blob: c1d7c389c8c1d194d0f6c72cdf93f7541ca12feb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014, Broadcom Corporation
* All Rights Reserved.
* This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Broadcom Corporation;
* the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied
* or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior
* written permission of Broadcom Corporation.
* Fundamental constants relating to UDP Protocol
* $Id: bcmudp.h 382882 2013-02-04 23:24:31Z $
#ifndef _bcmudp_h_
#define _bcmudp_h_
#ifndef _TYPEDEFS_H_
#include <typedefs.h>
/* This marks the start of a packed structure section. */
#include <packed_section_start.h>
/* UDP header */
#define UDP_DEST_PORT_OFFSET 2 /* UDP dest port offset */
#define UDP_LEN_OFFSET 4 /* UDP length offset */
#define UDP_CHKSUM_OFFSET 6 /* UDP body checksum offset */
#define UDP_HDR_LEN 8 /* UDP header length */
#define UDP_PORT_LEN 2 /* UDP port length */
/* These fields are stored in network order */
BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct bcmudp_hdr
uint16 src_port; /* Source Port Address */
uint16 dst_port; /* Destination Port Address */
uint16 len; /* Number of bytes in datagram including header */
uint16 chksum; /* entire datagram checksum with pseudoheader */
/* This marks the end of a packed structure section. */
#include <packed_section_end.h>
#endif /* #ifndef _bcmudp_h_ */