ABI Monitoring for Android Kernels


In order to stabilize the in-kernel ABI of Android kernels, the ABI Monitoring tooling has been created to collect and compare ABI representations from existing kernel binaries (vmlinux + modules). The tools can be used to track and mitigate changes to said ABI. This document describes the tooling, the process of collecting and analyzing ABI representations and how such representations can be used to ensure stability of the in-kernel ABI. Lastly, this document gives some details about the process of contributing changes to the Android kernels.

This directory contains the specific tools for the ABI analysis. It should be used as part of the build scripts that are provided by this repository (see ../build_abi.sh).

Process Description

Analyzing the kernel's ABI is done in multiple steps. Most of the steps can be automated:

  1. Acquire the toolchain, build scripts and kernel sources through repo
  2. Provide any prerequisites (e.g. libabigail)
  3. Build the kernel and its ABI representation
  4. Analyze ABI differences between the build and a reference
  5. Update the ABI representation (if required)

(More advanced use) 6. Extract the ABI representation from the kernel and the built modules 7. Analyze ABI differences among different kernel builds

The following instructions work for any kernel that can be built using a supported toolchain (i.e. a prebuilt Clang toolchain). There exist repo manifests for all Android common kernel branches, for some upstream branches (e.g. upstream-linux-4.19.y) and several device specific kernels that ensure the correct toolchain is used when building a kernel distribution.

Using the ABI Monitoring tooling

1. Acquire the toolchain, build scripts and kernel sources through repo

Toolchain, build scripts (i.e. these scripts) and kernel sources can be acquired with repo. For detailed documentation, refer to the corresponding documentation on source.android.com.

To illustrate the process, the following steps use common-android-mainline, an Android kernel branch that is kept up-to-date with the upstream Linux releases. In order to obtain this branch via repo, execute

  $ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/manifest -b common-android-mainline
  $ repo sync

2. Provide any prerequisites

NOTE: Googlers might want to follow the steps in go/kernel-abi-monitoring to use a prebuilt libabigail distribution.

The ABI tooling makes use of libabigail, a library and collection of tools to analyze binaries. In order to use the tooling, users are required to provide a functional libabigail installation. The released version of your Linux distribution might not be a supported one; hence, it is recommended way to use the bootstrap script which can be found in this directory. The bootstrap script automates the process of acquiring and building a valid libabigail distribution and needs to be executed without any arguments like so:

  $ build/abi/bootstrap

The script will ensure the following system prerequisites are installed along with their dependencies:

  • autoconf
  • libtool
  • libxml2-dev
  • pkg-config
  • python3

NOTE: At the moment, only apt based package managers are supported, but bootstrap provides some hints to help users that have other package managers.

The script continues with acquiring the sources for the correct versions of elfutils and libabigail and will build the required binaries. At the very end the script will print instructions to add the binaries to the local ${PATH}. The output will look similar to:

  NOTE: Export the following environment before running the executables:

  export PATH="/src/kernel/build/abi/abigail-inst/d7ae619f/bin:${PATH}"
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/src/kernel/build/abi/abigail-inst/d7ae619f/lib:/src/kernel/build/abi/abigail-inst/d7ae619f/lib/elfutils:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"

NOTE: It is probably a good idea to save these instructions to reuse the prebuilt binaries in a later session.

Follow the instructions to enable the prerequisites in your environment.

3. Build the kernel and its ABI representation

At this point you are ready to build a kernel with the correct toolchain and to extract an ABI representation from its binaries (vmlinux + modules).

Similar to the usual Android kernel build process (using build.sh), this step requires running build_abi.sh.

  $ BUILD_CONFIG=common/build.config.gki.aarch64 build/build_abi.sh

NOTE: build_abi.sh makes use of build.sh and therefore accepts the same environment variables to customize the build. It also requires the same variables that would need to be passed to build.sh, such as BUILD_CONFIG.

That builds the kernel and extracts the ABI representation into the out directory. In this case out/android-mainline/dist/abi.xml would be a symbolic link to out/android-mainline/dist/abi-<id>.xml. id is computed from executing git describe against the kernel source tree.

4. Analyze ABI differences between the build and a reference representation

build_abi.sh is capable of analyzing and reporting any ABI differences when a reference is provided via the environment variable ABI_DEFINITION. ABI_DEFINITION should point to a reference file relative to the kernel source tree and can be specified on the command line or (more commonly) as a value in build.config. E.g.

  $ BUILD_CONFIG=common/build.config.gki.aarch64      \
    ABI_DEFINITION=abi_gki_aarch64.xml                \

Above, the build.config.gki.aarch64 defines the reference file (as abi_gki_aarch64.xml) and therefore the analysis has been completed. If an abidiff was executed, then build_abi.sh will print the location of the report and identify any ABI breakage. If breakages are detected, then `build_abi.sh will terminate and return a non-zero exit code.

5. Update the ABI representation (if required)

To update the ABI dump, build_abi.sh can be invoked with the --update flag. It will update the corresponding abi.xml file that is defined via the build.config. It might also be useful to invoke the script with --print-report to print the differences the update fixes. The report is useful to include in the commit message when updating the abi.xml.

Working with the lower level ABI tooling

Most users will need to use build_abi.sh. In some cases, it might be necessary to work with the lower level ABI tooling directly. There are currently two commands -- dump_abi and diff_abi -- that are available to collect and compare ABI files. These commands are used by build_abi.sh. See the following sections for their usages.

Creating ABI dumps from kernel trees

Provided a linux kernel tree with built vmlinux and kernel modules, the tool dump_abi creates an ABI representation using the selected ABI tool. As of now there is only one option: ‘libabigail’ (default). A sample invocation looks as follows:

  $ dump_abi --linux-tree path/to/out --out-file /path/to/abi.xml

The file abi.xml will contain a combined textual ABI representation that can be observed from vmlinux and the kernel modules in the given directory. This file might be used for manual inspection, further analysis or as a reference file to enforce ABI stability.

Comparing ABI dumps

ABI dumps created by dump_abi can be compared with diff_abi. Ensure to use the same abi-tool for dump_abi and diff_abi. A sample invocation looks like:

  $ diff_abi --baseline abi1.xml --new abi2.xml --report report.out

The report created is tool specific, but generally lists ABI changes detected that affect the kernel's module interface. The files specified as baseline and new are ABI representations collected with dump_abi. diff_abi propagates the exit code of the underlying tool and therefore returns a non-zero value in case the ABIs compared are incompatible.

Dealing with ABI breakages

As an example, the following patch introduces a very obvious ABI breakage:

  diff --git a/include/linux/mm_types.h b/include/linux/mm_types.h
  index 5ed8f6292a53..f2ecb34c7645 100644
  --- a/include/linux/mm_types.h
  +++ b/include/linux/mm_types.h
  @@ -339,6 +339,7 @@ struct core_state {
   struct kioctx_table;
   struct mm_struct {
      struct {
  +       int dummy;
          struct vm_area_struct *mmap;            /* list of VMAs */
          struct rb_root mm_rb;
          u64 vmacache_seqnum;                   /* per-thread vmacache */

Running build_abi.sh again with this patch applied, the tooling will exit with a non-zero error code and will report an ABI difference similar to this:

  Leaf changes summary: 1 artifact changed
  Changed leaf types summary: 1 leaf type changed
  Removed/Changed/Added functions summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added function
  Removed/Changed/Added variables summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable

  'struct mm_struct at mm_types.h:372:1' changed:
    type size changed from 6848 to 6912 (in bits)
    there are data member changes:

How to fix a broken ABI on Android Gerrit

If you didn't intentionally break the kernel ABI, then you need to investigate via the Android Gerrit test log to identify the issue(s) reported by the tool. Most common causes of breakages are added or deleted functions, changed data structures or changes to the ABI by adding config options that lead to any of the aforementioned. Most likely you want to start with addressing the issues found by the tool.

You can reproduce the KernelABI test locally by running the following command with the same arguments that you would have run build/build.sh with.

Example command for the GKI kernels:

Updating the Kernel ABI

If you need to update the kernel ABI, then you must update the corresponding abi.xml file in the kernel source tree. This is most conveniently done by using build/build_abi.sh like so:

with the same arguments that you would have run build/build.sh with. This updates the correct abi.xml in the source tree and prints the detected differences. It is recommended to include the printed report in the commit message (at least partially).

Android Kernel Branches with predefined ABI

Some kernel branches might come with golden ABI representations for Android as part of their source distribution. These ABI representations are supposed to be accurate and should reflect the result of build_abi.sh as if you would execute it on your own. As the ABI is heavily influenced by various kernel configuration options, these .xml files usually belong to a certain configuration. E.g. the common-android-mainline branch contains an abi_gki_aarch64.xml that corresponds to the build result when using the build.config.gki.aarch64. In particular, build.config.gki.aarch64 also refers to this file as its ABI_DEFINITION.

Such predefined ABI representations are used as a baseline definition when comparing with diff_abi (s.a.). E.g. to validate a kernel patch in regards to any changes to the ABI, create the ABI representation with the patch applied and use diff_abi to compare it to the expected ABI for that particular source tree / configuration.

Caveats and known issues

  • Version 1.7 of libabigail, that contains all currently required patches to properly work on clang-built aarch64 Android kernels, has not been released yet. Using a recent master is a sufficient workaround for that. The bootstrap script refers to a sufficient commit from upstream.