Revert^2 "Throw ClassFormatError for unsupported default methods."

This reverts commit 09261a8c5cd36a8c7a1ae5107da554dd35008b97.

Fixed redefine-stress failures. Worked around CTS failures
by reducing the cases where we throw the ClassFormatError.

Test: 180-native-default-method.
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: --host --optimizing
Test: aosp_taimen-userdebug boots.
Test: --host --optimizing --redefine-stress \
      --debug --debugggable --cdex-fast
Test: cts-tradefed run cts --m vm-tests-tf
Bug: 157170505
Bug: 157718952
Change-Id: I95264af9041836fd6bc54e85263e2a405e877d30
10 files changed