Update git submodules

* Update device/google/cuttlefish from branch 'master'
  to 0841e83eb4eec59c8790459fada48622018dae6d
  - Merge "Reland "Add enable_rootcanal""
  - Reland "Add enable_rootcanal"
    This reverts commit 9c116f275ffd1397015f5c9c15a827554f26926b.
    To use BT HAL, the location of root-canal is changed from guest to host.
    So if enable-rootcanal is true, run_cvd excute the root-canal binary and
    open the port for hci, link and test.
    The root-canal does not support arm64 host yet. So it's only applied to
    x86_64 host. After supporting root-canl for arm64 host, the root-canal
    is enabled for arm64 host
    Bug: 178702846
    Bug: 181203470
    Test: lunch aosp_cf_arm64_phone-userdebug && m -j
    Test: lunch aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug && m -j
    Test: launch_cvd --enable-rootcanal=true
    Change-Id: I8149e3c1330b95ae443e8f18d738eaebf1bddfc5
1 file changed