Debugging Kleaf

Debugging Options

This is a non exhaustive list of options to help debugging compilation issues:

  • Customise Kleaf:

    • --debug_annotate_scripts: Runs all script invocations with set -x and a trap that executes date after every command.

    • --debug_print_scripts: Prints the content of the (generated) command scripts during rule execution.

    • --debug_cache_dir_conflict={detect,resolve}: Attempt to detect or resolve any conflicts if multiple actions uses the same subdirectory within --cache_dir simultaneously.

  • Customise Kbuild:

    • --debug_make_verbosity: Controls verbosity of make executions.

      • E (default): Only print errors (make -s)
      • I: print brief description of make targets being built (make)
      • D: print full commands (make V=1)
      • V: print the reason for the rebuild of each make target (make V=2)
    • --debug_modpost_warn: Sets KBUILD_MODPOST_WARN=1. TL; DR. can be set to avoid errors in case of undefined symbols in the final module linking stage. It changes such errors into warnings.

  • Customise Bazel:

    • --sandbox_debug: Enables debugging features for the sandboxing feature.
    • --verbose_failures: If a command fails, print out the full command line.
    • --jobs: This option, which takes an integer argument, specifies a limit on the number of jobs that should be executed concurrently during the execution phase of the build.
    • For a complete list see

Disabling checks

This is a list of options to disable checks in Kleaf due to various reasons. For example, some checks may be disabled during device bring-up for a quick development cycle. Usually, these flags should not be set on a release build.

  • --allow_ddk_unsafe_headers: Allow DDK modules to also use the unsafe header list in the common package.
  • --allow_undeclared_modules: Allow modules to be undeclared in kernel_build.module_outs and kernel_build.module_implicit_outs. If modules are built but not declared in these lists, Kleaf emits a warning unless --nowarn_undeclared_modules is set.
  • --nowarn_undeclared_modules: Allow modules to be undeclared in kernel_build.module_outs and kernel_build.module_implicit_outs. No warnings are generated.
  • --nokmi_symbol_list_strict_mode: Disable KMI symbol list check.
  • --nokmi_symbol_list_violations_check: Disable KMI symbol list violations check.

Debugging incremental build issues

Incremental build issues refers to issues where actions are executed in an incremental build, but you do not expect them to be executed, or the reverse.

For example, if you are debugging why //common-modules/virtual-device:x86_64/goldfish_drivers/goldfish_pipe is rebuilt after you change a core kernel file, you may execute the following:

# Custom flags provided to the build; change accordingly
$ FLAGS="--config=fast"

# Build
$ tools/bazel build "${FLAGS}" //common-modules/virtual-device:x86_64/goldfish_drivers/goldfish_pipe

# Record hashes of all input files to the action
# Note that kernel_module() defines multiple actions, so use mnemonic() to filter out
# the non-interesting ones.
$ build/kernel/kleaf/analysis/ -- "${FLAGS}" \
  'mnemonic(KernelModule, //common-modules/virtual-device:x86_64/goldfish_drivers/goldfish_pipe)' \
  > out/hash_1.txt

# Change a core kernel file, e.g.
$ echo >> common/kernel/sched/core.c

# Build again
$ tools/bazel build "${FLAGS}" //common-modules/virtual-device:x86_64/goldfish_drivers/goldfish_pipe

# Record hashes of all input files to the action
$ build/kernel/kleaf/analysis/ -- "${FLAGS}" \
  'mnemonic(KernelModule, //common-modules/virtual-device:x86_64/goldfish_drivers/goldfish_pipe)' \
  > out/hash_2.txt

# Compare hashes, e.g.
$ diff out/hash_1.txt out/hash_2.txt

Positional arguments to build/kernel/kleaf/analysis/ are fed directly to tools/bazel aquery. Visit Action Graph Query for the query language.

Debugging dependencies on external repositories

If you see an error like this:

ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'rules_python':
   Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "<...>/http.bzl", line 132, column 45, in _http_archive_impl
                download_info = ctx.download_and_extract(
ERROR: <...>:24:22: While resolving toolchains for target <...>: invalid registered toolchain '@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:all': while parsing '@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:all': no such package '@rules_python//python': Error downloading <...>

In this example, the error message suggests that @bazel_tools//tools/jdk:all has a dependency on @rules_python.

If this error is unexpected, you may try these commands to diagnose issues with external repositories:

rm -rf /tmp/temp_repo_cache && mkdir -p /tmp/temp_repo_cache
bazel clean --expunge
bazel query @bazel_tools//tools/jdk:all \
  --repository_cache=/tmp/temp_repo_cache \

Debugging target providers

Inspecting the information exposed by bazel targets via providers is possible following Defining the output format using Starlark docs.

Here is an example used in CL:2615849 to inspect the information exposed by KernelBuildAbiInfo from //common:kernel_aarch64_download_or_build target.

$ tools/bazel cquery //common:kernel_aarch64_download_or_build --use_prebuilt_gki=10283028  --output=starlark --starlark:expr='providers(target)["//build/kernel/kleaf/impl:common_providers.bzl%KernelBuildAbiInfo"]'

struct(module_outs_file = <source file file/kernel_aarch64_modules>, modules_staging_archive = <source file file/modules_staging_dir.tar.gz>, src_protected_modules_list = <source file file/gki_aarch64_protected_modules>)

Reproducing sandboxed commands

Sometimes you need to reproduce commands that was exectuted in hermetic sandbox environment, for example, to catch a bug in compiler. Then you may follow these approximate steps:

  1. Run tools/bazel build --debug_make_verbosity=D --debug_print_scripts --sandbox_debug //common:kernel_aarch64. These options will print out all executed commands and preserve sandbox environment.
  2. Run find out -name 'command.log' and open log in your favorite text editor. This log have the same contents as stdout and stderr of Bazel invocation.
  3. Find in log for example drivers/net/usb/usbnet.o to get corresponding compiler invocation.
  4. Search up for Run this command to start an interactive shell in an identical sandboxed environment. There may be multiple sandboxed environments, you need to find the closest one before the interesting command.
  5. Search down from here for + export PATH=. Plus sign is important, it will show an actual path to hermetic toolchain with expanded variables.
  6. Run commands from step 4 to get into sandboxed environment, then from step 5 to have toolchain binaries in your path, and then from step 3 to reproduce compiler invocation.