Handling SCM version

What is SCM version?

SCM version refers to the result of the scripts/setlocalversion script.

  • For the kernel binary vmlinux, SCM version can be found in the kernel release string, after the kernel version.
  • For kernel modules *.ko, SCM version can be found using modinfo(8).

The stamp config

Embedding the SCM version:

  • Introduces extra overhead for every bazel command
  • Unnecessarily triggers rebuilds when unrelated code changes

The SCM version is only embedded when --config=stamp is set.

On a developer's machine, the configuration is not set by default.

Other flags

The flag --config=stamp is also implied by other flags, e.g.:

Handling SCM version and SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in kernel_build

For kernel_build() that produces vmlinux, the following is required to embed SCM version and SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH properly.

repo requirements

The following is required for the build system to infer the list of git projects in the repository.


  • repo is installed on the host machine
  • The git repository defining the kernel_build() is managed by a repo manifest


  • A manifest.xml file is generated in advance with repo manifest -r, then provided to Bazel with bazel build --repo_manifest=$(realpath <manifest.xml>).

The manifest.xml file is needed by the build system when repo is not available in the build environment. This is uncommon.

setlocalversion requirements

By default, --kleaf_localversion is set, so scripts/setlocalversion does not need to exist.

If --nokleaf_localversion, scripts/setlocalversion needs to exist in some git repository managed by the repo manifest. It is not necessary that the git repository is the same as the one containing the kernel_build. Usually, the file can be found in common/scripts/setlocalversion in the workspace if you check out the core kernel source tree under common/. (This requirement may not be necessary in the future.)

--kleaf_localversion flag

If --kleaf_localversion is set, Kleaf uses an embedded script to determine localversion instead of calling scripts/setlocalversion. The script is not branch-specific and does not include the 5-digit number of patches beyond the tag.


To ensure the artifact vmlinux contains SCM version properly, you may check the following.

  • Run {name of kernel_build}_test. For example, you may check the GKI vmlinux with bazel test //common:kernel_aarch64_test. For details, see testing.md#gki.
  • strings vmlinux | grep "Linux version"
  • Boot the device kernel, and call uname -r.

To ensure the in-tree kernel modules contains SCM version properly, you may check the following.

  • Run {name of kernel_build}_modules_test. For example, for Pixel 2021 mainline, you may check the in-tree kernel modules with bazel test //gs/google-modules/soc-modules:slider_modules_test. For details, see testing.md#device-kernel.
  • modinfo -F scmversion <modulename>.ko
  • Boot the device, and check /sys/module/<MODULENAME>/scmversion.

Testing SCM version for external kernel_modules

To ensure the external kernel modules contains SCM version properly, you may check the following.

  • Run {name of kernel_module}_test. For example, for Pixel 2021 mainline, you may check the NFC kernel modules with bazel test //gs/google-modules/nfc:nfc.slider_test. For details, see testing.md#external-kernel_module.
  • modinfo -F scmversion <modulename>.ko
  • Boot the device, and check /sys/module/<MODULENAME>/scmversion.

Deprecated: .source_date_epoch_dir and build.config

It was required previously (specifically, in master-kernel-build-2022 for android13-* branches and early commits in android14-* branches) that the top level symlinks .source_date_epoch_dir and build.config was required to set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH and scmversion correctly.

The two symlinks are not needed any more. In android14-* branches and later (including android-mainline), you are advised to delete these symlinks.