Resolving Common Errors when Writing Bazel Rules

This document explains how to deal with common errors when building your kernels and drivers with Kleaf.

/bin/sh: line 1: clang: command not found

This error may happen after the clang version and CLANG_PREBUILT_BIN is updated, but corresponding Bazel rules aren't.

To fix, check clang version. Specifically, check the attribute toolchain_version of kernel_build against the value in CLANG_PREBUILT_BIN (usually in build.config.common or build.config.constants).

Example: CL 1918433 updates toolchain_version to be CLANG_VERSION, which is loaded from build.config.constants .

fatal error: ‘[some_header_file].h’ file not found

This means the header file is not visible to the kernel module build.

If there are multiple matches, first determine which one is needed by examining the Makefile / Kbuild file.

Try to find this header file in the kernel module source tree. Example (for Pixel):

$ find gs/google-modules -name some_header_file.h

If the header file is in the same directory as the kernel module or a subdirectory, check that srcs include the header file. Example:

# Adds the file explicitly
srcs = [

# Adds header files from the same directory as the BUILD.bazel file,
# but NOT subdirectories
srcs = glob(["*.h"]),

# Adds header files from the same directory as the BUILD.bazel file
# INCLUDING matches from subdirectories
srcs = glob(["**/*.h"]),

If the header file is in the directory of a different kernel module:

  • Declare a filegroup for headers in the other directory, and add this module to the visibility attribute
  • Add the filegroup to srcs (as a label)

Example: Export headers from BMS, Use BMS headers for Power Reset module

WARNING: Symbol version dump “[...]/foo/Module.symvers” is missing.

This means a kernel module dependency is missing.


  • Try the Kleaf build_cleaner.
  • If that doesn't work, manually add the kernel_module in foo to deps of the build rule.

Example: Power Reset module depends on BMS.

ERROR: modpost: “foo” [.../mod_using_foo.ko] undefined!


  • First, ensure the Module.symvers file from the module defining foo is present. See this section.
  • For kernel_modules, set KBUILD_EXTRA_SYMBOLS accordingly in Makefile. Example: Makefile for Power Reset module . This is unnecessary for ddk_module because Makefile is generated.

Exception: Unable to find [some file] in any of the following directories: ...

First, check whether [some_module].ko should be an output of the kernel_module rule or not by checking the Makefile / Kbuild files.

If not, remove its declaration in BUILD.bazel in the outs attribute of the kernel_module rule.

If it should be an output, it is likely that a previous error prevents it from being built. Check previous error messages.

If you can't see any errors, run with --sandbox_debug to prevent the sandbox to be teared down.

Note: Using --sandbox_debug may leave a huge amount of symlinks undeleted, and prevent sandbox from being unmounted. Repeat use of --sandbox_debug may affect the performance of your host machine. Use sparingly with caution.


$ bazel build --verbose_failures --sandbox_debug //gs/google-modules/foo/..

With that option, you should see where the sandbox is mounted. Example:

<timestamp>: src/main/tools/ remount rw: <workspace_root>/out/bazel/output_user_root/<hash>/sandbox/linux-sandbox/<sandbox_number>/execroot/__main__

Concatenate the sandbox root and the file mentioned in the error message to see why it is not there. For example, if the error message was

Exception: In bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/gs/google-modules/foo/staging/lib/modules/5.10.43/extra, no files match foo_module.ko, expected 1

Go to the directory and search for the file:

$ find \
<workspace_root>/out/bazel/output_user_root/<hash>/sandbox/linux-sandbox/<sandbox_number>/execroot/__main__/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/private/google-modules/foo/staging/lib/modules/5.10.43/extra \
-name foo_module.ko

Check why it is missing.

Exception: In [some directory], multiple files match [some file], expected at most 1

Same as above section (no files match), except that in the last step, check which installed files have the given name. For example, you may see:


In the outs attribute, instead of specifying a vague my_module.ko, try to specify the full path so the build system knows which file you are referring to:

outs = [
  # This is confusing to the build system. Avoid this.
  # "my_module.ko",

  # Do this instead.

There's an internal problem with your device / Missing SHA in /proc/version

If /proc/version shows something like


without a SHA, the SCM version is not embedded.

This is also the cause of the following dialog on the phone screen with Android 12 userspace:

There's an internal problem with your device. Contact your manufacturer for details.

The dialog should not show if your device is running Android 13 in userspace with CL 1843574 .

The SCM version is only embedded for --config=stamp or any other configs that inherits from it (e.g. --config=release).

The SCM version should be embedded properly on release builds, where --config=release must be specified.


  • You may hide the dialog by cherry-picking CL 1843574 if you are running Android 12 in userspace.
  • You may embed SCM version in local builds with --config=stamp.

See for details.

error: unable to open output file [...]: ‘Operation not permitted’

Check what the path of the file is. If it looks like this, continue reading:


<some_SOURCE_directory> means that it does NOT start with out/. For example:

  • gs/
  • common/
  • private/
  • etc.

<some_output_file> means that it is an output file, not a source file. For example:

  • *.ko
  • *.o
  • etc.

This is likely because make has been invoked in <some_SOURCE_directory> without the proper O= argument, or Kbuild did not respect the O= argument and put output files under the source directory.

However, the Bazel build system treats them as a source file because it is part of the glob(). When the Bazel build system invokes Kbuild, Kbuild tries to write those files. But within the sandbox, the source tree is readonly, triggering the permission denial.

You may verify that this is the case by checking the existance of the output file in the source tree:

$ ls /<workspace_root>/<some_SOURCE_directory>/<some_output_file>

To restore your repository to the normal state in the short term, try one of the following under <workspace_root>/<some_SOURCE_directory>, or a parent directory:

  • make clean
  • git clean -fdx (Be careful! This deletes all git ignored files.)

There should not be any output files in the source tree, other than in out/.

To properly fix this, investigate the Kbuild definition to see why O= is not respected. Output files should be contained into the directory pointed at O=.

WARNING: Unable to determine EXT_MODULES; scmversion for external modules may be incorrect. [...] <workspace_root>/build.config: No such file or directory

If your device builds external modules, create the top-level build.config symlink to point to the build.config file so scmversions for external modules are inferred correctly.

You may ignore this warning:

  • if your device does not build external modules;
  • if you are building GKI.

For details, see

rm: cannot remove 'out/bazel/output_user_root//execroot/__main__/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/<...>

Note: --experimental_writable_outputs is now enabled by default. If you still see this error, it may be due to left-over directories from builds before --experimental_writable_outputs is enabled. You may execute tools/bazel clean one last time. Then, you should no longer need to run tools/bazel clean before rm -rf out/.

If you try to rm -rf out/ and get the above message, this is because Bazel removes the write permission on output directories.

It is not needed to clean the output directory for consistency of build results.

However, if you need to clean the out/ directory to save disk space, you may run tools/bazel clean. See documentation for the clean command here.

cp: <workspace_root>/out/bazel/output_user_root/[...]/execroot/__main__/[...]/[...]_defconfig: Read-only file system

This is likely because a previous --config=local build was interrupted and did not clean up the $ROOT_DIR/$KERNEL_DIR/$DEFCONFIG file.

This may cause POST_DEFCONFIG_CMDS to not be executed. Or POST_DEFCONFIG_CMDS is not defined to clean up $DEFCONFIG.

To restore the workspace to a build-able state, manually delete the generated $DEFCONFIG file in the source tree.

HINT: You may execute the Bazel command with --strip_execroot to get a cleaner path of the file that needs to be deleted.

To prevent --config=local builds from writing $DEFCONFIG into the source tree in the future, you may modify PRE_DEFCONFIG_CMDS to write to \${OUT_DIR} instead. Note that because ${OUT_DIR} is not defined when build.config is loaded, the preceding $ must be escaped so $OUT_DIR is evaluated properly when $PRE_DEFCONFIG_CMDS are executed.

You may also stick with sandboxed builds (i.e. not using --config=local) to prevent this in the future. See

See CL:2082199 for an example.

signing_key.pem not found

If you see an error like the following:

At main.c:172:
- SSL error:02000002:system library:OPENSSL_internal:No such file or directory: external/boringssl/src/crypto/bio/file.c:98
- SSL error:1100006e:BIO routines:OPENSSL_internal:NO_SUCH_FILE: external/boringssl/src/crypto/bio/file.c:102
sign-file: <execroot>/common/certs/signing_key.pem

Add the following line to defconfig, or config fragment:


See the following change for an example:

ANDROID: kleaf: convert fips140 to kleaf

unterminated call to function ‘wildcard’: missing ‘)’. Stop.

If you see an error like the following when using --config=local:

ERROR: <...>/BUILD.bazel:5:14: Building external kernel module <...> failed: (Exit 2): bash failed: error executing command (from target <...>) /bin/bash -c ... (remaining 1 argument skipped)
<path>/.<filename>.o.cmd:5: *** unterminated call to function 'wildcard': missing ')'.  Stop.

This is a known issue with --config=local. The root cause of the issue is unknown. If you see this error, please file a bug with the following information:

  • Rebuild with --verbose_failures --debug_cache_dir_conflict=detect --profile=/tmp/command.profile.gz
  • Record the full build log
  • Provide /tmp/command.profile.gz; see JSON trace profile

After filing the bug, you may use one of the methods below to work around the issue:

  • You may run tools/bazel clean and try the build again. You may or may not see the error again afterwards.
  • You may rebuild with --debug_cache_dir_conflict=resolve.

Build hangs on BTRFS

If your tree is on BTRFS, and your Android kernel source tree contains the following patch, building kernel_build may hang.

FROMLIST: kheaders: dereferences the source tree

This is a known issue:

Bug 217681 - gets stuck in an infinite loop

You may update your host machine's kernel to a version that includes the following patch to fix the problem.

[PATCH] btrfs: fix infinite directory reads

You may also use --workaround_btrfs_b292212788 to work around this issue temporarily.

fatal: not a git repository: ‘[...]/.git’

This is a harmless warning message.

date: invalid date ‘@’

This is a harmless warning message.

date: bad date +%s

This is a harmless warning message.