ART-tests: Remove DX dependency from 565-checker-rotate

D8 optimizes away the boolean-to-0/1 conversion. This CL moves 2 test
cases to smali where the checks depend on this (and enables D8).

Test: art/ -r -b --host -t 565-checker-rotate
Bug: 65168732
Change-Id: If6356dcdab51f6ea27e5cfc6fad1f1c90dbf0de5
diff --git a/test/565-checker-rotate/build b/test/565-checker-rotate/build
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ffcc5..0000000
--- a/test/565-checker-rotate/build
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# See b/65168732
-export USE_D8=false
-./default-build "$@"
diff --git a/test/565-checker-rotate/smali/Main2.smali b/test/565-checker-rotate/smali/Main2.smali
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca5027e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/565-checker-rotate/smali/Main2.smali
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+.class public LMain2;
+.super Ljava/lang/Object;
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+## CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
+## CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Val:i\d+>>     Phi [<<One>>,<<Zero>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<Val>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
+## CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+## CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
+## CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Val:i\d+>>     Phi [<<One>>,<<Zero>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<Val>>,<<NegDist>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+## CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) select_generator (after)
+## CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
+## CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<SelVal:i\d+>>  Select [<<Zero>>,<<One>>,<<ArgVal>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<SelVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) select_generator (after)
+## CHECK-NOT:                      Phi
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (after)
+## CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
+## CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (after)
+## CHECK-NOT:                      Select
+# Original java source
+#     private static int rotateLeftBoolean(boolean value, int distance) {
+#       return Integer.rotateLeft(value ? 1 : 0, distance);
+#     }
+.method public static rotateLeftBoolean(ZI)I
+    .registers 3
+    .param p0, "value"    # Z
+    .param p1, "distance"    # I
+    .prologue
+    .line 66
+    if-eqz p0, :cond_8
+    const/4 v0, 0x1
+    :goto_3
+    invoke-static {v0, p1}, Ljava/lang/Integer;->rotateLeft(II)I
+    move-result v0
+    return v0
+    :cond_8
+    const/4 v0, 0x0
+    goto :goto_3
+.end method
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+## CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
+## CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Val:i\d+>>     Phi [<<One>>,<<Zero>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<Val>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
+## CHECK-DAG:                     Return [<<Result>>]
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+## CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
+## CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Val:i\d+>>     Phi [<<One>>,<<Zero>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<Val>>,<<ArgDist>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+## CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) select_generator (after)
+## CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
+## CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<SelVal:i\d+>>  Select [<<Zero>>,<<One>>,<<ArgVal>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<SelVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) select_generator (after)
+## CHECK-NOT:                     Phi
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (after)
+## CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
+## CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (after)
+## CHECK-NOT:                     Select
+# Original java source:
+#     private static int rotateRightBoolean(boolean value, int distance) {
+#       return Integer.rotateRight(value ? 1 : 0, distance);
+#     }
+.method public static rotateRightBoolean(ZI)I
+    .registers 3
+    .param p0, "value"    # Z
+    .param p1, "distance"    # I
+    .prologue
+    .line 219
+    if-eqz p0, :cond_8
+    const/4 v0, 0x1
+    :goto_3
+    invoke-static {v0, p1}, Ljava/lang/Integer;->rotateRight(II)I
+    move-result v0
+    return v0
+    :cond_8
+    const/4 v0, 0x0
+    goto :goto_3
+.end method
diff --git a/test/565-checker-rotate/src-art/ b/test/565-checker-rotate/src-art/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9e1315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/565-checker-rotate/src-art/
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+public class Main {
+  private static Class main2;
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftByte(byte, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:b\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftByte(byte, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:b\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftByte(byte, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateLeftByte(byte value, int distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateLeft(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftShort(short, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:s\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftShort(short, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:s\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftShort(short, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateLeftShort(short value, int distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateLeft(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftChar(char, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:c\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftChar(char, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:c\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftChar(char, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateLeftChar(char value, int distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateLeft(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftInt(int, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftInt(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftInt(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateLeftInt(int value, int distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateLeft(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateLeftLong(long, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:j\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:j\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:LongRotateLeft
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateLeftLong(long, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:j\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:j\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateLeftLong(long, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static long rotateLeftLong(long value, int distance) {
+    return Long.rotateLeft(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightByte(byte, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:b\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightByte(byte, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:b\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightByte(byte, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateRightByte(byte value, int distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateRight(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightShort(short, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:s\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightShort(short, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:s\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightShort(short, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateRightShort(short value, int distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateRight(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightChar(char, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:c\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightChar(char, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:c\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightChar(char, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateRightChar(char value, int distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateRight(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightInt(int, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightInt(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightInt(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateRightInt(int value, int distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateRight(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateRightLong(long, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:j\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:j\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:LongRotateRight
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateRightLong(long, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:j\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:j\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateRightLong(long, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static long rotateRightLong(long value, int distance) {
+    return Long.rotateRight(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int value, byte distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateLeft(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int value, byte distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateRight(value, distance);
+  }
+  public static void testRotateLeftBoolean() throws Exception {
+    Method rotateLeftBoolean = main2.getMethod("rotateLeftBoolean", boolean.class, int.class);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 31;
+      expectEqualsInt(0, (int)rotateLeftBoolean.invoke(null, false, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(1 << i, (int)rotateLeftBoolean.invoke(null, true, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateLeftByte() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x01, 0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000002, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x01, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x01, 31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x01, 32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFF03, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x81, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFE07, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x81, 2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000120, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x12, 4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFF9AFF, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x9A, 8));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 31;
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x0000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateLeftByte((byte)0xFFFF, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((1 << j), rotateLeftByte((byte)0x0001, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x12 << j) | (0x12 >>> -j), rotateLeftByte((byte)0x12, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateLeftShort() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftShort((short)0x0001, 0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000002, rotateLeftShort((short)0x0001, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateLeftShort((short)0x0001, 31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftShort((short)0x0001, 32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFF0003, rotateLeftShort((short)0x8001, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFE0007, rotateLeftShort((short)0x8001, 2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00012340, rotateLeftShort((short)0x1234, 4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFF9ABCFF, rotateLeftShort((short)0x9ABC, 8));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 31;
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateLeftShort((short)0x0000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateLeftShort((short)0xFFFF, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((1 << j), rotateLeftShort((short)0x0001, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x1234 << j) | (0x1234 >>> -j), rotateLeftShort((short)0x1234, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateLeftChar() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftChar((char)0x0001, 0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000002, rotateLeftChar((char)0x0001, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateLeftChar((char)0x0001, 31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftChar((char)0x0001, 32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00010002, rotateLeftChar((char)0x8001, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00020004, rotateLeftChar((char)0x8001, 2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00012340, rotateLeftChar((char)0x1234, 4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x009ABC00, rotateLeftChar((char)0x9ABC, 8));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00FF0000, rotateLeftChar((char)0xFF00, 8));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 31;
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateLeftChar((char)0x0000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((1 << j), rotateLeftChar((char)0x0001, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x1234 << j) | (0x1234 >>> -j), rotateLeftChar((char)0x1234, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateLeftInt() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftInt(0x00000001, 0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000002, rotateLeftInt(0x00000001, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateLeftInt(0x00000001, 31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftInt(0x00000001, 32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000003, rotateLeftInt(0x80000001, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000006, rotateLeftInt(0x80000001, 2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x23456781, rotateLeftInt(0x12345678, 4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xBCDEF09A, rotateLeftInt(0x9ABCDEF0, 8));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 31;
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateLeftInt(0x00000000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateLeftInt(0xFFFFFFFF, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(1 << j, rotateLeftInt(0x00000001, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x12345678 << j) | (0x12345678 >>> -j), rotateLeftInt(0x12345678, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateLeftLong() {
+    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000001L, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000001L, 0));
+    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000002L, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000001L, 1));
+    expectEqualsLong(0x8000000000000000L, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000001L, 63));
+    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000001L, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000001L, 64));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000003L, rotateLeftLong(0x8000000000000001L, 1));
+    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000006L, rotateLeftLong(0x8000000000000001L, 2));
+    expectEqualsLong(0x23456789ABCDEF01L, rotateLeftLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, 4));
+    expectEqualsLong(0x3456789ABCDEF012L, rotateLeftLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, 8));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 70; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 63;
+      expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000000L, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000000L, i));
+      expectEqualsLong(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, rotateLeftLong(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, i));
+      expectEqualsLong(1L << j, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000001, i));
+      expectEqualsLong((0x123456789ABCDEF0L << j) | (0x123456789ABCDEF0L >>> -j),
+                       rotateLeftLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateRightBoolean() throws Exception {
+    Method rotateRightBoolean = main2.getMethod("rotateRightBoolean", boolean.class, int.class);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 31;
+      expectEqualsInt(0, (int)rotateRightBoolean.invoke(null, false, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(1 << (32 - i), (int)rotateRightBoolean.invoke(null, true, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateRightByte() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFF80, rotateRightByte((byte)0x80, 0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x7FFFFFC0, rotateRightByte((byte)0x80, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFF01, rotateRightByte((byte)0x80, 31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFF80, rotateRightByte((byte)0x80, 32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFC0, rotateRightByte((byte)0x81, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x7FFFFFE0, rotateRightByte((byte)0x81, 2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x20000001, rotateRightByte((byte)0x12, 4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x9AFFFFFF, rotateRightByte((byte)0x9A, 8));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 31;
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateRightByte((byte)0x00, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateRightByte((byte)0xFF, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(1 << (32 - j), rotateRightByte((byte)0x01, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x12 >>> j) | (0x12 << -j), rotateRightByte((byte)0x12, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateRightShort() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFF8000, rotateRightShort((short)0x8000, 0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x7FFFC000, rotateRightShort((short)0x8000, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFF0001, rotateRightShort((short)0x8000, 31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFF8000, rotateRightShort((short)0x8000, 32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFC000, rotateRightShort((short)0x8001, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x7FFFE000, rotateRightShort((short)0x8001, 2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x40000123, rotateRightShort((short)0x1234, 4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xBCFFFF9A, rotateRightShort((short)0x9ABC, 8));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 31;
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateRightShort((short)0x0000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateRightShort((short)0xFFFF, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(1 << (32 - j), rotateRightShort((short)0x0001, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x1234 >>> j) | (0x1234 << -j), rotateRightShort((short)0x1234, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateRightChar() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00008000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8000, 0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00004000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8000, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00010000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8000, 31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00008000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8000, 32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80004000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8001, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x40002000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8001, 2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x40000123, rotateRightChar((char)0x1234, 4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xBC00009A, rotateRightChar((char)0x9ABC, 8));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 31;
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateRightChar((char)0x0000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(1 << (32 - j), rotateRightChar((char)0x0001, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x1234 >>> j) | (0x1234 << -j), rotateRightChar((char)0x1234, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateRightInt() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateRightInt(0x80000000, 0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x40000000, rotateRightInt(0x80000000, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateRightInt(0x80000000, 31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateRightInt(0x80000000, 32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0xC0000000, rotateRightInt(0x80000001, 1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x60000000, rotateRightInt(0x80000001, 2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x81234567, rotateRightInt(0x12345678, 4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xF09ABCDE, rotateRightInt(0x9ABCDEF0, 8));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 31;
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateRightInt(0x00000000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateRightInt(0xFFFFFFFF, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0x80000000 >>> j, rotateRightInt(0x80000000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x12345678 >>> j) | (0x12345678 << -j), rotateRightInt(0x12345678, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateRightLong() {
+    expectEqualsLong(0x8000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000000L, 0));
+    expectEqualsLong(0x4000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000000L, 1));
+    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000001L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000000L, 63));
+    expectEqualsLong(0x8000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000000L, 64));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsLong(0xC000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000001L, 1));
+    expectEqualsLong(0x6000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000001L, 2));
+    expectEqualsLong(0x0123456789ABCDEFL, rotateRightLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, 4));
+    expectEqualsLong(0xF0123456789ABCDEL, rotateRightLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, 8));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 70; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      int j = i & 63;
+      expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x0000000000000000L, i));
+      expectEqualsLong(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, rotateRightLong(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, i));
+      expectEqualsLong(0x8000000000000000L >>> j, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000000L, i));
+      expectEqualsLong((0x123456789ABCDEF0L >>> j) | (0x123456789ABCDEF0L << -j),
+                       rotateRightLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateLeftIntWithByteDistance() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000002, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000003, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000006, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x23456781, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, (byte)4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xBCDEF09A, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x9ABCDEF0, (byte)8));
+    for (byte i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      byte j = (byte)(i & 31);
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0xFFFFFFFF, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(1 << j, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x12345678 << j) | (0x12345678 >>> -j),
+                      rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateRightIntWithByteDistance() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x40000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0xC0000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x60000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x81234567, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, (byte)4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xF09ABCDE, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x9ABCDEF0, (byte)8));
+    for (byte i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      byte j = (byte)(i & 31);
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x00000000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0xFFFFFFFF, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0x80000000 >>> j, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x12345678 >>> j) | (0x12345678 << -j),
+                      rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
+    main2 = Class.forName("Main2");
+    testRotateLeftBoolean();
+    testRotateLeftByte();
+    testRotateLeftShort();
+    testRotateLeftChar();
+    testRotateLeftInt();
+    testRotateLeftLong();
+    testRotateRightBoolean();
+    testRotateRightByte();
+    testRotateRightShort();
+    testRotateRightChar();
+    testRotateRightInt();
+    testRotateRightLong();
+    // Also exercise distance values with types other than int.
+    testRotateLeftIntWithByteDistance();
+    testRotateRightIntWithByteDistance();
+    System.out.println("passed");
+  }
+  private static void expectEqualsInt(int expected, int result) {
+    if (expected != result) {
+      throw new Error("Expected: " + expected + ", found: " + result);
+    }
+  }
+  private static void expectEqualsLong(long expected, long result) {
+    if (expected != result) {
+      throw new Error("Expected: " + expected + ", found: " + result);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/test/565-checker-rotate/src/ b/test/565-checker-rotate/src/
index eb0e868..79b8555 100644
--- a/test/565-checker-rotate/src/
+++ b/test/565-checker-rotate/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,623 +14,9 @@
  * limitations under the License.
+// This file is just for running on the RI as the test is ART specific.
 public class Main {
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Val:i\d+>>     Phi [<<One>>,<<Zero>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<Val>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Val:i\d+>>     Phi [<<One>>,<<Zero>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<Val>>,<<NegDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) select_generator (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<SelVal:i\d+>>  Select [<<Zero>>,<<One>>,<<ArgVal>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<SelVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) select_generator (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      Phi
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      Select
-  private static int rotateLeftBoolean(boolean value, int distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateLeft(value ? 1 : 0, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftByte(byte, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:b\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftByte(byte, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:b\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftByte(byte, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static int rotateLeftByte(byte value, int distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateLeft(value, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftShort(short, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:s\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftShort(short, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:s\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftShort(short, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static int rotateLeftShort(short value, int distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateLeft(value, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftChar(char, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:c\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftChar(char, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:c\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftChar(char, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static int rotateLeftChar(char value, int distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateLeft(value, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftInt(int, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftInt(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftInt(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static int rotateLeftInt(int value, int distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateLeft(value, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateLeftLong(long, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:j\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:j\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:LongRotateLeft
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateLeftLong(long, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:j\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:j\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateLeftLong(long, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static long rotateLeftLong(long value, int distance) {
-    return Long.rotateLeft(value, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Val:i\d+>>     Phi [<<One>>,<<Zero>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<Val>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                     Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Val:i\d+>>     Phi [<<One>>,<<Zero>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<Val>>,<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) select_generator (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Zero:i\d+>>    IntConstant 0
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<One:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<SelVal:i\d+>>  Select [<<Zero>>,<<One>>,<<ArgVal>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<SelVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) select_generator (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                     Phi
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:z\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightBoolean(boolean, int) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                     Select
-  private static int rotateRightBoolean(boolean value, int distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateRight(value ? 1 : 0, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightByte(byte, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:b\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightByte(byte, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:b\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightByte(byte, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static int rotateRightByte(byte value, int distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateRight(value, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightShort(short, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:s\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightShort(short, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:s\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightShort(short, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static int rotateRightShort(short value, int distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateRight(value, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightChar(char, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:c\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightChar(char, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:c\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightChar(char, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static int rotateRightChar(char value, int distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateRight(value, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightInt(int, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightInt(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightInt(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static int rotateRightInt(int value, int distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateRight(value, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateRightLong(long, int) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:j\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:j\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:LongRotateRight
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateRightLong(long, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:j\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:i\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:j\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: long Main.rotateRightLong(long, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static long rotateRightLong(long value, int distance) {
-    return Long.rotateRight(value, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static int rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int value, byte distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateLeft(value, distance);
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) intrinsics_recognition (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
-  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
-  private static int rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int value, byte distance) {
-    return Integer.rotateRight(value, distance);
-  }
-  public static void testRotateLeftBoolean() {
-    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 31;
-      expectEqualsInt(0, rotateLeftBoolean(false, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(1 << i, rotateLeftBoolean(true, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateLeftByte() {
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x01, 0));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000002, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x01, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x01, 31));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x01, 32));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFF03, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x81, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFE07, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x81, 2));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000120, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x12, 4));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFF9AFF, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x9A, 8));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 31;
-      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateLeftByte((byte)0x0000, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateLeftByte((byte)0xFFFF, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((1 << j), rotateLeftByte((byte)0x0001, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((0x12 << j) | (0x12 >>> -j), rotateLeftByte((byte)0x12, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateLeftShort() {
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftShort((short)0x0001, 0));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000002, rotateLeftShort((short)0x0001, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateLeftShort((short)0x0001, 31));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftShort((short)0x0001, 32));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFF0003, rotateLeftShort((short)0x8001, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFE0007, rotateLeftShort((short)0x8001, 2));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00012340, rotateLeftShort((short)0x1234, 4));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFF9ABCFF, rotateLeftShort((short)0x9ABC, 8));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 31;
-      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateLeftShort((short)0x0000, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateLeftShort((short)0xFFFF, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((1 << j), rotateLeftShort((short)0x0001, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((0x1234 << j) | (0x1234 >>> -j), rotateLeftShort((short)0x1234, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateLeftChar() {
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftChar((char)0x0001, 0));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000002, rotateLeftChar((char)0x0001, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateLeftChar((char)0x0001, 31));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftChar((char)0x0001, 32));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00010002, rotateLeftChar((char)0x8001, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00020004, rotateLeftChar((char)0x8001, 2));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00012340, rotateLeftChar((char)0x1234, 4));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x009ABC00, rotateLeftChar((char)0x9ABC, 8));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00FF0000, rotateLeftChar((char)0xFF00, 8));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 31;
-      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateLeftChar((char)0x0000, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((1 << j), rotateLeftChar((char)0x0001, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((0x1234 << j) | (0x1234 >>> -j), rotateLeftChar((char)0x1234, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateLeftInt() {
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftInt(0x00000001, 0));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000002, rotateLeftInt(0x00000001, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateLeftInt(0x00000001, 31));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftInt(0x00000001, 32));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000003, rotateLeftInt(0x80000001, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000006, rotateLeftInt(0x80000001, 2));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x23456781, rotateLeftInt(0x12345678, 4));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xBCDEF09A, rotateLeftInt(0x9ABCDEF0, 8));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 31;
-      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateLeftInt(0x00000000, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateLeftInt(0xFFFFFFFF, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(1 << j, rotateLeftInt(0x00000001, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((0x12345678 << j) | (0x12345678 >>> -j), rotateLeftInt(0x12345678, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateLeftLong() {
-    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000001L, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000001L, 0));
-    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000002L, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000001L, 1));
-    expectEqualsLong(0x8000000000000000L, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000001L, 63));
-    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000001L, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000001L, 64));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000003L, rotateLeftLong(0x8000000000000001L, 1));
-    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000006L, rotateLeftLong(0x8000000000000001L, 2));
-    expectEqualsLong(0x23456789ABCDEF01L, rotateLeftLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, 4));
-    expectEqualsLong(0x3456789ABCDEF012L, rotateLeftLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, 8));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 70; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 63;
-      expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000000L, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000000L, i));
-      expectEqualsLong(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, rotateLeftLong(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, i));
-      expectEqualsLong(1L << j, rotateLeftLong(0x0000000000000001, i));
-      expectEqualsLong((0x123456789ABCDEF0L << j) | (0x123456789ABCDEF0L >>> -j),
-                       rotateLeftLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateRightBoolean() {
-    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 31;
-      expectEqualsInt(0, rotateRightBoolean(false, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(1 << (32 - i), rotateRightBoolean(true, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateRightByte() {
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFF80, rotateRightByte((byte)0x80, 0));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x7FFFFFC0, rotateRightByte((byte)0x80, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFF01, rotateRightByte((byte)0x80, 31));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFF80, rotateRightByte((byte)0x80, 32));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFC0, rotateRightByte((byte)0x81, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x7FFFFFE0, rotateRightByte((byte)0x81, 2));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x20000001, rotateRightByte((byte)0x12, 4));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x9AFFFFFF, rotateRightByte((byte)0x9A, 8));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 31;
-      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateRightByte((byte)0x00, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateRightByte((byte)0xFF, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(1 << (32 - j), rotateRightByte((byte)0x01, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((0x12 >>> j) | (0x12 << -j), rotateRightByte((byte)0x12, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateRightShort() {
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFF8000, rotateRightShort((short)0x8000, 0));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x7FFFC000, rotateRightShort((short)0x8000, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFF0001, rotateRightShort((short)0x8000, 31));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFF8000, rotateRightShort((short)0x8000, 32));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFC000, rotateRightShort((short)0x8001, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x7FFFE000, rotateRightShort((short)0x8001, 2));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x40000123, rotateRightShort((short)0x1234, 4));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xBCFFFF9A, rotateRightShort((short)0x9ABC, 8));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 31;
-      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateRightShort((short)0x0000, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateRightShort((short)0xFFFF, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(1 << (32 - j), rotateRightShort((short)0x0001, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((0x1234 >>> j) | (0x1234 << -j), rotateRightShort((short)0x1234, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateRightChar() {
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00008000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8000, 0));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00004000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8000, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00010000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8000, 31));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00008000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8000, 32));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsInt(0x80004000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8001, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x40002000, rotateRightChar((char)0x8001, 2));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x40000123, rotateRightChar((char)0x1234, 4));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xBC00009A, rotateRightChar((char)0x9ABC, 8));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 31;
-      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateRightChar((char)0x0000, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(1 << (32 - j), rotateRightChar((char)0x0001, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((0x1234 >>> j) | (0x1234 << -j), rotateRightChar((char)0x1234, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateRightInt() {
-    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateRightInt(0x80000000, 0));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x40000000, rotateRightInt(0x80000000, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateRightInt(0x80000000, 31));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateRightInt(0x80000000, 32));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsInt(0xC0000000, rotateRightInt(0x80000001, 1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x60000000, rotateRightInt(0x80000001, 2));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x81234567, rotateRightInt(0x12345678, 4));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xF09ABCDE, rotateRightInt(0x9ABCDEF0, 8));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 31;
-      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateRightInt(0x00000000, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateRightInt(0xFFFFFFFF, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(0x80000000 >>> j, rotateRightInt(0x80000000, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((0x12345678 >>> j) | (0x12345678 << -j), rotateRightInt(0x12345678, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateRightLong() {
-    expectEqualsLong(0x8000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000000L, 0));
-    expectEqualsLong(0x4000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000000L, 1));
-    expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000001L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000000L, 63));
-    expectEqualsLong(0x8000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000000L, 64));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsLong(0xC000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000001L, 1));
-    expectEqualsLong(0x6000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000001L, 2));
-    expectEqualsLong(0x0123456789ABCDEFL, rotateRightLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, 4));
-    expectEqualsLong(0xF0123456789ABCDEL, rotateRightLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, 8));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 70; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      int j = i & 63;
-      expectEqualsLong(0x0000000000000000L, rotateRightLong(0x0000000000000000L, i));
-      expectEqualsLong(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, rotateRightLong(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, i));
-      expectEqualsLong(0x8000000000000000L >>> j, rotateRightLong(0x8000000000000000L, i));
-      expectEqualsLong((0x123456789ABCDEF0L >>> j) | (0x123456789ABCDEF0L << -j),
-                       rotateRightLong(0x123456789ABCDEF0L, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateLeftIntWithByteDistance() {
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)0));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000002, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)31));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)32));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000003, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000006, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)2));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x23456781, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, (byte)4));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xBCDEF09A, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x9ABCDEF0, (byte)8));
-    for (byte i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      byte j = (byte)(i & 31);
-      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000000, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0xFFFFFFFF, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(1 << j, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((0x12345678 << j) | (0x12345678 >>> -j),
-                      rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, i));
-    }
-  }
-  public static void testRotateRightIntWithByteDistance() {
-    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)0));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x40000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)31));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)32));  // overshoot
-    expectEqualsInt(0xC0000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)1));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x60000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)2));
-    expectEqualsInt(0x81234567, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, (byte)4));
-    expectEqualsInt(0xF09ABCDE, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x9ABCDEF0, (byte)8));
-    for (byte i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
-      byte j = (byte)(i & 31);
-      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x00000000, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0xFFFFFFFF, i));
-      expectEqualsInt(0x80000000 >>> j, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, i));
-      expectEqualsInt((0x12345678 >>> j) | (0x12345678 << -j),
-                      rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, i));
-    }
-  }
   public static void main(String args[]) {
-    testRotateLeftBoolean();
-    testRotateLeftByte();
-    testRotateLeftShort();
-    testRotateLeftChar();
-    testRotateLeftInt();
-    testRotateLeftLong();
-    testRotateRightBoolean();
-    testRotateRightByte();
-    testRotateRightShort();
-    testRotateRightChar();
-    testRotateRightInt();
-    testRotateRightLong();
-    // Also exercise distance values with types other than int.
-    testRotateLeftIntWithByteDistance();
-    testRotateRightIntWithByteDistance();
-  private static void expectEqualsInt(int expected, int result) {
-    if (expected != result) {
-      throw new Error("Expected: " + expected + ", found: " + result);
-    }
-  }
-  private static void expectEqualsLong(long expected, long result) {
-    if (expected != result) {
-      throw new Error("Expected: " + expected + ", found: " + result);
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file