ART: A Compile Filter for x86_64

This patch enables an x86_64 compile filter for everything
we're not ready to compile right now.

Signed-off-by: Vladimir Kostyukov <>
Change-Id: I9ba87cf7f05e3465f12fd16a87b54f9649baf88a
diff --git a/compiler/dex/ b/compiler/dex/
index d9d392f..3136e46 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/
+++ b/compiler/dex/
@@ -409,28 +409,315 @@
 // TODO: Remove this when we are able to compile everything.
-static bool CanCompileShorty(const char* shorty) {
+int x86_64_support_list[] = {
+    Instruction::NOP,
+    // Instruction::MOVE,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_FROM16,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_16,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_WIDE,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_WIDE_FROM16,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_WIDE_16,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_OBJECT,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_OBJECT_FROM16,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_OBJECT_16,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_RESULT,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_WIDE,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT,
+    // Instruction::MOVE_EXCEPTION,
+    Instruction::RETURN_VOID,
+    Instruction::RETURN,
+    // Instruction::RETURN_WIDE,
+    Instruction::RETURN_OBJECT,
+    // Instruction::CONST_4,
+    // Instruction::CONST_16,
+    // Instruction::CONST,
+    // Instruction::CONST_HIGH16,
+    // Instruction::CONST_WIDE_16,
+    // Instruction::CONST_WIDE_32,
+    // Instruction::CONST_WIDE,
+    // Instruction::CONST_WIDE_HIGH16,
+    // Instruction::CONST_STRING,
+    // Instruction::CONST_STRING_JUMBO,
+    // Instruction::CONST_CLASS,
+    // Instruction::MONITOR_ENTER,
+    // Instruction::MONITOR_EXIT,
+    // Instruction::CHECK_CAST,
+    // Instruction::INSTANCE_OF,
+    // Instruction::ARRAY_LENGTH,
+    // Instruction::NEW_INSTANCE,
+    // Instruction::NEW_ARRAY,
+    // Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY,
+    // Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE,
+    // Instruction::FILL_ARRAY_DATA,
+    // Instruction::THROW,
+    // Instruction::GOTO,
+    // Instruction::GOTO_16,
+    // Instruction::GOTO_32,
+    // Instruction::PACKED_SWITCH,
+    // Instruction::SPARSE_SWITCH,
+    // Instruction::CMPL_FLOAT,
+    // Instruction::CMPG_FLOAT,
+    // Instruction::CMPL_DOUBLE,
+    // Instruction::CMPG_DOUBLE,
+    // Instruction::CMP_LONG,
+    // Instruction::IF_EQ,
+    // Instruction::IF_NE,
+    // Instruction::IF_LT,
+    // Instruction::IF_GE,
+    // Instruction::IF_GT,
+    // Instruction::IF_LE,
+    // Instruction::IF_EQZ,
+    // Instruction::IF_NEZ,
+    // Instruction::IF_LTZ,
+    // Instruction::IF_GEZ,
+    // Instruction::IF_GTZ,
+    // Instruction::IF_LEZ,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_3E,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_3F,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_40,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_41,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_42,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_43,
+    // Instruction::AGET,
+    // Instruction::AGET_WIDE,
+    // Instruction::AGET_OBJECT,
+    // Instruction::AGET_BOOLEAN,
+    // Instruction::AGET_BYTE,
+    // Instruction::AGET_CHAR,
+    // Instruction::AGET_SHORT,
+    // Instruction::APUT,
+    // Instruction::APUT_WIDE,
+    // Instruction::APUT_OBJECT,
+    // Instruction::APUT_BOOLEAN,
+    // Instruction::APUT_BYTE,
+    // Instruction::APUT_CHAR,
+    // Instruction::APUT_SHORT,
+    // Instruction::IGET,
+    // Instruction::IGET_WIDE,
+    // Instruction::IGET_OBJECT,
+    // Instruction::IGET_BOOLEAN,
+    // Instruction::IGET_BYTE,
+    // Instruction::IGET_CHAR,
+    // Instruction::IGET_SHORT,
+    // Instruction::IPUT,
+    // Instruction::IPUT_WIDE,
+    // Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT,
+    // Instruction::IPUT_BOOLEAN,
+    // Instruction::IPUT_BYTE,
+    // Instruction::IPUT_CHAR,
+    // Instruction::IPUT_SHORT,
+    Instruction::SGET,
+    // Instruction::SGET_WIDE,
+    Instruction::SGET_OBJECT,
+    Instruction::SGET_BOOLEAN,
+    Instruction::SGET_BYTE,
+    Instruction::SGET_CHAR,
+    Instruction::SGET_SHORT,
+    Instruction::SPUT,
+    // Instruction::SPUT_WIDE,
+    Instruction::SPUT_OBJECT,
+    Instruction::SPUT_BOOLEAN,
+    Instruction::SPUT_BYTE,
+    Instruction::SPUT_CHAR,
+    Instruction::SPUT_SHORT,
+    Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
+    Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER,
+    Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT,
+    Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC,
+    Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE,
+    // Instruction::RETURN_VOID_BARRIER,
+    // Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE,
+    // Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE,
+    // Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE,
+    // Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE,
+    // Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_79,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_7A,
+    // Instruction::NEG_INT,
+    // Instruction::NOT_INT,
+    // Instruction::NEG_LONG,
+    // Instruction::NOT_LONG,
+    // Instruction::NEG_FLOAT,
+    // Instruction::NEG_DOUBLE,
+    // Instruction::INT_TO_LONG,
+    // Instruction::INT_TO_FLOAT,
+    // Instruction::INT_TO_DOUBLE,
+    // Instruction::LONG_TO_INT,
+    // Instruction::LONG_TO_FLOAT,
+    // Instruction::LONG_TO_DOUBLE,
+    // Instruction::FLOAT_TO_INT,
+    // Instruction::FLOAT_TO_LONG,
+    // Instruction::FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE,
+    // Instruction::DOUBLE_TO_INT,
+    // Instruction::DOUBLE_TO_LONG,
+    // Instruction::DOUBLE_TO_FLOAT,
+    // Instruction::INT_TO_BYTE,
+    // Instruction::INT_TO_CHAR,
+    // Instruction::INT_TO_SHORT,
+    // Instruction::ADD_INT,
+    // Instruction::SUB_INT,
+    // Instruction::MUL_INT,
+    // Instruction::DIV_INT,
+    // Instruction::REM_INT,
+    // Instruction::AND_INT,
+    // Instruction::OR_INT,
+    // Instruction::XOR_INT,
+    // Instruction::SHL_INT,
+    // Instruction::SHR_INT,
+    // Instruction::USHR_INT,
+    // Instruction::ADD_LONG,
+    // Instruction::SUB_LONG,
+    // Instruction::MUL_LONG,
+    // Instruction::DIV_LONG,
+    // Instruction::REM_LONG,
+    // Instruction::AND_LONG,
+    // Instruction::OR_LONG,
+    // Instruction::XOR_LONG,
+    // Instruction::SHL_LONG,
+    // Instruction::SHR_LONG,
+    // Instruction::USHR_LONG,
+    // Instruction::ADD_FLOAT,
+    // Instruction::SUB_FLOAT,
+    // Instruction::MUL_FLOAT,
+    // Instruction::DIV_FLOAT,
+    // Instruction::REM_FLOAT,
+    // Instruction::ADD_DOUBLE,
+    // Instruction::SUB_DOUBLE,
+    // Instruction::MUL_DOUBLE,
+    // Instruction::DIV_DOUBLE,
+    // Instruction::REM_DOUBLE,
+    // Instruction::ADD_INT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::SUB_INT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::MUL_INT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::DIV_INT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::REM_INT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::AND_INT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::OR_INT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::XOR_INT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::SHL_INT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::SHR_INT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::USHR_INT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::ADD_LONG_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::SUB_LONG_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::MUL_LONG_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::DIV_LONG_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::REM_LONG_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::AND_LONG_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::OR_LONG_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::XOR_LONG_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::SHL_LONG_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::SHR_LONG_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::USHR_LONG_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::ADD_FLOAT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::MUL_FLOAT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::DIV_FLOAT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::REM_FLOAT_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::ADD_DOUBLE_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::SUB_DOUBLE_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::MUL_DOUBLE_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::DIV_DOUBLE_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::REM_DOUBLE_2ADDR,
+    // Instruction::ADD_INT_LIT16,
+    // Instruction::RSUB_INT,
+    // Instruction::MUL_INT_LIT16,
+    // Instruction::DIV_INT_LIT16,
+    // Instruction::REM_INT_LIT16,
+    // Instruction::AND_INT_LIT16,
+    // Instruction::OR_INT_LIT16,
+    // Instruction::XOR_INT_LIT16,
+    // Instruction::ADD_INT_LIT8,
+    // Instruction::RSUB_INT_LIT8,
+    // Instruction::MUL_INT_LIT8,
+    // Instruction::DIV_INT_LIT8,
+    // Instruction::REM_INT_LIT8,
+    // Instruction::AND_INT_LIT8,
+    // Instruction::OR_INT_LIT8,
+    // Instruction::XOR_INT_LIT8,
+    // Instruction::SHL_INT_LIT8,
+    // Instruction::SHR_INT_LIT8,
+    // Instruction::USHR_INT_LIT8,
+    // Instruction::IGET_QUICK,
+    // Instruction::IGET_WIDE_QUICK,
+    // Instruction::IGET_OBJECT_QUICK,
+    // Instruction::IPUT_QUICK,
+    // Instruction::IPUT_WIDE_QUICK,
+    // Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT_QUICK,
+    // Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK,
+    // Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE_QUICK,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_EB,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_EC,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_ED,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_EE,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_EF,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_F0,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_F1,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_F2,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_F3,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_F4,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_F5,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_F6,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_F7,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_F8,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_F9,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_FA,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_FB,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_FC,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_FD,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_FE,
+    // Instruction::UNUSED_FF,
+    // ----- ExtendedMIROpcode -----
+    // kMirOpPhi,
+    // kMirOpCopy,
+    // kMirOpFusedCmplFloat,
+    // kMirOpFusedCmpgFloat,
+    // kMirOpFusedCmplDouble,
+    // kMirOpFusedCmpgDouble,
+    // kMirOpFusedCmpLong,
+    // kMirOpNop,
+    // kMirOpNullCheck,
+    // kMirOpRangeCheck,
+    // kMirOpDivZeroCheck,
+    // kMirOpCheck,
+    // kMirOpCheckPart2,
+    // kMirOpSelect,
+    // kMirOpLast,
+// Z : boolean
+// B : byte
+// S : short
+// C : char
+// I : int
+// L : long
+// F : float
+// D : double
+// L : reference(object, array)
+// V : void
+// (ARM64) Current calling conversion only support 32bit softfp
+//         which has problems with long, float, double
+constexpr char arm64_supported_types[] = "ZBSCILV";
+// (x84_64) We still have troubles with compiling longs/doubles/floats
+constexpr char x86_64_supported_types[] = "ZBSCILV";
+// TODO: Remove this when we are able to compile everything.
+static bool CanCompileShorty(const char* shorty, InstructionSet instruction_set) {
   uint32_t shorty_size = strlen(shorty);
   CHECK_GE(shorty_size, 1u);
   // Set a limitation on maximum number of parameters.
   // Note : there is an implied "method*" parameter, and probably "this" as well.
   // 1 is for the return type. Currently, we only accept 2 parameters at the most.
+  // (x86_64): For now we have the same limitation. But we might want to split this
+  //           check in future into two separate cases for arm64 and x86_64.
   if (shorty_size > (1 + 2)) {
     return false;
-  // Z : boolean
-  // B : byte
-  // S : short
-  // C : char
-  // I : int
-  // L : long
-  // F : float
-  // D : double
-  // L : reference(object, array)
-  // V : void
-  // Current calling conversion only support 32bit softfp
-  // which has problems with long, float, double
-  constexpr char supported_types[] = "ZBSCILV";
+  const char* supported_types = arm64_supported_types;
+  if (instruction_set == kX86_64) {
+    supported_types = x86_64_supported_types;
+  }
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < shorty_size; i++) {
     if (strchr(supported_types, shorty[i]) == nullptr) {
       return false;
@@ -444,14 +731,21 @@
 static bool CanCompileMethod(uint32_t method_idx, const DexFile& dex_file,
                              CompilationUnit& cu) {
   // There is some limitation with current ARM 64 backend.
-  if (cu.instruction_set == kArm64) {
+  if (cu.instruction_set == kArm64 || cu.instruction_set == kX86_64) {
     // Check if we can compile the prototype.
     const char* shorty = dex_file.GetMethodShorty(dex_file.GetMethodId(method_idx));
-    if (!CanCompileShorty(shorty)) {
+    if (!CanCompileShorty(shorty, cu.instruction_set)) {
       VLOG(compiler) << "Unsupported shorty : " << shorty;
       return false;
+    const int *support_list = arm64_support_list;
+    int support_list_size = arraysize(arm64_support_list);
+    if (cu.instruction_set == kX86_64) {
+      support_list = x86_64_support_list;
+      support_list_size = arraysize(x86_64_support_list);
+    }
     for (int idx = 0; idx < cu.mir_graph->GetNumBlocks(); idx++) {
       BasicBlock *bb = cu.mir_graph->GetBasicBlock(idx);
       if (bb == NULL) continue;
@@ -459,8 +753,8 @@
       for (MIR* mir = bb->first_mir_insn; mir != nullptr; mir = mir->next) {
         int opcode = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode;
         // Check if we support the byte code.
-        if (std::find(arm64_support_list, arm64_support_list + arraysize(arm64_support_list),
-            opcode) == arm64_support_list + arraysize(arm64_support_list)) {
+        if (std::find(support_list, support_list + support_list_size,
+            opcode) == support_list + support_list_size) {
           if (opcode < kMirOpFirst) {
             VLOG(compiler) << "Unsupported dalvik byte code : "
                            << mir->dalvikInsn.opcode;
@@ -479,7 +773,7 @@
           uint32_t invoke_method_idx = mir->dalvikInsn.vB;
           const char* invoke_method_shorty = dex_file.GetMethodShorty(
-          if (!CanCompileShorty(invoke_method_shorty)) {
+          if (!CanCompileShorty(invoke_method_shorty, cu.instruction_set)) {
             VLOG(compiler) << "Unsupported to invoke '"
                            << PrettyMethod(invoke_method_idx, dex_file)
                            << "' with shorty : " << invoke_method_shorty;