether the vector loop needs runtime disambiguation test for array refs.
bool NeedsArrayRefsDisambiguationTest() const { return vector_runtime_test_a_ != nullptr; }
bool VectorizeDef(LoopNode* node, HInstruction* instruction, bool generate_code);
bool VectorizeUse(LoopNode* node,
HInstruction* instruction,
bool generate_code,
DataType::Type type,
uint64_t restrictions);
uint32_t GetVectorSizeInBytes();
bool TrySetVectorType(DataType::Type type, /*out*/ uint64_t* restrictions);
bool TrySetVectorLengthImpl(uint32_t length);
bool TrySetVectorLength(DataType::Type type, uint32_t length) {
bool res = TrySetVectorLengthImpl(length);
// Currently the vectorizer supports only the mode when full SIMD registers are used.
DCHECK_IMPLIES(res, DataType::Size(type) * length == GetVectorSizeInBytes());
return res;
void GenerateVecInv(HInstruction* org, DataType::Type type);
void GenerateVecSub(HInstruction* org, HInstruction* offset);
void GenerateVecMem(HInstruction* org,
HInstruction* opa,
HInstruction* opb,
HInstruction* offset,
DataType::Type type);
void GenerateVecReductionPhi(HPhi* phi);
void GenerateVecReductionPhiInputs(HPhi* phi, HInstruction* reduction);
HInstruction* ReduceAndExtractIfNeeded(HInstruction* instruction);
HInstruction* GenerateVecOp(HInstruction* org,
HInstruction* opa,
HInstruction* opb,
DataType::Type type);
// Vectorization idioms.
bool VectorizeSaturationIdiom(LoopNode* node,
HInstruction* instruction,
bool generate_code,
DataType::Type type,
uint64_t restrictions);
bool VectorizeHalvingAddIdiom(LoopNode* node,
HInstruction* instruction,
bool generate_code,
DataType::Type type,
uint64_t restrictions);
bool VectorizeSADIdiom(LoopNode* node,
HInstruction* instruction,
bool generate_code,
DataType::Type type,
uint64_t restrictions);
bool VectorizeDotProdIdiom(LoopNode* node,
HInstruction* instruction,
bool generate_code,
DataType::Type type,
uint64_t restrictions);
bool VectorizeIfCondition(LoopNode* node,
HInstruction* instruction,
bool generate_code,
uint64_t restrictions);
// Vectorization heuristics.
Alignment ComputeAlignment(HInstruction* offset,
DataType::Type type,
bool is_string_char_at,
uint32_t peeling = 0);
void SetAlignmentStrategy(const ScopedArenaVector<uint32_t>& peeling_votes,
const ArrayReference* peeling_candidate);
uint32_t MaxNumberPeeled();
bool IsVectorizationProfitable(int64_t trip_count);
// Helpers.
bool TrySetPhiInduction(HPhi* phi, bool restrict_uses);
bool TrySetPhiReduction(HPhi* phi);
// Detects loop header with a single induction (returned in main_phi), possibly
// other phis for reductions, but no other side effects. Returns true on success.
bool TrySetSimpleLoopHeader(HBasicBlock* block, /*out*/ HPhi** main_phi);
bool IsEmptyBody(HBasicBlock* block);
bool IsOnlyUsedAfterLoop(HLoopInformation* loop_info,
HInstruction* instruction,
bool collect_loop_uses,
/*out*/ uint32_t* use_count);
bool IsUsedOutsideLoop(HLoopInformation* loop_info,
HInstruction* instruction);
bool TryReplaceWithLastValue(HLoopInformation* loop_info,
HInstruction* instruction,
HBasicBlock* block);
bool TryAssignLastValue(HLoopInformation* loop_info,
HInstruction* instruction,
HBasicBlock* block,
bool collect_loop_uses);
void RemoveDeadInstructions(const HInstructionList& list);
bool CanRemoveCycle(); // Whether the current 'iset_' is removable.
bool IsInPredicatedVectorizationMode() const { return predicated_vectorization_mode_; }
void MaybeInsertInVectorExternalSet(HInstruction* instruction);
// Compiler options (to query ISA features).
const CompilerOptions* compiler_options_;
// Cached target SIMD vector register size in bytes.
const size_t simd_register_size_;
// Range information based on prior induction variable analysis.
InductionVarRange induction_range_;
// Phase-local heap memory allocator for the loop optimizer. Storage obtained
// through this allocator is immediately released when the loop optimizer is done.
ScopedArenaAllocator* loop_allocator_;
// Global heap memory allocator. Used to build HIR.
ArenaAllocator* global_allocator_;
// Entries into the loop hierarchy representation. The hierarchy resides
// in phase-local heap memory.
LoopNode* top_loop_;
LoopNode* last_loop_;
// Temporary bookkeeping of a set of instructions.
// Contents reside in phase-local heap memory.
ScopedArenaSet<HInstruction*>* iset_;
// Temporary bookkeeping of reduction instructions. Mapping is two-fold:
// (1) reductions in the loop-body are mapped back to their phi definition,
// (2) phi definitions are mapped to their initial value (updated during
// code generation to feed the proper values into the new chain).
// Contents reside in phase-local heap memory.
ScopedArenaSafeMap<HInstruction*, HInstruction*>* reductions_;
// Flag that tracks if any simplifications have occurred.
bool simplified_;
// Whether to use predicated loop vectorization (e.g. for arm64 SVE target).
bool predicated_vectorization_mode_;
// Number of "lanes" for selected packed type.
uint32_t vector_length_;
// Set of array references in the vector loop.
// Contents reside in phase-local heap memory.
ScopedArenaSet<ArrayReference>* vector_refs_;
// Static or dynamic loop peeling for alignment.
uint32_t vector_static_peeling_factor_;
const ArrayReference* vector_dynamic_peeling_candidate_;
// Dynamic data dependence test of the form a != b.
HInstruction* vector_runtime_test_a_;
HInstruction* vector_runtime_test_b_;
// Mapping used during vectorization synthesis for both the scalar peeling/cleanup
// loop (mode is kSequential) and the actual vector loop (mode is kVector). The data
// structure maps original instructions into the new instructions.
// Contents reside in phase-local heap memory.
ScopedArenaSafeMap<HInstruction*, HInstruction*>* vector_map_;
// Permanent mapping used during vectorization synthesis.
// Contents reside in phase-local heap memory.
ScopedArenaSafeMap<HInstruction*, HInstruction*>* vector_permanent_map_;
// Tracks vector operations that are inserted outside of the loop (preheader, exit)
// as part of vectorization (e.g. replicate scalar for loop invariants and reduce ops
// for loop reductions).
// The instructions in the set are live for the whole vectorization process of the current
// loop, not just during generation of a particular loop version (as the sets above).
// Currently the set is being only used in the predicated mode - for assigning governing
// predicates.
ScopedArenaSet<HInstruction*>* vector_external_set_;
// A mapping between a basic block of the original loop and its associated PredicateInfo.
// Only used in predicated loop vectorization mode.
ScopedArenaSafeMap<HBasicBlock*, BlockPredicateInfo*>* predicate_info_map_;
// Temporary vectorization bookkeeping.
LoopSynthesisMode synthesis_mode_; // synthesis mode
HBasicBlock* vector_preheader_; // preheader of the new loop
HBasicBlock* vector_header_; // header of the new loop
HBasicBlock* vector_body_; // body of the new loop
HInstruction* vector_index_; // normalized index of the new loop
// Helper for target-specific behaviour for loop optimizations.
ArchNoOptsLoopHelper* arch_loop_helper_;
friend class LoopOptimizationTest;
friend class PredicatedSimdLoopOptimizationTest;
} // namespace art