input: touchscreen: stm: disable firmware grip for touch_offload

Upon resume, issue command to disable grip suppression when the
filter_grip config flag is clear. Schedule with a 100ms delay during
resume to ensure the command is not missed.

Bug: 143723547
Bug: 139955910
Signed-off-by: Steve Pfetsch <>
Change-Id: I1db9c9053aa45a655b5322153ab4ccd85a47b3b5
2 files changed
tree: 5f512cbf06c1c06e18ff602e8caa0be407a717ae
  1. fts_lib/
  2. fts.c
  3. fts.h
  4. fts_limits.h
  5. fts_proc.c
  6. Kbuild
  7. Kconfig
  8. Makefile