Supporting ABI monitoring with Bazel (device kernel)

Enable ABI monitoring

ABI monitoring only needs to be configured for core kernel build targets. Mixed build configurations (ones that define base_kernel) that compile directly with the GKI kernel only need to add support for tracking the device symbol list. The ABI definition should be updated using the GKI build.

To set up the device symbol list, update the relevant targets in BUILD.bazel.

Update the kernel_build target

Add these attributes to the kernel_build target for KMI symbol list support:

  • kmi_symbol_list: The KMI symbol list for the device, e.g. "//common:android/abi_gki_aarch64_virtual_device".

Define a kernel_abi target

Add a new kernel_abi target. The target should usually be named {name}_abi by convention, where {name} is the name of the kernel_build target.

Add these attributes to the kernel_abi target for KMI symbol list support:

  • kernel_build: point to the kernel_build target.
  • kernel_modules: The list of external modules. This should be consistent with the kernel_modules_install target.

You may optionally define the following:

  • define_abi_targets
    • This is True by default. If False, ABI monitoring is disabled.
    • This is useful to minimize the difference in the source tree between android-mainline and a KMI frozen branch.
  • module_grouping
  • kmi_symbol_list_add_only
  • kmi_enforced

See documentation for explanation of the kernel_abi rule and its attributes: API Reference and Documentation for all rules.

Example for virtual_device_aarch64

See virtual_device_aarch64_abi in common-modules/virtual-device/BUILD.bazel for an example.

Update the KMI symbol list

Similar to updating the KMI symbol list for GKI, you may update the kmi_symbol_list defined previously with the following.

$ tools/bazel run //path/to/package:{name}_abi_update_symbol_list

In the above example for virtual_device_aarch64, the command is

$ tools/bazel run //common-modules/virtual-device:virtual_device_aarch64_abi_update_symbol_list

This updates common/android/abi_gki_aarch64_virtual_device file.

Update the ABI definition

After the KMI symbol list updated you may update the ABI definition at common/android/abi_gki_aarch64.stg with the following command:

$ tools/bazel run //common:kernel_aarch64_abi_update


NOTE: Do not update the ABI definition via the virtual_device_aarch64_abi_update target! The ABI definition should always be updated via the GKI kernel_aarch64_abi_update target.