kmi_defines: Factored out the run() function

It is used in later patches of this series.
Changed some well known indexes into the cc_list for a Target into
constants and added additional checks to Target's ctor.

Bug: 139885116
Change-Id: Ifec145ac6a12e62634b250c69eb27b0db5f637cb
Signed-off-by: Matthias Maennich <>
diff --git a/abi/ b/abi/
index f3fbd37..077e7ec 100755
--- a/abi/
+++ b/abi/
@@ -230,6 +230,26 @@
     return [entry for entry in line.split() if entry.endswith(".o")]
+def run(args: List[str],
+        raise_on_failure: bool = True) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
+    """Run the program specified in args[0] with the arguments in args[1:]."""
+    try:
+        #   This argument does not always work for below:
+        #       check=False
+        #   neither that nor:
+        #       check=True
+        #   prevents an exception from being raised if the program that
+        #   will be executed is not found
+        completion =, capture_output=True, text=True)
+        if completion.returncode != 0 and raise_on_failure:
+            raise StopError("execution failed for: " + " ".join(args))
+        return completion
+    except OSError as os_error:
+        raise StopError("failure executing: " + " ".join(args) + "\n"
+                        "original OSError: " + str(os_error.args))
 class KernelModule:
     """A kernel module, i.e. a *.ko file."""
     def __init__(self, kofile: str) -> None:
@@ -389,19 +409,8 @@
             if not file.endswith(".a"):
                 raise StopError("unknown file type: " + file)
-            try:
-                #   This argument does not always work: check=False
-                #   neither that nor: check=True prevents an exception from
-                #   being raised if "ar" can not be found
-                completion =["ar", "t", file],
-                                            capture_output=True,
-                                            text=True)
-                if completion.returncode != 0:
-                    raise StopError("ar failed for: ar t " + file)
-                objs = lines_to_list(completion.stdout)
-            except OSError as os_error:
-                raise StopError("failure executing: ar t", file, "\n"
-                                "original OSError: " + str(os_error.args))
+            completion = run(["ar", "t", file])
+            objs = lines_to_list(completion.stdout)
             for obj in objs:
                 if not os.path.isabs(obj):
@@ -413,6 +422,27 @@
 class Target:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
     """Target of build and the information used to build it."""
+    #   The compiler invocation has this form:
+    #       clang -Wp,-MD,file.o.d  ... -c -o file.o file.c
+    #   these constants reflect that knowledge in the code, e.g.:
+    #   - the "-Wp,_MD,file.o.d" is at WP_MD_FLAG_INDEX
+    #   - the "-c" is at index C_FLAG_INDEX
+    #   - the "-o" is at index O_FLAG_INDEX
+    #   - the "file.o" is at index OBJ_INDEX
+    #   - the "file.c" is at index SRC_INDEX
+    #
+    #   There must be at least MIN_CC_LIST_LEN options in that command line.
+    #   This knowledge is verified at run time in __init__(), see comments
+    #   there.
+    MIN_CC_LIST_LEN = 6
+    C_FLAG_INDEX = -4
+    O_FLAG_INDEX = -3
+    OBJ_INDEX = -2
+    SRC_INDEX = -1
     def __init__(self, obj: str, src: str, cc_line: str,
                  deps: List[str]) -> None:
         self._obj = obj
@@ -458,12 +488,47 @@
             r"-D\1=\2", cc_line)
         cc_list = cc_cmd.split()
-        #   At least: cc -c -o file.o file.c (last four must be those shown)
-        if (len(cc_list) < 5 or cc_list[-4] != "-c" or cc_list[-3] != "-o"
-                or not obj.endswith(cc_list[-2])
-                or not src.endswith(cc_list[-1])):
-            raise StopError("unexpected or missing arguments for " + obj +
+        #   TODO(pantin): the handling of -D... arguments above is done better
+        #   in a later commit by using shlex.split().  Please ignore for now.
+        #   TODO(pantin): possibly use ArgumentParser to make this more robust.
+        #   The compiler invocation has this form:
+        #       clang -Wp,-MD,file.o.d  ... -c -o file.o file.c
+        #
+        #   The following checks are here to ensure that if this assumption is
+        #   broken, failures occur.  The indexes *_INDEX are hardcoded, they
+        #   could in principle be determined at run time, the -o argument could
+        #   be in a future update to the Linux build could changed to be a
+        #   single argument with the object file name (as in: -ofile.o) which
+        #   could also be detected in code at a later time.
+        if (len(cc_list) < Target.MIN_CC_LIST_LEN
+                or not cc_list[Target.WP_MD_FLAG_INDEX].startswith("-Wp,-MD,")
+                or cc_list[Target.C_FLAG_INDEX] != "-c"
+                or cc_list[Target.O_FLAG_INDEX] != "-o"):
+            raise StopError("unexpected or missing arguments for: " + obj +
                             " cc_line: " + cc_line)
+        #   Instead of blindly normalizing the source and object arguments,
+        #   they are only normalized if that allows the expected invariants
+        #   to be verified, otherwise they are left undisturbed.  Note that
+        #   os.path.normpath() does not turn relative paths into absolute
+        #   paths, it just removes up-down walks (e.g. a/b/../c -> a/c).
+        def verify_file(file: str, index: int, kind: str, cc_list: List[str],
+                        target_file: str) -> None:
+            file_in_cc_list = cc_list[index]
+            if not file.endswith(file_in_cc_list):
+                file_normalized = os.path.normpath(file_in_cc_list)
+                if not file.endswith(file_normalized):
+                    raise StopError(f"unexpected {kind} argument for: "
+                                    f"{target_file} value was: "
+                                    f"{file_in_cc_list}")
+                cc_list[index] = file_normalized
+        verify_file(obj, Target.OBJ_INDEX, "object", cc_list, obj)
+        verify_file(src, Target.SRC_INDEX, "source", cc_list, obj)
         self._cc_list = cc_list