JDWP: fix setting multiple breakpoints in the same method

When setting multiple breakpoints in the same method, we were
incorrectly setting the deoptimization kind of all the breakpoints
set after a first breakpoint. This resulted in incorrect
deoptimization/undeoptimization and even an abort. This was caught
by running the debugger with sanity checks enabled with libartd.so.

We now set next breakpoints with the deoptimization kind of the first
existing breakpoint (if any) so we trigger right [un]deoptimization
when adding or removing a breakpoint.

Bug: 18782753
Bug: 18651686

(cherry picked from commit abe93e0098a2648fa286cfea01954737e32c7be9)

Change-Id: I95424e361dc04df0adb54b5afac5b4da2b8b2731
diff --git a/runtime/debugger.cc b/runtime/debugger.cc
index 3f6bf79..c2745ff 100644
--- a/runtime/debugger.cc
+++ b/runtime/debugger.cc
@@ -3200,8 +3200,12 @@
+// Returns the deoptimization kind required to set a breakpoint in a method.
+// If a breakpoint has already been set, we also return the first breakpoint
+// through the given 'existing_brkpt' pointer.
 static DeoptimizationRequest::Kind GetRequiredDeoptimizationKind(Thread* self,
-                                                                 mirror::ArtMethod* m)
+                                                                 mirror::ArtMethod* m,
+                                                                 const Breakpoint** existing_brkpt)
     SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   if (!Dbg::RequiresDeoptimization()) {
     // We already run in interpreter-only mode so we don't need to deoptimize anything.
@@ -3209,12 +3213,14 @@
                << PrettyMethod(m);
     return DeoptimizationRequest::kNothing;
-  const Breakpoint* existing_breakpoint;
+  const Breakpoint* first_breakpoint;
     ReaderMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::breakpoint_lock_);
-    existing_breakpoint = FindFirstBreakpointForMethod(m);
+    first_breakpoint = FindFirstBreakpointForMethod(m);
+    *existing_brkpt = first_breakpoint;
-  if (existing_breakpoint == nullptr) {
+  if (first_breakpoint == nullptr) {
     // There is no breakpoint on this method yet: we need to deoptimize. If this method may be
     // inlined, we deoptimize everything; otherwise we deoptimize only this method.
     // Note: IsMethodPossiblyInlined goes into the method verifier and may cause thread suspension.
@@ -3241,7 +3247,7 @@
     // There is at least one breakpoint for this method: we don't need to deoptimize.
     // Let's check that all breakpoints are configured the same way for deoptimization.
     VLOG(jdwp) << "Breakpoint already set: no deoptimization is required";
-    DeoptimizationRequest::Kind deoptimization_kind = existing_breakpoint->GetDeoptimizationKind();
+    DeoptimizationRequest::Kind deoptimization_kind = first_breakpoint->GetDeoptimizationKind();
     if (kIsDebugBuild) {
       ReaderMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::breakpoint_lock_);
       SanityCheckExistingBreakpoints(m, deoptimization_kind);
@@ -3257,7 +3263,9 @@
   mirror::ArtMethod* m = FromMethodId(location->method_id);
   DCHECK(m != nullptr) << "No method for method id " << location->method_id;
-  const DeoptimizationRequest::Kind deoptimization_kind = GetRequiredDeoptimizationKind(self, m);
+  const Breakpoint* existing_breakpoint = nullptr;
+  const DeoptimizationRequest::Kind deoptimization_kind =
+      GetRequiredDeoptimizationKind(self, m, &existing_breakpoint);
   if (deoptimization_kind == DeoptimizationRequest::kSelectiveDeoptimization) {
@@ -3269,7 +3277,15 @@
     WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::breakpoint_lock_);
-    gBreakpoints.push_back(Breakpoint(m, location->dex_pc, deoptimization_kind));
+    // If there is at least one existing breakpoint on the same method, the new breakpoint
+    // must have the same deoptimization kind than the existing breakpoint(s).
+    DeoptimizationRequest::Kind breakpoint_deoptimization_kind;
+    if (existing_breakpoint != nullptr) {
+      breakpoint_deoptimization_kind = existing_breakpoint->GetDeoptimizationKind();
+    } else {
+      breakpoint_deoptimization_kind = deoptimization_kind;
+    }
+    gBreakpoints.push_back(Breakpoint(m, location->dex_pc, breakpoint_deoptimization_kind));
     VLOG(jdwp) << "Set breakpoint #" << (gBreakpoints.size() - 1) << ": "
                << gBreakpoints[gBreakpoints.size() - 1];