Revert "[art] Expand test coverage of secondary app images"

Revert "[dexopt] Allow secondary dex files to generate app images"

Revert submission 1210624-secimg

Bug: 149098478
Bug: 149168708

Reason for revert: Tests fail on device
Reverted Changes:
I87a0c2698: [art] Fix, re-enable and expand 596-app-images
I73592c597: [art] Enable compilation of secondary dexes by def...
I6cff0c8f2: [art] Expand test coverage of secondary app images...
Iaa04175ee: [dexopt] Allow secondary dex files to generate app...

Change-Id: I8616e3962e7834a15bd9d83c635b50b556ab9a76
7 files changed