amcs: add adapted_info_active_count and adapted_info_active_duration sysfs

Report Adapted Information such as thermal throttling.
 cat /sys/devices/platform/audiometrics/adapted_info_active_count
 Ex: 10 5 2 2 1 0
 means features 0 to 5 have count 10, 5, 2, 2, 1 and 0 respectively.

 cat /sys/devices/platform/audiometrics/adapted_info_active_duration
 Ex: 3200 3029 130 3 500 0
 means features 0 to 5 has durations 3200, 3029, 130, 3, 500 and 0
       milliseconds respectively.

Related Audio HAL change-id: I418e7ceb8d5ab0f3b880ae2e40eaf944959d2e3f

Bug: 280248702,280248995
Test: local testing
Change-Id: I0048e1d51623f9a7c253bc34717585dfa46a5826
3 files changed