blob: 4ee4b59bd14c8b66fddcfe81ea3b07cc7b92cb10 [file] [log] [blame]
*Trace log blocks sent over HBUS
* Broadcom 802.11abg Networking Device Driver
* Definitions subject to change without notice.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2014, Broadcom Corporation
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* $Id: event_log.h 241182 2011-02-17 21:50:03Z$
#ifndef _WL_DIAG_H
#define _WL_DIAG_H
#define DIAG_MAJOR_VERSION 1 /* 4 bits */
#define DIAG_MINOR_VERSION 0 /* 4 bits */
#define DIAG_MICRO_VERSION 0 /* 4 bits */
#define DIAG_VERSION \
/* bit[11:8] major ver */
/* bit[7:4] minor ver */
/* bit[3:0] micro ver */
#define ETHER_ADDR_PACK_LOW(addr) (((addr)->octet[3])<<24 | ((addr)->octet[2])<<16 | \
((addr)->octet[1])<<8 | ((addr)->octet[0]))
#define ETHER_ADDR_PACK_HI(addr) (((addr)->octet[5])<<8 | ((addr)->octet[4]))
#define SSID_PACK(addr) (((uint8)(addr)[0])<<24 | ((uint8)(addr)[1])<<16 | \
((uint8)(addr)[2])<<8 | ((uint8)(addr)[3]))
/* event ID for trace purpose only, to avoid the conflict with future new
* WLC_E_ , starting from 0x8000 */
#define TRACE_FW_AUTH_STARTED 0x8000
#define TRACE_G_SCAN_STARTED 0x8003
#define TRACE_BLOCK_ACK_NEGOTIATION_COMPLETE 0x8008 /* protocol status */
#define TRACE_BT_COEX_BT_SCO_STOP 0x800a
#define TRACE_BT_COEX_BT_HID_STOP 0x800e
/* Parameters of wifi logger events are TLVs */
/* Event parameters tags are defined as: */
#define TRACE_TAG_VENDOR_SPECIFIC 0 /* take a byte stream as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_BSSID 1 /* takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_ADDR 2 /* takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_SSID 3 /* takes a 32 bytes SSID address as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_STATUS 4 /* takes an integer as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_CHANNEL_SPEC 5 /* takes one or more wifi_channel_spec as */
/* parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_WAKE_LOCK_EVENT 6 /* takes a wake_lock_event struct as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_ADDR1 7 /* takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_ADDR2 8 /* takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_ADDR3 9 /* takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_ADDR4 10 /* takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_TSF 11 /* take a 64 bits TSF value as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_IE 12 /* take one or more specific 802.11 IEs */
/* parameter, IEs are in turn indicated in */
/* TLV format as per 802.11 spec */
#define TRACE_TAG_INTERFACE 13 /* take interface name as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_REASON_CODE 14 /* take a reason code as per 802.11 */
/* as parameter */
#define TRACE_TAG_RATE_MBPS 15 /* take a wifi rate in 0.5 mbps */
/* for each event id with logging data, define its logging data structure */
typedef union {
struct {
uint16 event: 16;
uint16 version: 16;
uint32 t;
} wl_event_log_id_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint16 status: 16;
uint16 paraset: 16;
uint32 t;
} wl_event_log_blk_ack_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint8 mode: 8;
uint8 count: 8;
uint16 ch: 16;
uint32 t;
} wl_event_log_csa_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint8 status: 1;
uint8 eapol_idx: 2;
uint32 notused: 13;
uint16 rate0: 16;
uint32 t;
} wl_event_log_eapol_tx_t;
#define WL_EVENT_LOG(tag, event, ...) \
do { \
wl_event_log_id_t entry = {{event, DIAG_VERSION}}; \
EVENT_LOG(tag, "WL event", entry.t , ## __VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define WL_EVENT_LOG(tag, event, ...)
#endif /* EVENT_LOG_COMPILE */
#endif /* _WL_DIAG_H */