blob: f68abb17aa4b2c35735fe958b969ad0c773c54bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Based on arch/arm/include/asm/assembler.h
* Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Russell King
* Copyright (C) 2012 ARM Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
#error "Only include this from assembly code"
#include <asm/cputype.h>
#include <asm/ptrace.h>
#include <asm/thread_info.h>
* Stack pushing/popping (register pairs only). Equivalent to store decrement
* before, load increment after.
.macro push, xreg1, xreg2
stp \xreg1, \xreg2, [sp, #-16]!
.macro pop, xreg1, xreg2
ldp \xreg1, \xreg2, [sp], #16
* Enable and disable interrupts.
.macro disable_irq
msr daifset, #2
.macro enable_irq
msr daifclr, #2
* Enable and disable debug exceptions.
.macro disable_dbg
msr daifset, #8
.macro enable_dbg
msr daifclr, #8
.macro disable_step_tsk, flgs, tmp
tbz \flgs, #TIF_SINGLESTEP, 9990f
mrs \tmp, mdscr_el1
bic \tmp, \tmp, #1
msr mdscr_el1, \tmp
isb // Synchronise with enable_dbg
.macro enable_step_tsk, flgs, tmp
tbz \flgs, #TIF_SINGLESTEP, 9990f
mrs \tmp, mdscr_el1
orr \tmp, \tmp, #1
msr mdscr_el1, \tmp
* Enable both debug exceptions and interrupts. This is likely to be
* faster than two daifclr operations, since writes to this register
* are self-synchronising.
.macro enable_dbg_and_irq
msr daifclr, #(8 | 2)
* SMP data memory barrier
.macro smp_dmb, opt
dmb \opt
#define USER(l, x...) \
9999: x; \
.section __ex_table,"a"; \
.align 3; \
.quad 9999b,l; \
* Register aliases.
lr .req x30 // link register
* Vector entry
.macro ventry label
.align 7
b \label
* Select code when configured for BE.
#define CPU_BE(code...) code
#define CPU_BE(code...)
* Select code when configured for LE.
#define CPU_LE(code...)
#define CPU_LE(code...) code
* Define a macro that constructs a 64-bit value by concatenating two
* 32-bit registers. Note that on big endian systems the order of the
* registers is swapped.
.macro regs_to_64, rd, lbits, hbits
.macro regs_to_64, rd, hbits, lbits
orr \rd, \lbits, \hbits, lsl #32
* Pseudo-ops for PC-relative adr/ldr/str <reg>, <symbol> where
* <symbol> is within the range +/- 4 GB of the PC.
* @dst: destination register (64 bit wide)
* @sym: name of the symbol
* @tmp: optional scratch register to be used if <dst> == sp, which
* is not allowed in an adrp instruction
.macro adr_l, dst, sym, tmp=
.ifb \tmp
adrp \dst, \sym
add \dst, \dst, :lo12:\sym
adrp \tmp, \sym
add \dst, \tmp, :lo12:\sym
* @dst: destination register (32 or 64 bit wide)
* @sym: name of the symbol
* @tmp: optional 64-bit scratch register to be used if <dst> is a
* 32-bit wide register, in which case it cannot be used to hold
* the address
.macro ldr_l, dst, sym, tmp=
.ifb \tmp
adrp \dst, \sym
ldr \dst, [\dst, :lo12:\sym]
adrp \tmp, \sym
ldr \dst, [\tmp, :lo12:\sym]
* @src: source register (32 or 64 bit wide)
* @sym: name of the symbol
* @tmp: mandatory 64-bit scratch register to calculate the address
* while <src> needs to be preserved.
.macro str_l, src, sym, tmp
adrp \tmp, \sym
str \src, [\tmp, :lo12:\sym]
* Annotate a function as position independent, i.e., safe to be called before
* the kernel virtual mapping is activated.
#define ENDPIPROC(x) \
.globl __pi_##x; \
.type __pi_##x, %function; \
.set __pi_##x, x; \
.size __pi_##x, . - x; \
* mov_q - move an immediate constant into a 64-bit register using
* between 2 and 4 movz/movk instructions (depending on the
* magnitude and sign of the operand)
.macro mov_q, reg, val
.if (((\val) >> 31) == 0 || ((\val) >> 31) == 0x1ffffffff)
movz \reg, :abs_g1_s:\val
.if (((\val) >> 47) == 0 || ((\val) >> 47) == 0x1ffff)
movz \reg, :abs_g2_s:\val
movz \reg, :abs_g3:\val
movk \reg, :abs_g2_nc:\val
movk \reg, :abs_g1_nc:\val
movk \reg, :abs_g0_nc:\val
* Check the MIDR_EL1 of the current CPU for a given model and a range of
* variant/revision. See asm/cputype.h for the macros used below.
* model: MIDR_CPU_PART of CPU
* rv_min: Minimum of MIDR_CPU_VAR_REV()
* rv_max: Maximum of MIDR_CPU_VAR_REV()
* res: Result register.
* tmp1, tmp2, tmp3: Temporary registers
* Corrupts: res, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3
* Returns: 0, if the CPU id doesn't match. Non-zero otherwise
.macro cpu_midr_match model, rv_min, rv_max, res, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3
mrs \res, midr_el1
mov_q \tmp2, MIDR_CPU_PART_MASK
and \tmp3, \res, \tmp2 // Extract model
and \tmp1, \res, \tmp1 // rev & variant
mov_q \tmp2, \model
cmp \tmp3, \tmp2
cset \res, eq
cbz \res, .Ldone\@ // Model matches ?
.if (\rv_min != 0) // Skip min check if rv_min == 0
mov_q \tmp3, \rv_min
cmp \tmp1, \tmp3
cset \res, ge
.endif // \rv_min != 0
/* Skip rv_max check if rv_min == rv_max && rv_min != 0 */
.if ((\rv_min != \rv_max) || \rv_min == 0)
mov_q \tmp2, \rv_max
cmp \tmp1, \tmp2
cset \tmp2, le
and \res, \res, \tmp2
#endif /* __ASM_ASSEMBLER_H */