blob: 50b9085b953382ecca242d3ecbd78d61e690260f [file] [log] [blame]
* Misc system wide definitions
* Copyright (C) 1999-2015, Broadcom Corporation
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* $Id: bcmdefs.h 516456 2014-11-19 21:00:05Z $
#ifndef _bcmdefs_h_
#define _bcmdefs_h_
* One doesn't need to include this file explicitly, gets included automatically if
* typedefs.h is included.
/* Use BCM_REFERENCE to suppress warnings about intentionally-unused function
* arguments or local variables.
#define BCM_REFERENCE(data) ((void)(data))
/* Allow for suppressing unused variable warnings. */
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define UNUSED_VAR __attribute__ ((unused))
#define UNUSED_VAR
/* Compile-time assert can be used in place of ASSERT if the expression evaluates
* to a constant at compile time.
#define STATIC_ASSERT(expr) { \
/* Make sure the expression is constant. */ \
typedef enum { _STATIC_ASSERT_NOT_CONSTANT = (expr) } _static_assert_e UNUSED_VAR; \
/* Make sure the expression is true. */ \
typedef char STATIC_ASSERT_FAIL[(expr) ? 1 : -1] UNUSED_VAR; \
/* Reclaiming text and data :
* The following macros specify special linker sections that can be reclaimed
* after a system is considered 'up'.
* BCMATTACHFN is also used for detach functions (it's not worth having a BCMDETACHFN,
* as in most cases, the attach function calls the detach function to clean up on error).
#define bcmreclaimed 0
#define BCMATTACHDATA(_data) _data
#define BCMATTACHFN(_fn) _fn
#define BCMPREATTACHDATA(_data) _data
#define BCMPREATTACHFN(_fn) _fn
#define BCMINITDATA(_data) _data
#define BCMINITFN(_fn) _fn
#define BCMUNINITFN(_fn) _fn
#define BCMNMIATTACHFN(_fn) _fn
#define BCMNMIATTACHDATA(_data) _data
#define CONST const
#if defined(BCM47XX) && defined(__ARM_ARCH_7A__) && !defined(OEM_ANDROID)
#define BCM47XX_CA9
#undef BCM47XX_CA9
#endif /* BCM47XX && __ARM_ARCH_7A__ && !OEM_ANDROID */
#if defined(mips) || defined(BCM47XX_CA9)
#define BCMFASTPATH __attribute__ ((__section__ (".text.fastpath")))
#define BCMFASTPATH_HOST __attribute__ ((__section__ (".text.fastpath_host")))
#endif /* BCMFASTPATH */
/* Use the BCMRAMFN() macro to tag functions in source that must be included in RAM (excluded from
* ROM). This should eliminate the need to manually specify these functions in the ROM config file.
* It should only be used in special cases where the function must be in RAM for *all* ROM-based
* chips.
#define BCMRAMFN(_fn) _fn
#define STATIC static
/* Bus types */
#define SI_BUS 0 /* SOC Interconnect */
#define PCI_BUS 1 /* PCI target */
#define PCMCIA_BUS 2 /* PCMCIA target */
#define SDIO_BUS 3 /* SDIO target */
#define JTAG_BUS 4 /* JTAG */
#define USB_BUS 5 /* USB (does not support R/W REG) */
#define SPI_BUS 6 /* gSPI target */
#define RPC_BUS 7 /* RPC target */
/* Allows size optimization for single-bus image */
#define BUSTYPE(bus) (bus)
/* Allows size optimization for single-backplane image */
#define CHIPTYPE(bus) (bus)
/* Allows size optimization for SPROM support */
#if defined(BCMSPROMBUS)
#elif defined(SI_PCMCIA_SROM)
/* Allows size optimization for single-chip image */
#define CHIPID(chip) (BCMCHIPID)
#define CHIPID(chip) (chip)
#define CHIPREV(rev) (rev)
/* Defines for DMA Address Width - Shared between OSL and HNDDMA */
#define DMADDR_MASK_32 0x0 /* Address mask for 32-bits */
#define DMADDR_MASK_30 0xc0000000 /* Address mask for 30-bits */
#define DMADDR_MASK_26 0xFC000000 /* Address maks for 26-bits */
#define DMADDR_MASK_0 0xffffffff /* Address mask for 0-bits (hi-part) */
#define DMADDRWIDTH_26 26 /* 26-bit addressing capability */
#define DMADDRWIDTH_30 30 /* 30-bit addressing capability */
#define DMADDRWIDTH_32 32 /* 32-bit addressing capability */
#define DMADDRWIDTH_63 63 /* 64-bit addressing capability */
#define DMADDRWIDTH_64 64 /* 64-bit addressing capability */
typedef struct {
uint32 loaddr;
uint32 hiaddr;
} dma64addr_t;
#define PHYSADDR64HI(_pa) ((_pa).hiaddr)
#define PHYSADDR64HISET(_pa, _val) \
do { \
(_pa).hiaddr = (_val); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDR64LO(_pa) ((_pa).loaddr)
#define PHYSADDR64LOSET(_pa, _val) \
do { \
(_pa).loaddr = (_val); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDR64ADD(_pa, _hi0, _lo0, _hi1, _lo1) \
do { \
uint32 _lo = (uint32)(_lo0); \
(_pa).loaddr = _lo + (uint32)(_lo1); \
(_pa).hiaddr = (uint32)(_hi0) + (uint32)(_hi1) + \
(((_pa).loaddr < _lo)? 1 : 0); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDR64ADD64BITDATA(_pa, _paorg, _hi, _lo) \
PHYSADDR64ADD((_pa), (_paorg).hiaddr, (_paorg).loaddr, (_hi), (_lo))
#define PHYSADDR64ADDOFFSET(_pa, _paorg, _offset) \
PHYSADDR64ADD((_pa), (_paorg).hiaddr, (_paorg).loaddr, 0, (_offset))
#define PHYSADDR64ROUNDUP(_pa, _paorg, _align) \
do { \
PHYSADDR64ADDOFFSET(_pa, _paorg, (uint32)((_align) - 1)); \
(_pa).loaddr = ((_pa).loaddr / (_align)) * (_align); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDR64SUB(_pa, _hi0, _lo0, _hi1, _lo1) \
do { \
uint32 _lo = (uint32)(_lo0); \
(_pa).loaddr = _lo - (uint32)(_lo1); \
(_pa).hiaddr = (uint32)(_hi0) - (uint32)(_hi1) - \
(((_pa).loaddr > _lo)? 1 : 0); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDR64SUB64BITDATA(_pa, _paorg, _hi, _lo) \
PHYSADDR64SUB((_pa), (_paorg).hiaddr, (_paorg).loaddr, (_hi), (_lo))
#define PHYSADDR64SUBOFFSET(_pa, _paorg, _offset) \
PHYSADDR64SUB((_pa), (_paorg).hiaddr, (_paorg).loaddr, 0, (_offset))
#ifdef BCMDMA64OSL
typedef dma64addr_t dmaaddr_t;
#define PHYSADDRHI(_pa) PHYSADDR64HI(_pa)
#define PHYSADDRHISET(_pa, _val) PHYSADDR64HISET(_pa, _val)
#define PHYSADDRLO(_pa) PHYSADDR64LO(_pa)
#define PHYSADDRLOSET(_pa, _val) PHYSADDR64LOSET(_pa, _val)
#define PHYSADDRADD(_pa, _hi0, _lo0, _hi1, _lo1) \
PHYSADDR64ADD(_pa, _hi0, _lo0, _hi1, _lo1)
#define PHYSADDRADD64BITDATA(_pa, _paorg, _hi, _lo) \
PHYSADDR64ADD64BITDATA(_pa, _paorg, _hi, _lo)
#define PHYSADDRADDOFFSET(_pa, _paorg, _offset) \
PHYSADDR64ADDOFFSET(_pa, _paorg, _offset)
#define PHYSADDRROUNDUP(_pa, _paorg, _align) \
PHYSADDR64ROUNDUP(_pa, _paorg, _align)
#define PHYSADDRSUB(_pa, _hi0, _lo0, _hi1, _lo1) \
PHYSADDR64SUB(_pa, _hi0, _lo0, _hi1, _lo1)
#define PHYSADDRSUB64BITDATA(_pa, _paorg, _hi, _lo) \
PHYSADDR64SUB64BITDATA(_pa, _paorg, _hi, _lo)
#define PHYSADDRSUBOFFSET(_pa, _paorg, _offset) \
PHYSADDR64SUBOFFSET(_pa, _paorg, _offset)
typedef unsigned long dmaaddr_t;
#define PHYSADDRHI(_pa) (0)
#define PHYSADDRHISET(_pa, _val)
#define PHYSADDRLO(_pa) ((_pa))
#define PHYSADDRLOSET(_pa, _val) \
do { \
(_pa) = (_val); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDRADD(_pa, _hi0, _lo0, _hi1, _lo1) \
do { \
(_pa) = (uint32)(_lo0) + (uint32)(_lo1); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDRADDOFFSET(_pa, _paorg, _offset) \
do { \
(_pa) = (uint32)(_paorg) + (uint32)(_offset); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDRADD64BITDATA(_pa, _paorg, _hi, _lo) \
do { \
(_pa) = (uint32)(_paorg) + (uint32)(_lo); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDRROUNDUP(_pa, _paorg, _align) \
do { \
(_pa) = (((_paorg) + ((_align) - 1)) / (_align)) * (_align); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDRSUB(_pa, _hi0, _lo0, _hi1, _lo1) \
do { \
(_pa) = (uint32)(_lo0) - (uint32)(_lo1); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDRSUB64BITDATA(_pa, _paorg, _hi, _lo) \
do { \
(_pa) = (uint32)(_paorg) - (uint32)(_lo); \
} while (0)
#define PHYSADDRSUBOFFSET(_pa, _paorg, _offset) \
do { \
(_pa) = (uint32)(_paorg) - (uint32)(_offset); \
} while (0)
#endif /* BCMDMA64OSL */
#define PHYSADDRISZERO(_pa) (PHYSADDRLO(_pa) == 0 && PHYSADDRHI(_pa) == 0)
/* One physical DMA segment */
typedef struct {
dmaaddr_t addr;
uint32 length;
} hnddma_seg_t;
#define MAX_DMA_SEGS 8
typedef struct {
void *oshdmah; /* Opaque handle for OSL to store its information */
uint origsize; /* Size of the virtual packet */
uint nsegs;
hnddma_seg_t segs[MAX_DMA_SEGS];
} hnddma_seg_map_t;
/* packet headroom necessary to accommodate the largest header in the system, (i.e TXOFF).
* By doing, we avoid the need to allocate an extra buffer for the header when bridging to WL.
* There is a compile time check in wlc.c which ensure that this value is at least as big
* as TXOFF. This value is used in dma_rxfill (hnddma.c).
#if defined(BCM_RPC_NOCOPY) || defined(BCM_RCP_TXNOCOPY)
/* add 40 bytes to allow for extra RPC header and info */
#if defined(BCM47XX_CA9)
#endif /* linux && BCM47XX_CA9 */
/* Packet alignment for most efficient SDIO (can change based on platform) */
#ifndef SDALIGN
#define SDALIGN 32
/* Headroom required for dongle-to-host communication. Packets allocated
* locally in the dongle (e.g. for CDC ioctls or RNDIS messages) should
* leave this much room in front for low-level message headers which may
* be needed to get across the dongle bus to the host. (These messages
* don't go over the network, so room for the full WL header above would
* be a waste.).
#if defined(NO_BCMDBG_ASSERT)
/* Macros for doing definition and get/set of bitfields
* Usage example, e.g. a three-bit field (bits 4-6):
* #define <NAME>_M BITFIELD_MASK(3)
* #define <NAME>_S 4
* ...
* regval = R_REG(osh, &regs->regfoo);
* field = GFIELD(regval, <NAME>);
* regval = SFIELD(regval, <NAME>, 1);
* W_REG(osh, &regs->regfoo, regval);
#define BITFIELD_MASK(width) \
(((unsigned)1 << (width)) - 1)
#define GFIELD(val, field) \
(((val) >> field ## _S) & field ## _M)
#define SFIELD(val, field, bits) \
(((val) & (~(field ## _M << field ## _S))) | \
((unsigned)(bits) << field ## _S))
/* define BCMSMALL to remove misc features for memory-constrained environments */
#define bcmspace FALSE /* if (bcmspace) code is discarded */
#define BCMSPACE
#define bcmspace TRUE /* if (bcmspace) code is retained */
/* Max. nvram variable table size */
#define MAXSZ_NVRAM_VARS 4096
/* WL_ENAB_RUNTIME_CHECK may be set based upon the #define below (for ROM builds). It may also
* be defined via makefiles (e.g. ROM auto abandon unoptimized compiles).
#ifdef BCMLFRAG /* BCMLFRAG support enab macros */
extern bool _bcmlfrag;
#if defined(WL_ENAB_RUNTIME_CHECK) || !defined(DONGLEBUILD)
#define BCMLFRAG_ENAB() (_bcmlfrag)
#elif defined(BCMLFRAG_DISABLED)
#define BCMLFRAG_ENAB() (0)
#define BCMLFRAG_ENAB() (1)
#define BCMLFRAG_ENAB() (0)
#endif /* BCMLFRAG_ENAB */
#ifdef BCMSPLITRX /* BCMLFRAG support enab macros */
extern bool _bcmsplitrx;
#if defined(WL_ENAB_RUNTIME_CHECK) || !defined(DONGLEBUILD)
#define BCMSPLITRX_ENAB() (_bcmsplitrx)
#define BCMSPLITRX_ENAB() (0)
#define BCMSPLITRX_ENAB() (1)
#define BCMSPLITRX_ENAB() (0)
#endif /* BCMSPLITRX */
extern bool _bcmsplitbuf;
#if defined(WL_ENAB_RUNTIME_CHECK) || !defined(DONGLEBUILD)
#define BCM_SPLITBUF_ENAB() (_bcmsplitbuf)
#define BCM_SPLITBUF_ENAB() (0)
#define BCM_SPLITBUF_ENAB() (1)
#define BCM_SPLITBUF_ENAB() (0)
#endif /* BCM_SPLITBUF */
/* Max size for reclaimable NVRAM array */
#ifdef DL_NVRAM
#endif /* DL_NVRAM */
extern uint32 gFWID;
#endif /* _bcmdefs_h_ */