Customize Workspace

Using the provided WORKSPACE file (recommended)

Usually, the common kernel is checked out to common/. In this case, it is recommended to use build/kernel/kleaf/bazel.WORKSPACE as the WORKSPACE file.

To make use of the provided WORKSPACE file, define WORKSPACE in the repo manifest as symbolic link that points to build/kernel/kleaf/bazel.WORKSPACE.

Using a customized WORKSPACE file

If the common kernel is checked out to a path other than common, you need to provide a customized WORKSPACE file.

The customized WORKSPACE file should look similar to build/kernel/kleaf/bazel.WORKSPACE, except for define_kleaf_workspace() being called with argument common_kernel_package set the path to the common kernel source tree.

For example, refer to the following structure in the source tree:

  |- .repo/manifests/default.xml
  |- aosp/
  |  `- <common kernel source tree>
  |- build/kernel/kleaf/bazel.WORKSPACE
  |- private/tuna/
  |  |- BUILD.bazel
  |  `- bazel.WORKSPACE
  `- WORKSPACE -> private/tuna/bazel.WORKSPACE

Sample manifest in .repo/manifests/default.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <remote name="aosp" fetch=".."
    <remote name="device_repo_remote" fetch=".."/>

    <!-- Common kernel is checked out to aosp/ -->
    <project path="aosp" name="kernel/common" remote="aosp"
        <!-- links omitted -->

    <project path="build/kernel" name="kernel/build" remote="aosp"
        <!-- drop the WORKSPACE link -->
        <!-- linkfile src="kleaf/bazel.WORKSPACE" dest="WORKSPACE" / -->
        <!-- other links omitted -->

    <!-- device kernel configs & modules -->
    <project path="private/tuna" name="private/tuna" remote="device_repo_remote"
        <!-- Create the custom WORKSPACE link -->
        <linkfile src="bazel.WORKSPACE" dest="WORKSPACE"/>
    <!-- other projects omitted -->

Sample workspace file in private/tuna/bazel.WORKSPACE:

# Call with common_kernel_package = path to the common kernel source tree
load("//build/kernel/kleaf:workspace.bzl", "define_kleaf_workspace")
define_kleaf_workspace(common_kernel_package = "aosp")

# Optional epilog for analysis testing.