blob: bdb3bea139fd3803d3fe089ec55d22cba99d9369 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* This file contains codegen for the Thumb2 ISA. */
#include "oat_compilation_unit.h"
#include "oat/runtime/oat_support_entrypoints.h"
#include "arm_lir.h"
#include "../codegen_util.h"
#include "../ralloc_util.h"
namespace art {
LIR* OpCmpBranch(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ConditionCode cond, int src1,
int src2, LIR* target)
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpCmp, src1, src2);
return OpCondBranch(cUnit, cond, target);
* Generate a Thumb2 IT instruction, which can nullify up to
* four subsequent instructions based on a condition and its
* inverse. The condition applies to the first instruction, which
* is executed if the condition is met. The string "guide" consists
* of 0 to 3 chars, and applies to the 2nd through 4th instruction.
* A "T" means the instruction is executed if the condition is
* met, and an "E" means the instruction is executed if the condition
* is not met.
LIR* OpIT(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ArmConditionCode code, const char* guide)
int mask;
int condBit = code & 1;
int altBit = condBit ^ 1;
int mask3 = 0;
int mask2 = 0;
int mask1 = 0;
//Note: case fallthroughs intentional
switch (strlen(guide)) {
case 3:
mask1 = (guide[2] == 'T') ? condBit : altBit;
case 2:
mask2 = (guide[1] == 'T') ? condBit : altBit;
case 1:
mask3 = (guide[0] == 'T') ? condBit : altBit;
case 0:
LOG(FATAL) << "OAT: bad case in OpIT";
mask = (mask3 << 3) | (mask2 << 2) | (mask1 << 1) |
(1 << (3 - strlen(guide)));
return NewLIR2(cUnit, kThumb2It, code, mask);
* 64-bit 3way compare function.
* mov rX, #-1
* cmp op1hi, op2hi
* blt done
* bgt flip
* sub rX, op1lo, op2lo (treat as unsigned)
* beq done
* ite hi
* mov(hi) rX, #-1
* mov(!hi) rX, #1
* flip:
* neg rX
* done:
void GenCmpLong(CompilationUnit* cUnit, RegLocation rlDest,
RegLocation rlSrc1, RegLocation rlSrc2)
LIR* target1;
LIR* target2;
rlSrc1 = LoadValueWide(cUnit, rlSrc1, kCoreReg);
rlSrc2 = LoadValueWide(cUnit, rlSrc2, kCoreReg);
int tReg = AllocTemp(cUnit);
LoadConstant(cUnit, tReg, -1);
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpCmp, rlSrc1.highReg, rlSrc2.highReg);
LIR* branch1 = OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondLt, NULL);
LIR* branch2 = OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondGt, NULL);
OpRegRegReg(cUnit, kOpSub, tReg, rlSrc1.lowReg, rlSrc2.lowReg);
LIR* branch3 = OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondEq, NULL);
OpIT(cUnit, kArmCondHi, "E");
NewLIR2(cUnit, kThumb2MovImmShift, tReg, ModifiedImmediate(-1));
LoadConstant(cUnit, tReg, 1);
target2 = NewLIR0(cUnit, kPseudoTargetLabel);
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpNeg, tReg, tReg);
target1 = NewLIR0(cUnit, kPseudoTargetLabel);
RegLocation rlTemp = LocCReturn(); // Just using as template, will change
rlTemp.lowReg = tReg;
StoreValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlTemp);
FreeTemp(cUnit, tReg);
branch1->target = target1;
branch2->target = target2;
branch3->target = branch1->target;
void GenFusedLongCmpBranch(CompilationUnit* cUnit, BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir)
LIR* labelList = cUnit->blockLabelList;
LIR* taken = &labelList[bb->taken->id];
LIR* notTaken = &labelList[bb->fallThrough->id];
RegLocation rlSrc1 = GetSrcWide(cUnit, mir, 0);
RegLocation rlSrc2 = GetSrcWide(cUnit, mir, 2);
rlSrc1 = LoadValueWide(cUnit, rlSrc1, kCoreReg);
rlSrc2 = LoadValueWide(cUnit, rlSrc2, kCoreReg);
ConditionCode ccode = static_cast<ConditionCode>(mir->dalvikInsn.arg[0]);
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpCmp, rlSrc1.highReg, rlSrc2.highReg);
switch(ccode) {
case kCondEq:
OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondNe, notTaken);
case kCondNe:
OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondNe, taken);
case kCondLt:
OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondLt, taken);
OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondGt, notTaken);
ccode = kCondCc;
case kCondLe:
OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondLt, taken);
OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondGt, notTaken);
ccode = kCondLs;
case kCondGt:
OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondGt, taken);
OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondLt, notTaken);
ccode = kCondHi;
case kCondGe:
OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondGt, taken);
OpCondBranch(cUnit, kCondLt, notTaken);
ccode = kCondCs;
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected ccode: " << ccode;
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpCmp, rlSrc1.lowReg, rlSrc2.lowReg);
OpCondBranch(cUnit, ccode, taken);
* Generate a register comparison to an immediate and branch. Caller
* is responsible for setting branch target field.
LIR* OpCmpImmBranch(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ConditionCode cond, int reg,
int checkValue, LIR* target)
LIR* branch;
int modImm;
ArmConditionCode armCond = ArmConditionEncoding(cond);
if ((ARM_LOWREG(reg)) && (checkValue == 0) &&
((armCond == kArmCondEq) || (armCond == kArmCondNe))) {
branch = NewLIR2(cUnit, (armCond == kArmCondEq) ? kThumb2Cbz : kThumb2Cbnz,
reg, 0);
} else {
modImm = ModifiedImmediate(checkValue);
if (ARM_LOWREG(reg) && ((checkValue & 0xff) == checkValue)) {
NewLIR2(cUnit, kThumbCmpRI8, reg, checkValue);
} else if (modImm >= 0) {
NewLIR2(cUnit, kThumb2CmpRI8, reg, modImm);
} else {
int tReg = AllocTemp(cUnit);
LoadConstant(cUnit, tReg, checkValue);
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpCmp, reg, tReg);
branch = NewLIR2(cUnit, kThumbBCond, 0, armCond);
branch->target = target;
return branch;
LIR* OpRegCopyNoInsert(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int rDest, int rSrc)
LIR* res;
int opcode;
if (ARM_FPREG(rDest) || ARM_FPREG(rSrc))
return FpRegCopy(cUnit, rDest, rSrc);
if (ARM_LOWREG(rDest) && ARM_LOWREG(rSrc))
opcode = kThumbMovRR;
else if (!ARM_LOWREG(rDest) && !ARM_LOWREG(rSrc))
opcode = kThumbMovRR_H2H;
else if (ARM_LOWREG(rDest))
opcode = kThumbMovRR_H2L;
opcode = kThumbMovRR_L2H;
res = RawLIR(cUnit, cUnit->currentDalvikOffset, opcode, rDest, rSrc);
if (!(cUnit->disableOpt & (1 << kSafeOptimizations)) && rDest == rSrc) {
res->flags.isNop = true;
return res;
LIR* OpRegCopy(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int rDest, int rSrc)
LIR* res = OpRegCopyNoInsert(cUnit, rDest, rSrc);
AppendLIR(cUnit, res);
return res;
void OpRegCopyWide(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int destLo, int destHi,
int srcLo, int srcHi)
bool destFP = ARM_FPREG(destLo) && ARM_FPREG(destHi);
bool srcFP = ARM_FPREG(srcLo) && ARM_FPREG(srcHi);
if (destFP) {
if (srcFP) {
OpRegCopy(cUnit, S2d(destLo, destHi), S2d(srcLo, srcHi));
} else {
NewLIR3(cUnit, kThumb2Fmdrr, S2d(destLo, destHi), srcLo, srcHi);
} else {
if (srcFP) {
NewLIR3(cUnit, kThumb2Fmrrd, destLo, destHi, S2d(srcLo, srcHi));
} else {
// Handle overlap
if (srcHi == destLo) {
OpRegCopy(cUnit, destHi, srcHi);
OpRegCopy(cUnit, destLo, srcLo);
} else {
OpRegCopy(cUnit, destLo, srcLo);
OpRegCopy(cUnit, destHi, srcHi);
// Table of magic divisors
struct MagicTable {
uint32_t magic;
uint32_t shift;
DividePattern pattern;
static const MagicTable magicTable[] = {
{0, 0, DivideNone}, // 0
{0, 0, DivideNone}, // 1
{0, 0, DivideNone}, // 2
{0x55555556, 0, Divide3}, // 3
{0, 0, DivideNone}, // 4
{0x66666667, 1, Divide5}, // 5
{0x2AAAAAAB, 0, Divide3}, // 6
{0x92492493, 2, Divide7}, // 7
{0, 0, DivideNone}, // 8
{0x38E38E39, 1, Divide5}, // 9
{0x66666667, 2, Divide5}, // 10
{0x2E8BA2E9, 1, Divide5}, // 11
{0x2AAAAAAB, 1, Divide5}, // 12
{0x4EC4EC4F, 2, Divide5}, // 13
{0x92492493, 3, Divide7}, // 14
{0x88888889, 3, Divide7}, // 15
// Integer division by constant via reciprocal multiply (Hacker's Delight, 10-4)
bool SmallLiteralDivide(CompilationUnit* cUnit, Instruction::Code dalvikOpcode,
RegLocation rlSrc, RegLocation rlDest, int lit)
if ((lit < 0) || (lit >= static_cast<int>(sizeof(magicTable)/sizeof(magicTable[0])))) {
return false;
DividePattern pattern = magicTable[lit].pattern;
if (pattern == DivideNone) {
return false;
// Tuning: add rem patterns
if (dalvikOpcode != Instruction::DIV_INT_LIT8) {
return false;
int rMagic = AllocTemp(cUnit);
LoadConstant(cUnit, rMagic, magicTable[lit].magic);
rlSrc = LoadValue(cUnit, rlSrc, kCoreReg);
RegLocation rlResult = EvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kCoreReg, true);
int rHi = AllocTemp(cUnit);
int rLo = AllocTemp(cUnit);
NewLIR4(cUnit, kThumb2Smull, rLo, rHi, rMagic, rlSrc.lowReg);
switch(pattern) {
case Divide3:
OpRegRegRegShift(cUnit, kOpSub, rlResult.lowReg, rHi,
rlSrc.lowReg, EncodeShift(kArmAsr, 31));
case Divide5:
OpRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAsr, rLo, rlSrc.lowReg, 31);
OpRegRegRegShift(cUnit, kOpRsub, rlResult.lowReg, rLo, rHi,
EncodeShift(kArmAsr, magicTable[lit].shift));
case Divide7:
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpAdd, rHi, rlSrc.lowReg);
OpRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAsr, rLo, rlSrc.lowReg, 31);
OpRegRegRegShift(cUnit, kOpRsub, rlResult.lowReg, rLo, rHi,
EncodeShift(kArmAsr, magicTable[lit].shift));
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected pattern: " << pattern;
StoreValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
return true;
LIR* GenRegMemCheck(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ConditionCode cCode,
int reg1, int base, int offset, ThrowKind kind)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of GenRegMemCheck for Arm";
return NULL;
RegLocation GenDivRemLit(CompilationUnit* cUnit, RegLocation rlDest, int reg1, int lit, bool isDiv)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of GenDivRemLit for Arm";
return rlDest;
RegLocation GenDivRem(CompilationUnit* cUnit, RegLocation rlDest, int reg1, int reg2, bool isDiv)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of GenDivRem for Arm";
return rlDest;
bool GenInlinedMinMaxInt(CompilationUnit *cUnit, CallInfo* info, bool isMin)
DCHECK_EQ(cUnit->instructionSet, kThumb2);
RegLocation rlSrc1 = info->args[0];
RegLocation rlSrc2 = info->args[1];
rlSrc1 = LoadValue(cUnit, rlSrc1, kCoreReg);
rlSrc2 = LoadValue(cUnit, rlSrc2, kCoreReg);
RegLocation rlDest = InlineTarget(cUnit, info);
RegLocation rlResult = EvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kCoreReg, true);
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpCmp, rlSrc1.lowReg, rlSrc2.lowReg);
OpIT(cUnit, (isMin) ? kArmCondGt : kArmCondLt, "E");
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpMov, rlResult.lowReg, rlSrc2.lowReg);
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpMov, rlResult.lowReg, rlSrc1.lowReg);
StoreValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
return true;
void OpLea(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int rBase, int reg1, int reg2, int scale, int offset)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpLea for Arm";
void OpTlsCmp(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int offset, int val)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpTlsCmp for Arm";
bool GenInlinedCas32(CompilationUnit* cUnit, CallInfo* info, bool need_write_barrier) {
DCHECK_EQ(cUnit->instructionSet, kThumb2);
// Unused - RegLocation rlSrcUnsafe = info->args[0];
RegLocation rlSrcObj= info->args[1]; // Object - known non-null
RegLocation rlSrcOffset= info->args[2]; // long low
rlSrcOffset.wide = 0; // ignore high half in info->args[3]
RegLocation rlSrcExpected= info->args[4]; // int or Object
RegLocation rlSrcNewValue= info->args[5]; // int or Object
RegLocation rlDest = InlineTarget(cUnit, info); // boolean place for result
// Release store semantics, get the barrier out of the way. TODO: revisit
GenMemBarrier(cUnit, kStoreLoad);
RegLocation rlObject = LoadValue(cUnit, rlSrcObj, kCoreReg);
RegLocation rlNewValue = LoadValue(cUnit, rlSrcNewValue, kCoreReg);
if (need_write_barrier) {
// Mark card for object assuming new value is stored.
MarkGCCard(cUnit, rlNewValue.lowReg, rlObject.lowReg);
RegLocation rlOffset = LoadValue(cUnit, rlSrcOffset, kCoreReg);
int rPtr = AllocTemp(cUnit);
OpRegRegReg(cUnit, kOpAdd, rPtr, rlObject.lowReg, rlOffset.lowReg);
// Free now unneeded rlObject and rlOffset to give more temps.
ClobberSReg(cUnit, rlObject.sRegLow);
FreeTemp(cUnit, rlObject.lowReg);
ClobberSReg(cUnit, rlOffset.sRegLow);
FreeTemp(cUnit, rlOffset.lowReg);
int rOldValue = AllocTemp(cUnit);
NewLIR3(cUnit, kThumb2Ldrex, rOldValue, rPtr, 0); // rOldValue := [rPtr]
RegLocation rlExpected = LoadValue(cUnit, rlSrcExpected, kCoreReg);
// if (rOldValue == rExpected) {
// [rPtr] <- rNewValue && rResult := success ? 0 : 1
// rResult ^= 1
// } else {
// rResult := 0
// }
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpCmp, rOldValue, rlExpected.lowReg);
FreeTemp(cUnit, rOldValue); // Now unneeded.
RegLocation rlResult = EvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kCoreReg, true);
OpIT(cUnit, kArmCondEq, "TE");
NewLIR4(cUnit, kThumb2Strex, rlResult.lowReg, rlNewValue.lowReg, rPtr, 0);
FreeTemp(cUnit, rPtr); // Now unneeded.
OpRegImm(cUnit, kOpXor, rlResult.lowReg, 1);
OpRegReg(cUnit, kOpXor, rlResult.lowReg, rlResult.lowReg);
StoreValue(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
return true;
LIR* OpPcRelLoad(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int reg, LIR* target)
return RawLIR(cUnit, cUnit->currentDalvikOffset, kThumb2LdrPcRel12, reg, 0, 0, 0, 0, target);
LIR* OpVldm(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int rBase, int count)
return NewLIR3(cUnit, kThumb2Vldms, rBase, fr0, count);
LIR* OpVstm(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int rBase, int count)
return NewLIR3(cUnit, kThumb2Vstms, rBase, fr0, count);
void GenMultiplyByTwoBitMultiplier(CompilationUnit* cUnit, RegLocation rlSrc,
RegLocation rlResult, int lit,
int firstBit, int secondBit)
OpRegRegRegShift(cUnit, kOpAdd, rlResult.lowReg, rlSrc.lowReg, rlSrc.lowReg,
EncodeShift(kArmLsl, secondBit - firstBit));
if (firstBit != 0) {
OpRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpLsl, rlResult.lowReg, rlResult.lowReg, firstBit);
void GenDivZeroCheck(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int regLo, int regHi)
int tReg = AllocTemp(cUnit);
NewLIR4(cUnit, kThumb2OrrRRRs, tReg, regLo, regHi, 0);
FreeTemp(cUnit, tReg);
GenCheck(cUnit, kCondEq, kThrowDivZero);
// Test suspend flag, return target of taken suspend branch
LIR* OpTestSuspend(CompilationUnit* cUnit, LIR* target)
NewLIR2(cUnit, kThumbSubRI8, rARM_SUSPEND, 1);
return OpCondBranch(cUnit, (target == NULL) ? kCondEq : kCondNe, target);
// Decrement register and branch on condition
LIR* OpDecAndBranch(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ConditionCode cCode, int reg, LIR* target)
// Combine sub & test using sub setflags encoding here
NewLIR3(cUnit, kThumb2SubsRRI12, reg, reg, 1);
return OpCondBranch(cUnit, cCode, target);
void GenMemBarrier(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MemBarrierKind barrierKind)
#if ANDROID_SMP != 0
int dmbFlavor;
// TODO: revisit Arm barrier kinds
switch (barrierKind) {
case kLoadStore: dmbFlavor = kSY; break;
case kLoadLoad: dmbFlavor = kSY; break;
case kStoreStore: dmbFlavor = kST; break;
case kStoreLoad: dmbFlavor = kSY; break;
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected MemBarrierKind: " << barrierKind;
dmbFlavor = kSY; // quiet gcc.
LIR* dmb = NewLIR1(cUnit, kThumb2Dmb, dmbFlavor);
dmb->defMask = ENCODE_ALL;
bool GenNegLong(CompilationUnit* cUnit, RegLocation rlDest,
RegLocation rlSrc)
rlSrc = LoadValueWide(cUnit, rlSrc, kCoreReg);
RegLocation rlResult = EvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kCoreReg, true);
int zReg = AllocTemp(cUnit);
LoadConstantNoClobber(cUnit, zReg, 0);
// Check for destructive overlap
if (rlResult.lowReg == rlSrc.highReg) {
int tReg = AllocTemp(cUnit);
OpRegRegReg(cUnit, kOpSub, rlResult.lowReg, zReg, rlSrc.lowReg);
OpRegRegReg(cUnit, kOpSbc, rlResult.highReg, zReg, tReg);
FreeTemp(cUnit, tReg);
} else {
OpRegRegReg(cUnit, kOpSub, rlResult.lowReg, zReg, rlSrc.lowReg);
OpRegRegReg(cUnit, kOpSbc, rlResult.highReg, zReg, rlSrc.highReg);
FreeTemp(cUnit, zReg);
StoreValueWide(cUnit, rlDest, rlResult);
return false;
bool GenAddLong(CompilationUnit* cUnit, RegLocation rlDest,
RegLocation rlSrc1, RegLocation rlSrc2)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of GenAddLong for Arm";
return false;
bool GenSubLong(CompilationUnit* cUnit, RegLocation rlDest,
RegLocation rlSrc1, RegLocation rlSrc2)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of GenSubLong for Arm";
return false;
bool GenAndLong(CompilationUnit* cUnit, RegLocation rlDest,
RegLocation rlSrc1, RegLocation rlSrc2)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of GenAndLong for Arm";
return false;
bool GenOrLong(CompilationUnit* cUnit, RegLocation rlDest,
RegLocation rlSrc1, RegLocation rlSrc2)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of GenOrLong for Arm";
return false;
bool GenXorLong(CompilationUnit* cUnit, RegLocation rlDest,
RegLocation rlSrc1, RegLocation rlSrc2)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of genXoLong for Arm";
return false;
} // namespace art