ART: Change indentation to 4 spaces in run-test shards 15-19.

Created with
    for testName in \
        `git grep -E '^  public static void main\(String\[\]' \
            -- test/*<i>-*/src/ | \
        sed '-es/\/src\/*//'`; \
    do \
        find $testName/ -type f -name *.java | \
        xargs sed -E '-es/^((  )+)/\1\1/' --in-place ; \
with <i> manually set to 15 to 19.

Manually address many long lines and fix other style issues.

Test: --host --optimizing
Change-Id: I20e443155e4a2c91a6c484f24783c0d4b87ca928
27 files changed