Add a mark bit check in the read barrier jni entrypoint.

Bug: 30437917
Bug: 12687968
Test: test-art host/N9, N9 libartd boot, Ritz EAAC.
Change-Id: Ic5f8080959f243e80f00da73ba5f4b91a8d8b617
diff --git a/runtime/entrypoints/quick/ b/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
index 20fa0d8..383cdd2 100644
--- a/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
+++ b/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
@@ -24,6 +24,15 @@
 extern void ReadBarrierJni(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* handle_on_stack,
                            Thread* self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+  DCHECK(kUseReadBarrier);
+  if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
+    DCHECK(handle_on_stack->AsMirrorPtr() != nullptr)
+        << "The class of a static jni call must not be null";
+    // Check the mark bit and return early if it's already marked.
+    if (LIKELY(handle_on_stack->AsMirrorPtr()->GetMarkBit() != 0)) {
+      return;
+    }
+  }
   // Call the read barrier and update the handle.
   mirror::Object* to_ref = ReadBarrier::BarrierForRoot(handle_on_stack);