blob: cc71e03ebcec8004b8f8651f46d21b308783e706 [file] [log] [blame]
# This script is meant to update all defconfigs when any Kconfig changes.
# Just go to kernel root directory and execute:
# $ scripts/
# For each ${ARCH}_XXX_defconfig inside arch/x86/configs it will ask to
# run either make oldconfig, make menuconfig or make xconfig.
# In the end all defconfigs will be updated and ready for a patch.
for arch in i386 x86_64
ALLDEFCONFIGS="`ls arch/x86/configs/${arch}_mrfl_defconfig`"
for conf in $ALLDEFCONFIGS; do
echo "Updating $conf (O=oldconfig, m=menuconfig, x=xconfig, d=olddefconfig): [O/m/x/d default=O]?"
read -s -n1 ANSWER < /dev/tty
cp $conf .config
case "$ANSWER" in
[mM] )
make ARCH=${arch} menuconfig
[xX] )
make ARCH=${arch} xconfig
[dD] )
make ARCH=${arch} olddefconfig
make ARCH=${arch} oldconfig
cp .config $conf
make mrproper